I'm primarily a drummer and already do a lot of electronic percussion stuff. I'm also a synth lover and have a small collection of quirky digital synths (a korg M3 rack, Blofeld, and an Organelle). I've been watching eurorack from the sidelines for awhile and thinking a lot about what I'd like to do.
I mainly interested in pulsey, winding, spacey, analog patches that have a rhythmic component but aren't about sounding like drums or even sample based in any way. Frippertronics would be a good frame of reference. And I'm mainly interested in happy accidents and live performance - I guess what they call west coast style.
I started with a Subharmonicon and love it. Eventually I found a used DFAM and dig the combo. I wanted a good normalish synth but wasn't bowled over by the mother 32 or behringers. Was strong for an 0-coast but fell in love with demos I saw of the Pittsburgh Modular Voltage Research Lab. It seemed to be the kind of quirky + learning platform that I'm after and I just snagged one. But now I need an actual case! And also a strategy for building around these things. Space wise, I can do at most 3 X 90. Smaller if I leave the moogs in their own skiffs.
I don't need effects or samples. I'm pretty handy with PiSound/Organelle effects and just run the two moogs through a pisound running modep and control it using the computer or an android app. I'm mainly interested in things that would expand the quirks of what I have in terms of evolving sequences and weirdness. I need to focus on small as I have limited space and blew a lot of it on 3 large modules.
I have a beatstep pro and a McMillan Qunexus for triggering though I don't much care for beatstep's way of programming sequences compared to the more fun/random ways the subharm and dfam work.
Anyway, thx in advance for any suggestions!