My renegade party days are behind me, but as a thought experiment I put together a little travel rig for the mission at hand out of stuff I already have. More often than not, when I'm sitting at the rack exploring, I am pursuing Emptyset-ish or Surgeon-ish sounds. In fact, a considerable part of my rack is dedicated to music like that. Through more trial and error than I'd like to admit, I've settled on about 208hp of modular (plus a few outboard pieces) for that kind of stuff. I tried to make it smaller than that, but one of the constraints I will NOT give myself is cramped tiny modules with minimal or confusing controls and knotted cable spaghetti blocking the knobs. That's one of those things you only learn after trying it and failing miserably. A larger case has more to do with building a playable instrument than chasing a dragon or consumerism, at least for me and many others that participate in this forum. We all have our own process and self-imposed limitations, often philosophical/artistic/aesthetic, often financial, often spatial... I'm not Emptyset or Surgeon, and I'm definitely not a wealthy man, but I have an artistic vision too, in fact multiple different visions, approaches, and projects at any given time.
Another trial and error process led me to purchase and ultimately get rid of most of my Noise Engineering modules. For me, the UI and sounds didn't match the experience and results I was working towards. Doesn't mean they won't work for someone else, but I'm hesitant to recommend them now. There are several euro manufacturers like that for me, but I only know that after trying them out for myself.
So anyway, here's my portable thought experiment crushing, dissonant, and chaotic rack. Some rhythm, some noise, some distortion, some feedback, some lo-fi... Take the suggestions or leave them.