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Thanks @oliodnb for the suggestions - I'll check out White Gallop and Numeric Repetitor for sure. I need to make the plunge soon - Christmas is coming!! : )


I've gone from a Neutron/Keystep/SQ1 to a Deepmind 12 (totally wrong move and now sold) to an O-Coast (totally the right move!) I'd like to add a few modules, but not sure where to go next??

I think the gap I may have is that I don't have something driving rhythm into my tinkering and I've some poor/weak effects on my mixer. I suspect a bank of VCAs and Mutable Instruments Grids may be a good option? Pamela? Muxlicer? Or perhaps Erica PICO dsp could be a good tool to bring on board to help me figure out what I'm missing through easy-access trial and error - albeit I prefer knobs and wires over menus...

Any thoughts on quirky pairings that have some depth for a pair of semi-modulars would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
