I'm right there with you, I'll try to use that argument to try and hold my purchase for as long as I can, but it's really tempting, not sure if I know another module that can handle 32 channels of CV automation (that's the way I'd use it, I guess)...

--- Voltage control all the things ---

That's a Unicorn account feature, max HP for free users is 168, but it's 432 for Unicorns: https://modulargrid.net/e/users/pro_index

--- Voltage control all the things ---

@GunnarWaage, are you referring to my post ?

-- Slim

I don't think I made reference to anyone in particular.

-- GunnarWaage

You did make a reference to something, so if it's not this one, which one? "This post" refers to a single post in a thread...

--- Voltage control all the things ---

I've had the pleasure to interract with 2 great guys recently:

@Fungus sold me 2 modules in perfect state, carefully package for shipping, and he kept an eye on the shipping even while travelling to another continent. Super trustworthy and a great buying experience overall.

@KitKatAndy sold me a hard-to-get module for a very decent price and it arrived in minth state, not even a speck of dust. He was super patient with me when I asked a thousand questions, and offered quality advice. I definitely would trust him again with a purchase, and good to note, he can build you the entire NLC catalog amongst other things ;-)

Thank you both again !

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Unfortunately, I have to report back with negative opinions: none of the oscilloscopes linked above are, IMO, suitable for monitoring signals like a Mordax DATA or VCV's Scope can do, they are like most VST oscilloscopes I've tried, focused on monitoring audio waveforms specifically.
I'm reverting back to VCV, until someone finally comes along and makes a better one. If I'm desperate enough, I might pull the VCV code and see if I can make my own version that allows zooming...

--- Voltage control all the things ---

I currently use VCV's oscilloscope but the inability to resize to full screen is a real bummer.

I plan to try those over the weekend to see if any could fit the bill a little better:




--- Voltage control all the things ---


--- Voltage control all the things ---

Good day/evening !

First let me say that it is great your took the time to explain your goals, and also that you plan on taking your time and learning your system before spending too much on stuff you won't use !

Regarding your goals:

  • Learn sound design basics: the Internet is filled with great resources for learning sound design basics and also important, the basics of synthesis with modular, I suppose you could learn both together with VCV for free. Not sure where you are in your learning journey so I won't recommend too many things, but I'll mention https://learningmodular.com/ which I found to be an excellent place to start for absolute beginners. DivKid on Youtube makes a lot of videos that are mostly about one specific module but highy informative and full of great patching ideas, so watching a video review of a VCA module will most likely teach you a bunch about VCAs in general. For a more complete list, have a look at pinned threads on ModWiggler Eurorack forums. For books, Patch & Tweak is an obvious recommendation to learn about the format, I will never let go of mine.
  • Generative / dark ambient music: eurorack is a fantastic format for this but you will most likely need a few more utilities, i.e. more modules. A Pam's and an O&C if you're willing to use screens and menus can easily send any build into that territory with clever pacthing. Depending on the type of generative stuff you're looking for, a Benjolin V2 is also an interesting option I think.
  • Learning how to patch bladerunner esque synth noises and futuristic sound effects, Trance music: Not my area of expertise necessarily, maybe people who make this type of music can chime in, but learning to analyze how the tracks you like are made is part of learning synthesis, I'd say. I would recommend to try not to stick to genres to much at the start to avoid frustration, I'm willing to bet you'll enjoy the sounds that will come out most of the time anyway because they will be yours ;)

For your perspectives:

