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Here's a live jam I recorded today. Some patch notes:

  • Mixing and recording in AUM on the iPad. I just set it up for send busses. So several sounds now go through my FX Aid lo-fi reverb at the same time. The main synth that starts the track and the bass line go through Electus Versio. All of this is of course orchestrated through an ES-9.
  • Bass - Ensemble. Main synth - bOSC (CEM3340). Icy second main synth in the break - Klavis Twin Waves. Noise - Error Instruments Tele Blender Asia version.
  • Bass line generated with Zadar. Icy synth sequenced with Transient 8s. Main synth is S&H through an attenuator and quantiser. Drums with a combination of PNW and RCD + Pico RND.

What do you think?

I really enjoyed that. Great dynamics and a lot of cool sounds and mixing in the different parts. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

Approved! 6:40 is perfection.

Approved! 6:40 is perfection.
-- FredFoxtrott

Thank you! Many people seem to like the fuzzy reverby feedbacky bit at the end ;)