& the link because... well, jpgs are useless...

the thumbnail doesn't match the rack though!!!
pip slope & adsr: depends if you use both of them or not - I'd try taking the adsr out & see if it makes a difference to your patching... why the adsr & not the pip slope - it's quite big and will free up more space... if you decide you do need an adsr - there are smaller ones...
filters: get the one(s) you like the sound of best...
layout: I'd probably move maths (& the adsr if you decide to keep it) down and the filter & veils up - order depends on if you usually go vco->filter->vca or vco->vca->filter... I'd probably try to move the midi module up (to the left of pams)
suggestions: more modulation (batumi or another similar sized quad lfo), attenuators, switches, a matrix mixer, a multi-fx module (I like fx aid pro)... but by the time you add those you'll need a bigger rack (get a mantis!)
-- JimHowell1970
Thanks so much for this feedback! Going to take the time today to rearrange the modules. You're probably right. Might not even need the DUAL ADSR. At least, not at the moment. And good shout on the Mantis case!
Also yes, you discovered my issue when pasting the link. My rack didn't populate properly. Not sure why!