  • ADSR is an interesting addition for your rack if you like that type of envelope. The Klavis Quadigy is a fantastic module offering 4 of those with a plethora of options (syncable lfo, modulation matrix, you name it), it's a bit daunting and complex especially for a beginner but well worth taking the time to learn it. Probably a great choice for that ambient project of yours too.
  • Plaits: indeed, a lot of people enjoy it in its various forms, but I would think twice before making it a priority for you. The way I see it, you already have a very capable complete voice with an open patchbay, if you're really a beginner I'd suggest taking more time to try to get more out of it while you learn about the basics of synthesis and modular... Have you tried self patching ? Did you try turning channel 1 or 4 of Math into an oscillator ? Those could be avenues to explore with what you already have ;-)
  • More modulation (maybe Pam's): I've already adressed Pam's above, it's very powerful and a great purchase for beginners willing to make do with its interface (that I personally find ok). It allows to explore a lot of modular concepts like gate patterns as modulation (with VCAs, I'll get to that) and the effect of logic, CV ins to explore modulating everything, loopable random you can turn into quantized turing machines of sorts, ... One of my first modules, still central to my setup although I tend to set&forget now that I got more performative modules. Other great choices include Ochd+Expander or Bastl Neo Trinity, the first will give you way more channels, the latter is a powerful performative cv source. There are more options so taking your time watching reviews, reading the manual and exploring options etc BEFORE a purchase is highly recommended.
  • Drums: I would not recommend it unless you're absolutely hell-bent on doing everything in eurorack (and have a bunch of cash to burn). Don't get me wrong, there are incredible options in eurorack for drums, modules and sequencers, but it all gets very very expensive very quickly. You need a nice sequencer, a few modules, VCAs, utilities, sub-mixing options probably at some point too, dedicated synced effects, it adds up in €/$ and in HP usage. Or you can get another device for that, and there the options get more interesting, less expensive and more capable. Personally, I have an Ableton Live + Push + eurorack setup so the drums live in the DAW, I program them using Push, but if you prefer to stay out of the computer world, there are things like Digitakt, or even better some devices that even have some basic modular CV I/O.
  • Utilities: you didn't mention that but I feel I should put this on your radar early. As another forum member eloquently puts it, the utilities are the polish that makes your shining modules shine. Things like the channels 2&3 of Maths, but also VCAs or logic. VCAs, for example, open the door to many interesting new techniques. Modulating the amount of another source of modulation is a good beginner-friendly example. Think for example modulating the amplitude (volume, if you prefer) of a copy of the gate pattern of your voice (coming out of your sequencer probably) with the V/Oct CV (pitch information, also from your sequencer), through a VCA, before it hits something like a timbre parameter of the voice (ex: VCO wave shape). After 10 years of "classical" synthesis, I find that's one of the greatest things of eurorack.

I hope it's not too overwhelming, sorry for the wall of text but hey, music is my passion so I'm passionate, is that so weird ? :)

Have fun,

--- Voltage control all the things ---

The new version definitely feels more complete. I'm not neccesarily for or against o_C specifically, but this is probably more manageable and playable for now. You can always find some way to fit it in there if you still want to try it later.
-- Zacksname

Fully agree, in fact something I would do if this rack was for me is remove the Dixie 2 in favor of a small O&C, the power of the Phazerville firmware is simply incredible...

--- Voltage control all the things ---

In my humble opinion, much better !
The Klavis Quadigy seems like an ideal choice for your rack, it's incredibly powerful and despite the existence of menus, the UI/UX design is great.
XAOC is also a great choice, and you might have gone for v1 in order to grab one in 2nd hand for cheap, but v2 seems like a great improvement, particularly the v/oct tracking with audio rates capabilities...
Finally, great utilities choie with the Quadratt and Noise Tools.

You seem set for a lot of sonic exploration, so ground control says "Good luck and Godspeed".

--- Voltage control all the things ---

The ES-9 price and size start to make better sense in a setup like mine, with Push as an interface for the software I can focus on instead of the mouse and pretty neat for mixing IMO, and also with willingness like mine to explore leveraging things like VCV or CV tools tu supplement the rack - perhaps I've made the mistake of suggesting better for me than for you :-D
If you're going to dedicate some space and money to an outboard mixer you don't already have, I think my advice should be to pickup up one of those mixers that has an integrated soundcard (some also offer in-built effects and what not, could be useful). Not sure about the midi connectivity though, and how important that is to you. If you really want Midi to CV as well, you have the option of getting that in the rack, picking a small sound card that can do that too, or a separate device just for that, I think there are some pretty small ones...

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Hi Mat !

