Behold! My not-so-compact live performance eurorack rig.

Top row: IO to and from an analog line level mixer. The Hapax comes into the system via the FH2 and its two exapnders modules in the centre. Also connected to the Hapax is a midi footswitch used for hands-free control of various things whilst shredding on other instruments :-P

Middle row: everything to the right of Exchange is a monophonic voice. Everything to the left of Exchange is a paraphonic voice (sort of). Exchange acts as a router/mute for x3 aux sends from the external mixer to the three effects modules top right. It also patches between a small number of modulation sources and destinations. The Dimension Mk3 is controlled via midi from the Hapax. Bolted to the side of the case is an Expert Sleepers Tiny Midi Breakout module for connection from the FH-2 to the Dimension Mk3. This allows FH-2 to simaltaniously convert midi to CV for the A-140, Happy Nerding x3 VCA and pass polyphonic note-on/note-off data to the Dimension.

Bottom row - starting from the left: the Waver is for the monophonic voice above. Stardust = my looper pedal for Eurorack - controlled from my midi footswitch. Everything from Assimil8or to the Prism is a voice - intended for percussion (only four channels of audio are utilised at present. The Assimil8or's midi expander is bolted onto the side of the case for midi connection to the Hapax.

In my journey to create a midi/CV hybrid system I've discovered that midi in Eurorack is somewhat under developed. Where midi is implemented, it's often fundamentally compromised in one way or another. For Example: the FH-2 does support USB hubs but doesn't do midi thru of any sort, ever, anywhere; the Dimension has no midi CC implementation whatsoever; Hapax does have great midi routing and thru options but doesn't support USB hubs at all. Why?! [face-palm]

Midi has a way to go in Eurorack land.