Ok thanks a lot! Will do that then ;)
Hello there,
Just recently sold my make noise semi-modular (0-coast, 0-ctrl & strega), to buy a sequential take 5, I was just missing so much playing the keys and doing chords, i'm really glad with it but I'm already missing the modular way of pathching and stuff (i'm a total beginner btw).
I still have few modules, that I bought or were offered to me and I want to expand my system quite a bit. I've recently looked at Monotrail Tech Talks videos and I tought it was really inspiring, and made me understand more things I guess.
This is my current setup :
I have a small clone of Clouds and a Music Thing modular too (plus a Folktek Alter X Pedal), I've decided to buy a Behringer go rack, just to get started and have enough hps. (regardless of everything that i know and read about behringer and this case in particular)
I was just wondering what to get next to improve my setup, my thoughts are on :
-Intellijel Quad VCA
-Happy Nerding 3x MIA
-Another Oscillator
-Another Filter
Am i heading in the right direction ? I just want to have fun with my system, understand things better. I want to do mainly ambient generative stuff, drone, noise and experimental stuff.
Yeah, I already have the 0-ctrl and the strega, that's what I meant by saying "Make Noise Cheap Easel", sorry if that wasn't very precise!
Well, not really starting modular for real for now, but things has moved a bit, and I'm gonna start a full 54 hour week training in synthesis next week.
My setup is like this for now :
-Make Noise Cheap Easel (I'll soon get the 0-coast)
-Moog M-32 (not mine, won't keep it for long)
-Drumbrute Impact
-Line 6 DL4
-Boss SD1
-Angry Driver
-Big Muff Bass
-Folktek Alter x
-Doepfer A-100 LC1 (that I'll get from a friend soon) with DIY Braids, Clouds & Ear
-Plus VCV Rack2 and all kind of plugins in Reaper
I'm clearly not mastering every part of this setup now, but I hope to very soon.
I want to buy a Keystep 37 to control the 0-coast better, considering that I don't have any controller as for now.
I also kind of want to buy a Tiptop Mantis case like pretty soon and get some modules, a few, to complete this setup.
I just don't know what modules to get with ths setup, I think that in effects I'm pretty good with what I have for now, same goes for oscillators.
Maybe some random generators, enveloppe, filters, switch, logic, mixers, looper, sampler, utilites or CV modulation would be good?
Maybe a all in one module, like the Disting, Pam Pro Workout, Ornament & Crime or something like that?
I'm not a big fan of menu diving but maybe that's the first good module to start?
Hello there,
Not playing modular synths for now, just playing Strega & 0-ctrl, M-32, Drumbrute Impact, some pedals and some plugins, but can't wait to buy my first rack and modules, won't be that long now, I hope!
Anway, let me know what you think about what I did, it's mainly improvisations !
Thanks for taking the time to answer me.
Yes you're right about it all, I've considererd what you said and yes and I'm going to redesign from start my rack, and planning to use a Mantis rack or a Case From Lake rack (don't know why, but I like the 1U modules hehe, just maybe for utilities yeah)
About the MI modules, yes I know that, planning on buying clones on second hand modules.
Don't know why but I like the turing machine too, maybe just not use all the expanders yeah, and why not try marbles.
Same goes for ramapage and maths, I've looked up both and even now, don't know what module is best for my use (maybe I should start by knowing what I really want to do, that will surely help!), but yeah math was my first choice.
And again, you're right, same goes for the sound sources, I just wanna be sure that I had enough, but 2-3 is already enough for a rack that size I suppose?
Didn't know about the size of the modules and for the 2hp modules then, thanks for the advice!
I'll repost my rack when I'll be satisfied with it, if I could get your opinion then, would be great!
Thanks again!
Hello there,
I just wanted to have opinions or my rack, knowing if i could supress some modules or change things for the best, even get a smaller rack, why not!
Hey there, sorry for the response time.
First of all, thanks to you all to have taken to time to answer me and to try to guide me throughout this journey, very kind and useful.
1/ Alltvin
Thanks a lot, I read it a bit, very useful indeed. I'll get back to it when I'll be more comfortable with the modules.
2/ Lugia
My english isn't that perfect so I didn't get everything you told me, but I've got the main parts ahah.
Yes my first thought was to get an 0-COAST and a 3-tier rack to complete the "Cheapsel" but at one point I wasn't so sure, I just wanted to jump directly into the modular, but I've realised now that it isn't the best solution for me now.
About the Intellijel, yeah you're probably right, money wise too. I just didn't wanted a big thing to start (Tiptop Audio Mantos), considering what I want to do, but as I've seen everywhere, everyone said that it's the best option, so why not. It was the 1U row and the options that attracted me, but I know that it's clearly not a good reason to buy it. Thinking of a getting a controller too, but maybe just the Keystep 37 to start with.
3/ sacguy71
I was already using VCV rack, but I gave up, not really my thing at the moment. But now with the V2 and my growing knowledge, I've took it back, and yeah, wonderful idea, don't know why I didn't do it before. I'll buy the Patch & Tweak book too. Patience is the key in this world.
Thanks a lot!
Hello there,
My name's Clément. I've been playing and using synths since 2018-2019. Starting slow with a Korg Volca Modular, then a Korg Minilogue, then an Arturia Microfreak, then a Moog Mother-32 and some other hardware and software synths. By watching videos on youtube and playing synths alone and with my friends, I've been more and more fascinated by the modular world (as we all are obviously). I then got the hands on a Make Noise Strega and a 0-CTRL, I've been so glad and happy with those two. I also got a DIY arduino synth made with an arcade stick, which works in his own way and is wonderful, but unfortunately, there's no CV or any other possibilities of modulation, so it's kind of a only live instrument.
Anyway, I've decided to really start my journey into modular synths, but I need some advices about what to get first. My idea was to keep the Strega & 0-CTRL and then starting slow by buying just a rack and one or two modules, just to give more possibilities to those twos, then surely switch to full modular at one point, just take the time to understand better each module I'll get. I've already choose my first rack and it's gonna be an Intellijel Palette 104 HP.
I mostly want to do drone / noise / ambient kind of stuff, no drums, no melodies, just play with noises and sounds. Experimental thingy. I also want to be able to use my guitar or bass with the modular (as I do with Strega), but maybe in a second time.
I was thinking that my first modules didn't need to be sound sources, maybe any other things that can help me expand my Strega & 0-CTRL. I'm lost in the sea of brands and modules.
Sorry for the long post, but I think it was necessary if I wanted my request to be precise.
Hope you can help me and have a great day!