I'd be tempted to suggest the Expert Sleepers ES-9, but it depends on what you mean by "mixing on hardware". If the output of that mix is a single stereo channel, it might not be for you, but I personally appreciate using it to multitrack the modular into Ableton. It has the added benefit of allowing the extensive use of things like compressors, limiters or even creative FX's on each track or buses, I can easily re-route that into the modular for more processing through physical modules, the sky is the limit... and I suppose latency is another one :-)
If you plan on sending midi information from Ableton to the modular through the ES-9, that's definitely doable with CV Tools although I believe you might need Max4Live to use those things...


--- Voltage control all the things ---

I may be mistaken, but I think you're talking about the general 4 rows limit imposed on non-Unicorn users, not related to being Buchla: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/users/pro_index

--- Voltage control all the things ---

In my honest opinion, O&C with the right firmware is more playable than Pam's - and also a totally different beast that doesn't really have the same purpose/function, in my mind at least. There's even different hardware, the OCP from Plum Audio looks pretty cool. I didn't try to learn all the modes at the same time, I'm not even sure I read about what each app does at least once, I just focus on a few for a time to add them to my "mental patching toolbox" and that's totally manageable I think, the journey of learning is fun, it's like exploring a new little utility module every few weeks/months.
If you want to have a look at what the Phazerville firmware looks like, SynthDad did a cool introduction into it and some of its modes:

Allow me to recommend again that you think about how you like to patch, what's working and what feels cumbersome or what you're not using so much for a question of interface, patching habits, etc.
Maybe you like the sound of the TD-3 filter and that's working for you, but you lack manual control and playable modulation in the rack ? In which case, instead of a filter you might not absolutely need, you could think about getting a matrix mixer, or one of those new Bastl Neo Trinity plus a 2-3hp VCA... Or maybe the discussion will just lead you to new patching ideas with the modules you already have and you'll leave a blank for some time while you figure out more about what feels missing to you. After all, that's often a good thing to do if you're in doubt, it's free and modular is not a race, you don't have to "finish your rack".
It's your custom instrument, so take your time to think about how you want it to be ;)

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Hi there !
I'm not sure adding another sound source is what your rack needs TBH - even if I would wholeheartedly recommend the TsL as it's a really great little VCO, quite powerful for its size - you already have 3 !
Personnally I'd add a filter - for example I just acquired the new Grainity, and it's amazing. It can be a filter, a sound processor, or both, depending on how you use it.
Another good candidate would be an O&C, the Phazerville firmware really brings it to a "desert-island" level module IMO, and it brings enough new functionality to your rack to stay relevant even having Pam's in there already.
There's also matrix mixers, they're often recommended for a good reason, AI Synthesis offers theirs as a kit, a very nice first soldering project if you want to try your hand at DIY.
These are mere suggestions based on my own preferences though, ultimately your question can only be answered by yourself: what are you currently missing when you patch ? Why are you thinking about the modules you mentioned (TsL and Ochd Expander) ? Answering this will help others help you ;-)
Take care !

--- Voltage control all the things ---


--- Voltage control all the things ---

Thread: Thread title

Just for perspective, I calculated that 31% of modules I bought brand new arrived broken (I probably bought like 50 new ones since I started). Given that at least half of those times, it was capacitors broken off the pcb's, I suspect most of those were due to the terrible courier services we have to deal with in Belgium being careless with the packages.
I know I'm "bonkers levels of unlucky" but as a very unlucky person, I’m kind of used to this and the stellar support made up for it, 100% of those issues were fixed super fast by the manufacturers.

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Well, looks like I owe you one !
I had not heard or read about Phazerville before but it does indeed work with my v1 version of O&C 4Robots AND it contains some of the apps of the original firmware - I was so happy when I tried the firmware, I got lost in the test patch and started wiggling filter cut off knobs for an hour.
Thanks, friend, you made my day :-)

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Can anyone using this version confirm it is compatible with Hemisphere please ?
The old hardware I use (1U O&C from Plum, 1st gen) has trouble with voltage ranges in Hemisphere so I can only run the original firmware, and that makes me sad...
Thanks in advance for sharing your experience

--- Voltage control all the things ---

death threats???
kicking your ass is not a death threat, no need to kill anybody
-- lazarusgordon

Listen, kid, threats are threats and under French law, can land you in jail regardless of whether it's a death threat or another type of threat involving an illegal activity. This is article 222-17:

The threat of committing a crime or misdemeanor against persons whose attempt is punishable is punishable by six months' imprisonment and a fine of 7,500 euros when it is either repeated or materialized in writing, an image or any other object.
The penalty is increased to three years' imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros if it involves a death threat.

