Just added my second rack (A-100 LC9). Next step: "Fill it up!"
Just added my second rack (A-100 LC9). Next step: "Fill it up!"
If you like autonomous atmospheric drones then I can recommend the Titan Capsule Modules by Eowave (). These seven modules constitute a complete, traditional (i.e. twin VCO, VCF, VCA, ADSR, dual LFO and Mixer) synthesizer voice specially designed to create atmospherics. These modules are very reasonably priced and take up only 40HU of rack space; I have a set in my own modular system.
A BPM Clock module such as ALM Pamela's Workout or ProModular Cloq can be used to keep all your sequencers in sync.
You may also benefit from a syncable LFO (i.e. A-145 or A-147) instead of the A-146 module (which is NOT syncable); this will allow you to (e.g.) reset filter sweeps at the beginning of each bar.
I would also invest in a clock divider and a clock sequencer (i.e. A-160 & A-161), both of which my be used to generate timing/sync events.
Just added the Fonitronik MH11 ADC Sequencer - Absolutely BRILL piece of kit !
Now I can make atmospheric drones (a la Eowave Titan modules) AND super-funky sequenced rhythms (with all the rest) !
Hi Fitz!
I think a lot of people here on MGN would be glad to offer thier opinions and advice, however, any advice would be premature without knowing the intended purpose of your modular system;
Will it be used as part of an existing home/studio setup ?
Will it be primarily monophonic / duophonic / polyphonic ?
What type of external controllers will you use ? (MIDI Keyboard, USB link to a Computer, CV+Gate Sequencer, Ribbon Controller. etc.)
Will it comprise classic synth modules (VCO - VCF - VCA, ADSR, etc.) or more experimental / combination modules, or a mix of both ?
The more info you give the MGN community the more it can collectively help you.
Yo Sunfalls! You need to shift each module in your rack 1HU to the left - you appear to have "gone off the rails."
Without an A-154 Enhanced Sequencer Controller you may want to throw in a couple of switches, the Doepfer A-150 and/or A-151, for example.
And while you're about it, slap in a Doepfer A-160 Clock Divider and an A-161 Clock Sequencer (all four modules only 16U).
Also, if you're looking for the epitome of non-randomness, a logic module (or two) like the inexpensive Doepfer A-166 or the Intellijel PLog or Spock modules, possibly also a pattern generator like the Pittsburgh Timetable or Mutable Grids 'Topographic Drum Sequencer' or just about any other Euclidean sequencer for that matter, particularly the RebelTech Stoicheia and Klasmata, and talking about sequencers, you could probably make good use of a MakeNoise Rene cartesian sequencer, and you could do with a Mutable Anushri voice module ... Er. ... and you'll probably gonna want another 9U frame. ...
Just installed the Eowave modules and they're absolument magnifique!
The Zone B.F. dual LFO is quite cool but would benefit from CV control of wave-shape.
The twin Titan VCOs sound brill when driven with separate pitch-VCs from my Dark-Time sequencer.
The Magnetosphere filter's CV inputs make for some magnificent yowling and screeching sounds, but I found the VCA a little too discrete.
Stoll-on tomorrow night and a long weekend's worth of wiggling - let's see what these babies can do.
Drool Factor Nine-Hundred, Man!
But my bank manager would have me defenestrated.
Over nine and a half grand before you even see an electricity bill.
@FSK1138 Calm down man! I'm not into YouTwitt or MyFace either, and I'm certainly not implying that you can't have an opinion - just that your opinion in this particular instance is unencumbered by recognisable facts. Also, it's patently obvious from your "This Is Real" rig here on ModularGrid that you must be into amelodic "experimental" music. Who here isn't, to some degree? I'm not averse to experimenting in the studio myself, I have a dual trace oscilloscope in the corner of my studio workbench.
As for the eternal "Why am I here?" Good question! It's been puzzling mankind since our ancestors first developed cognitive thought, but I'm sorry, I don't have the answer to that one.
If you mean why am I here on ModularGrid however, the answer is, exactly the same as you! Whether you use chaos theory and a bunch of MakeNoise modules or prefer the classic 'subtractive synthesis' and sequential melodic approach makes no difference, in the long run. We're all here because we love synthesized music and either plan to take, or have recently taken, the plunge into modular systems.
Why haven't you got a MIDI-IN module, guy? It's the only decent use of a MIDI cable, to turn passionless digital data into, polytimbral, multitonal analogue audio vibrations. ... But that's just my opinion.