You're incredibly lucky RandomProgression is a VERY nice guy, I would have definitely sued your entitled person, and definitely would not have reimbursed a single euro after receiving threats like the above...

--- Voltage control all the things ---


--- Voltage control all the things ---

On all other selling platforms it is the seller's responsibilty to up to the point of delivery regardless of insurance. Ive been on eBay for 24 years 2000+ transactions and have 300+ transactions on Reverb in the last 2 years. I've seen and experienced it all from both sides. The seller is being an asshole because he knows there's no way for you to get the money back without his approval. If he doesnt give it back I would post his info so no one else has to deal with this person.
-- obscuremachines

One very important distinction between those 2 you mention and MG using uninsured shipping + PayPal F&F is precisely the responsibility of the seller being engaged by the terms & conditions everyone agrees to prior to the deal, as opposed to here. As far as I know, both these platforms retain a portion of the sale money in order to protect the buyer until receipt, which could have been done here as well using PayPal Buyer's Protection.
Basically, a selling platform isn't the same as a classified ads section, in the latter the user is responsible for most of its security. If that same deal had happened on Modwiggler instead, I'd wager it would have gone the same way, for the same reasons.

If we're talking morals though, I personally would consider splitting the loss instead of covering the whole amount because that's what F&F means to me, as in if this happened between me and a friend of mine, we would definitely split 50/50 I think. There's also the question, which I think wasn't really cleared out, of whether the seller offered insuring the shipment and was turned down or if he/she didn't mention it at all and then says "you didn't ask for insurance, sorry, too bad for you" - first case is on the buyer, second is definitely on the assholery side :-)

Also, to be clear, linking a user name to a bad reputation in the thread created for this is totally fair game when the dust settled and one person feels they got a bad deal, but I wanted to say that posting personal info (e.g., names and addresses) is a bad idea and could land you in legal troubles.

@lazarusgordon I would suggest to wait for the result of the enquiry started by the seller, and if it doesn't succeed, you can suggest to use a State Mediator by sharing this link with him/her: https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F11064

Best of luck, I really hope La Poste finds the lost parcel soon so this ends with smiles and patch cables !

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Looking at this from the perspective of a customer, I would personally assume the risk if I used Paypal f&f. I understand there is a risk going into the transaction this way. When the postal/shipping service receives the item, the seller is absolved of responsibility for the package. It would be kind, and expected, of the shipper to help with filing lost package claims and things like that, but the seller completed his or her end of the transaction. Your concern should be with the shipping company, and demanding an adequate response from them. That's how I look at it, anyway.
-- farkas

Actually, the shipping company's customer is the seller, not the buyer. As a buyer, trying to file a complaint for lost package will be either ignored or rejected on the grounds that you did not pay for it but the seller did - at least that's been my experience.

However, I agree that if as a buyer, you chose to pay with F&F (not really a "favor to the seller" because most sellers will cascade the fees on the selling price) and did not ask for shipping insurance (arguably this is also a bit on the seller I feel, at least I personally always try to inform people buying from me of such a risk before concluding any deal), you're essentially hoping for the happy flow and accepting most of the risk if not all.

im thinkin he is trying to get "revenge" on his bad choice
-- lazarusgordon

That's just crazy paranoia IMO. Most people will try to be honest while buying/selling music gear, as long as everything is going fine. But ask yourself in all honesty, would you REALLY propose, in such a case, to send 200€ to a buyer after the module you're trying to sell gets lost in the mail ? Let's not forget that the buyer is not really at fault here and the 49 positive feedbacks probably didn't come from nowhere, that's telling me he/she is acting in good faith the majority of times... Could he/she be super nice about it and split the loss? Maybe, but not sure I personally would be very motivated for that niceness after reading things like "narcissist apes" and "shitty people"...