@FSK1138, the man who apparently owns a couple of Pittsburgh Sequencer modules, but who blithely states that "sequencers are overrated" and continues with the broad assertation that "you can do everything with lfos, adsr, fu[n]ction generaters [sic] and delay" - Surely not! You can't program a specific melodic sequence into the collection of modules you mentioned, unless you want to spend hours patching together an elaborate array of function generators and observing the results on an oscilloscope. The only part of your comment I can agree with is your closing statement.
Keyboards? Who needs 'em?
"Go without a sequencer," you say? Are you a comedian? I'd rather go without a bloody keyboard!
I saw Tangerine Dream on their Rubycon/Ricochet tour in the mid-70's and was hooked on sequencers after hearing what Chris Franke did with 'em. I also saw Pink Floyd on their Animals tour in '77 where they performed the track 'On The Run' from the Dark Side of The Moon album (I'm listening to it ATM, BTW), which contains perhaps the most famous 8-step sequence of all time, using an EMS Synthi AKS. Like I stated earlier, I'm a tiny bit Old School!
My ultimate system would include an Analogue Solutions Oberkorn stand-alone sequencer as well as a plethora of Eurorack CV sequencer modules like the TipTop Audio Z8000 Matrix Sequencer, at least two Pittsburgh Sequencers and maybe even a MakeNoise Rene Cartesian Sequencer, among others. Not to mention the trigger/gate sequencers such as TipTop's Trigger Riot, either (or both) of the Euclidean Sequencers from Rebel Technology, or the upcoming and mind-blowingly monster Doepfer A-157-1 Analogue Trigger Sequencer. Add to this all of the peripheral VCOs, VCFs, VCAs, Envelopes and Drum Modules and your looking at a pretty large modular system and a correspondingly large hole in my bank account.
Talking of rhythm/trigger sequencers, I've just today been in contact with Mickey Delp regarding the purchase of one of his Delptronics Trigger Man modules which should be in my grubby mitts sometime in October. I'll soon by saying 'bye, bye' to the SR-18!
I've just looked up the Elektron Analog Four and it looks real cool!
Hi Man! Everything is grooving along quite nicely with my new Doepfer Dark-Time/Dark-Energy setup, I've just managed to sync everything with my Alesis SR18 Drum Machine but I've never been happy with digital equipment and I can't wait to replace the SR18 with analogue modules.
I'm an 'Old School' synthesizer bloke myself, well used to the classic VCO - VCF - VCA way of thinking, where every module has a specific function and an easy-to-remember acronym or abbreviation which is derived from it's ultimate use within a modular system; ADSR, LFO, RM, Nz, S&H, and the like. These "new fangled" modules such as the MakeNoise Maths or the Intellijel Korgasmatron bloody intimidate me too. Which is why I've sought an independent opinion from someone with personal experience. Ta very much!
I am thinking very seriously about having a Maths module in my system, but it costs more than a Doepfer A-155 Sequencer which must be catered for before I splash out on any MakeNoise gear
Regarding my impending modular system, I've just two hours ago painted my A-100 LCB case a funky blue - the same colour as my car, as it happens - and as soon as I get paid next Friday I'll be ordering my first batch of modules from EMIS and PostModular here in the UK. Whoopee!
My planned initial setup is here:
Thanks for your input, man. I should get around to ordering a Maths module sometime around Christmas this year. Can't ever see me owning a Moskwa, though. They're a bit too expensive for my liking, and if I'm gonna spend that much on an 8-step sequencer I'd rather grab myself an ADC Pattern Sequencer by Fonitronik - or a couple of Pittsburgh Sequencers for the same price. The Moskwa certainly looks the dogs bollocks!
Yo, Upright! That's a fine looking system but I wonder how long it's gonna take you to realise that you want/need another Moskwa and an Ostankino sequencer controller to run 'em both.
Have you spent much time with the MakeNoise Maths module yet? I've recently started looking seriously at it and would like a honest opinion without the sales pitch, regarding ease-of-use, value-for-money, fun-factor, etc. I've looked at a number of YouTube clips about the module but remain undecided; it takes up a large amount of rack real-estate and the price is not negligable here in the UK.
This is my EuroRack Modular System as of the end of September 2013, which I'll be expanding with an A-100 LC9 (3 x 84HU) in November.
It is currently supplemented by an Alesis SR-18 Drum Machine, a Doepfer Dark-Time/Energy Seq/Synth-Combo, a Behringer UMX49 Keyboard Controller and a Behringer Xenyx 1002FX Mixing Unit.
I intend to add more modules every month, alternating between Doepfer stuff (from http://www.emismusic.co.uk/) and all other manufaturers (via http://postmodular.co.uk/).