--- Voltage control all the things ---

If you prefer something of Menu-diving instead of combination of buttons-colors... you have https://www.modulargrid.net/e/xaoc-devices-zadar instead Quadrax
-- ferranadsr

Indeed Zadar is often categorized as EG but I'd argue it's more of a complex shape LFO than an EG one can use to control the amplification section of a voice. You can do it, but it's not a great interface for it, something like Quadrax, Nano Quart, or even Maths offer better interfaces to play with the volume envelope. I personally found Zadar annoying as a classic EG, having both Quadrax and Maths at hand... But as an LFO, it's quite unique !

You can use a second-hand Quadra instead of Quadrax, or something like Nano Modules Quart.
-- dubstepjoris

Sure Quadrax is capable of being complex but it doesn't have to be if you don't go into the menus, in fact I used mine as a simple Quadra for a (shamefuly long) while before finding time to dig in (worth the hours, for sure). With the experience I have now in Euro (a few years), I'd say that's one of the modules I will never sell, it does so much and it does it really well.
In my mind, it's a bit like buying a Maths: it's something a newcomer has very little chance of using to its full powers, but that will become useful to almost any synthesist out there once experience grows. Maths is perhaps a better teacher because it can do more different things and also because there are quite a few learning resources available for it.

Looking at the rack, I find the Quadrax and its versatility would be one of the most important modules that make the rack "interesting" for me as it covers more EG, but also linked envelopes, waveshaping synced LFO's etc. For the type of music you mention, that will come in very handy as I suspect the O&C will be forever busy with something else...
In fact, I'd even say that for the music you want to make, Quadrax + Zadar would be ll you need forever. If you would consider another voice (Odessa is HUGE for this type of rack), you could free up some space for it. That free HPs game is one you'll have to play a bit with this size of rack.

All the best for your project !

--- Voltage control all the things ---

I definitely have more thanks to give than to receive, didn't think I could be so inspired to experiment with my crossfader (Befaco Morphader) by a 3 minute video on a 1U module, but here I am, a happy viewer !

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Just wanted to say thanks for the videos you produce (not just this one), I know I'm far from being the only community member who appreciates the work you put in your content - merci merci !

--- Voltage control all the things ---

I am French. I have a deep love for French culture and language.
But I try to translate my posts into English as a courtesy to others.
-- Sweelinck

This user has been using public forums as his personal comment section for about a year, I don't think courtesy or even just interest to contribute to a community has ever been part of that user's strategy on this website and the absence of reactions from other users until now certainly didn't help in teaching them what's what...

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Small trimmers for the channel attenuverters but a large knob for the curve selection...

--- Voltage control all the things ---


--- Voltage control all the things ---

Lastly, the two hundred pound thing is a typo, right?
I would at least be able to do this for below 300 pounds, if possible.
-- Markusbjorli

ModularGrid evaluates the above rack at €4.049

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Nice idea for a thread indeed !

Same as OP, Noise Engineering is the first manufacturer that come to my mind when talking about positive experiences. I personally discussed with Markus a few times, I believe he's the guy behind the company's excellent blog, one discussion is enough to understand the company is populated by passionate people who care about the community around them.

I will add another couple more to the list:
- the people at Shakmat are generous with spreading knowledge and they're very friendly. I had the pleasure to meet the team at an event where I built one of their kits, the best part was definitely the conversation that came with the kit building.
- I had issues with Intellijel modules but their support was above standard IMHO, they fixed everything super quickly and were very friendly.

--- Voltage control all the things ---


--- Voltage control all the things ---

You should put your rack in public for people to be able to click through modules ;-)

-Clouds as main effects module. -> what do you mean by main effects module ? Don't get me wrong, Clouds is a fantastic module (I own a Beads), but I don't think it would be my first choice for a main effects module in a techno oriented rack. For me at least, techno means tempo-synced FX so depending on the available cash, I'd be looking at the NE effect module which can switch firmware, the FX Aid (XL or Pro probably), the Make Noise Mimeophon or the Intellijel Rain Maker, all useful for techno and also open to lots of experimentation. If you haven't already, get some play time with Clouds in VCV to make sure it's the right choice for you ;-)

-I'm thinking of also adding a Waveshaper like the Fold6 or maybe NE Pura Ruina. -> if you can build a kit, the Reverse Landfill Monotropa v3 is an interesting choice IMO, it's a great value module with again possibilities for experimentation outside of the obvious first use cases.