Some of you guys out there in ModularGridLand may think it's a bit too "Old School" for your liking, but that's me! I bought my first synth, a Yamaha CS-30, way back in 1979, but I had to sell it when my kids arrived on the scene in the mid-80's. I've only recently gotten round to buying a replacement nearly thirty years later and feel more comfortable with the traditional VCO - VCF - VCA style of subtractive synthesis. I'll maybe get around to incorporating some wacky new gear such as a Corgasmatron or a Maths module later next year.
In the meantime I'm enjoying making synthesized music again.
Thanks to Solitud for his bloody brilliant website and to all you wigglers out there in the ModularGrid dimension for your inspiration and suggestions. Wiggle on!
You don't need to fill your modular cabinet(s) in one fell swoop (as Shakespeare would have it). I've just ordered my Dark Energy/Time bundle along with an empty A-100 LCB low-cost base cabinet (2x84HP) which I'll be stuffing full of modules over the next few months. This initial setup will be expanded by the addition of an A-100 LC9 (or LC6) at some future date, hopefully resulting in a pretty decent 5x84HP (or 4x84HP) Eurorack system by the middle of next year. The first batch of Doepfer gear should be arriving this Wednesday (4th Sept) with the first row of modules (all Doepfer) planned for the beginning of October.
What have you decided in the end?
That's a tiny modular system, Upright. I predict that it will not be long before you'll be upgrading to a larger cabinet and adding some more modules. I see that you're already looking at the Moskwa sequencer on your other rack here at Modular Grid.
I can't wait until the new year when I should have enough dosh for my first modular - probably all Doepfer. In the meantime, I'm gonna have to be satisfied with a Doepfer Dark-Energy/Dark-Time combo but all of the modular vendors here in the UK are on holiday until the end of August, so I'm gonna have to wait even for these semi-modular goodies.
I really like the linear pots on the Dual ADSR module because they give the eye a graphic representation of the generated envelope, unlike rotary pots which require closer examination. The module's single downfall is its 14HP width, but for people like me with poor eyesight, this new offering by Intelligel is a "must buy".
What case/cabinet will you be using?
This is how I hope to expand My January 2014 EuroRack () by July next year. It's a bit more interesting as it contains modules other than Doepfer; mainly Intellijel, Circuit Abbey, Pittsburgh Modular and TipTop Audio. It appears that I may have difficulty in obtaining the Pittsburgh Modular gear tho'.
The intention is to buy another A-100P9 case and re-arrange all new and existing modules into this monster configuration.
I've also recreated my super-droolsome system as two separate ModularGrid racks: A-100P9 Left () and A-100P9 Right (
Again, any constructive criticisms or advice will be gladly taken on board.
This is the all-Doepfer EuroRack starter modular I plan to purchase in January 2014 - I'm ordering my A-100 Owners Manual tomorrow, so the rack layout may change a little after I've absorbed all the information it contains.
What do you fellow wigglers think?
Any constructive criticism will be gladly accepted, whereas all adverse comments will be treated with derision, mashed into a crun and immediately forgotten.
Pamela's Workout by ALM Busy Circuits is the Clock of all Clocks, if you ask me. To answer your question, however, you can dispense with a dedicated clock if you don't mind losing the use of a square-wave LFO, but you should consider using a Pulse/Clock Divider in conjunction (with an LFO).
Neither of these oscillators are a bad choice - they feature regularly in my own dream/drool racks - but relegating a perfectly good VCO to lowly modulation duties would break my heart - personally, I would prefer to install a dedicated LFO (or several)
You may want to consider swapping one of your three VCOs for another VCF to compliment the Polivoks. I would, in addition, swap the Shuffling Clock Multiplier for something more useful such as an LFO.
To run a guitar (or most anything else) through a synth I would recommend the Doepfer A-119 External Inpuit/Envelope Follower, perhaps coupled with an Inverse/Offset Attenuator.
Regarding the construction of my own powered custom Euro-rack modular case(s), I plan to use the Z-Rails, Bus-Boards and Power Interfaces manufactured by TipTop Audio.
When I saw this module on the AS website today I almost spilled my drink.
The absolute epitome of analogue sequencers now in Eurorack format - party time, excellent!
Black and White options will be available - white units are now ready for shipping, but apparently, the black panel option will be the standard.
Thanks! I saw this clip during my searches, but it's not very informative.
I'm beginning to think that the EMW-S101 [http://www.modulargrid.net/e/emw-sequencer-101] may be a better alternative as it offers individual step control (only 'ON' or 'SKIP', tho') for only a few more greenbacks.
Having observed the dearth of information on the EMW website, however, I'm beginning to thing that this unit may also be a bit dodgy.
I'm thinking of grabbing one or two of them for my own system but was unable to find any user-reviews or videos on the module.
They don't appear to be particularly sophisticated but they sure are cheap!
Does anyone actually own and use these things?