-I want to avoid "menu-diving" modules as much as possible, I know that PAM's and Ornament are great modules, but at the moment they are not among my goals. -> if there is one menu based multifunction module I'd recommend for a techno rack like yours, that's Pam's. You can send offsets to the CV inputs coming from a module with a better/larger interface for that, say an Intellijel Triplatt for example, attenuating (lol) the "playability issue" if necessary. I used to own a BIA and that thing loves synced modulation, I mean it eats modulation for breakfast, so my guess is you're going to need a lot of it :-) Pam's can definitely do the job, but if you're looking for playable interface, there's also the obvious Voltage Block (I suppose availability could be an issue), or Mimetic Digitalis from NE, Maestro from Acid Rain, etc. Depending on the type of modulation signal you're looking for, you could also look into synced-looping cv that is not synced waveforms or stepped cv, like the Flame C3 mk2 for example which records your unquantized knob turns but also offers a reset input to create repeating patterns.

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Hi there !

I have no opinion on the modules you mentioned as I haven't tried any of them (except for the Quadrax which is well worth the price IMO), but I'd like to put one more on to your radar:


This powerhouse of a module can deliver 4 ADSR envelopes and offers a lot of configuration options which you can conveniently save as presets and then recall. Freely assignable button on the interface, clockable LFO's with a clever stretching mechanism, etc. Worth a look, I think, I'm very happy with mine.

--- Voltage control all the things ---

my two sound sources Plaits and rings
-- Rjsounds

Just thought I'd mention I see at least 2 more that can be used relatively easily:

  1. Beads: if you remove cables from the 2 inputs and wait a few seconds, the module turns into a wavetable synth. Seeding grains still works, so does the reverb.
  2. Quadrax: by selecting the bipolar LFO mode and turning up the rate, it turns into an oscillator with pretty cool waveform control and it will track 1volt/oct.

--- Voltage control all the things ---

I just received my Klavis Quadigy (what a beast!) from @frits - the deal was super smooth, great communication and very careful packaging, recommended trader :-)

--- Voltage control all the things ---

We now have a filter for Pulplogic 1U and Intellijel 1U modules.
-- modulargrid

Thank you !

If a module is universal and a user selects 1U Tiles / Intellijel in the filter should that universal module be displayed? Or should there be a third filter entry 1U Tiles / Universal ?
-- modulargrid

IMO it makes more sense to display both Intellijel and Universal if Intellijel is selected as I would expect the most prevalent use case is to look for modules that will fit the user's rack - the opposite would have users have to make a search twice to cover what is available to them.

--- Voltage control all the things ---

It's only some silly people on here that think Behringer is bad, they don't mind Arturia ripping off the exact same code as what you have in Brains.

-- greenfly

What's silly is not doing research then calling other people silly. Or maybe you're ok with anti-semitism (https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxe7qx/a-major-synth-company-created-this-fake-product-to-attack-a-journalist) and scare tactics against criticism (https://cdm.link/2018/06/behringer-have-sued-dave-smith-instruments-forum-posters-for-defamation/) ?
The code wasn't "ripped off", it's open-source, and Emilie said several times she was fine with it. But to understand that this isn't the issue most people have with Behringer, it takes more than half a second of thinking, then some boring reading, and then some more taxing brain activity, all of that before posting stuff. Ah, who does that on the internet nowadays, amarite ?

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Is this any different than these ?


--- Voltage control all the things ---

filters - alm dual dagger - dual filter 6hp
-- JimHowell1970

I assume you mean Shakmat's Dual Dagger ;-) Amazing little module, 4 filters to play with !

--- Voltage control all the things ---

In your user preferences you find a drop down menu Country Selection.
Select a country within the EU there.
Click here: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/users/edit
-- modulargrid

How does a shop get added to the list of such places that might sell a module?

-- DJMaytag

How do you get people to read stickies ?

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Thanks for sharing, I quite enjoyed listening to this and the patch notes and references in the video description are a welcome addition, so thanks again Mr. Knobs, have a sub :-)

--- Voltage control all the things ---

  • And one empty slot. I plan to put a powered Multi in there
    -- Ravenware

I had a good laugh imagining our dear Lugia reading this line

But in all seriousness, I don't understand the goal here... Is this intended to be a build that lives on its own, in which case why go for such a small case and a buff mult ? Do you really intend to use the gates from the M32 sequencer as is to trigger the pingable LFO or completely disregard the pingable aspect of it ?
Or is this supposed to be part of a larger setup, in which case why is that information completely missing from here, greatly reducing the interest for others users of this forum ?

Someone asked off-line how I was going to finish out this rack module. Three more modules;
-- Ravenware

Did someone really ask you offline ? If so, why did you chose another communication channel to answer their question ?

I wish you would celebrate logical and critical thinking instead of Lugia's enthusiasm to try and help people around here...

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Hi toodee,

thanks for you input.
Yes, perhaps the question is too generic, I understand.

I'm on the way to make a bigger studio eurorack, not for life performance.

btw. yes, satelitte can be used stand alone. But you need a control forge in order to create own modulations.
-- rama1065

Cool, sounds like an interesting project :-)
And then by all means, do follow the advice given by our friendly Lugia and post the current state of your project to a new thread and get specific advice for your needs, making clear what you already have and how you use it, as well as what you hope to achieve moving forward. Then you can use that advice for more focused research, keeping in mind that it's almost always better to think in terms of function rather than specific modules IMHO.
Looking forward to read that future discussion (and learn from it, of course) !

Take care,

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Can the Rossum Satellite be used on its own ? I was under the impression that although it could be used without a Control Forge after presets are transfered, one would need the Control Forge to create at least one batch of presets, right ?

And with regards to the question at hand, I think it's really hard to come up with something generic because, well, it's modular, we all have different ways to patch and different needs.
For example, it's very likely that we would end up with at least one of the main cascading quad VCA, Intellijel or MI for example, but which one ? Some will prefer sliders and the slightly smaller footprint, some will prefer the Intellijel for the cascading CV or the boost switch, some like me will not be able to decide and grab both, there is no right or wrong there, so which one would you include in a generic build and how to indicate this can be replaced by X or Y or Z depending on the user's exact needs without that discussion turning into a book like Patch & Tweak ?
So it's a question of which functions rather than which module, right ? But which functions indeed ? It depends on what you'd want to interact with the rack, which is also very subjective. Live tweaking or pre-programming ? Modulating more with gates or LFO or random or agnostic ? straight clocks or shuffly wobbly ? Like menus or hate 'em ? Depending on the answers one is probably looking at different type/classes of modules.
I feel like this discussion, if it were to remain generic enough, would end up looking exactly like Jim's signature:

Utility modules are the inexpensive, dull polish that makes the expensive, shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

And even then, I may put an equal sign between "modulation sources" and "utilities" because that's the balance I like to have at hand. The best advice that can be offered to newcomers, IMO, is not really about what to buy:
1. RTFM & Research
2. Buy slow (ok this one maybe)
3. Plan bigger
4. Experiment & Explore

--- Voltage control all the things ---

I'm already a sub, can't double-sub. But what I can do is add my voice to the choir: people of MG, subscribe to this great channel clearly deserving of your clicks: great production, great tips, great ideas. What else do you need really ?

--- Voltage control all the things ---

I want this to be just l like any other Eurorack sequencers on the market but with a superior interface which can grow to anything.
This is purpose built and designed for Eurorack.
-- mudi

Very nice project, I'll be keeping an eye on this. A mouse is a pretty good interface to do office stuff, but I loathe using it to draw automation curves or sequence stuff, so using touch on an iPad is something I can definitely see myself using.

Wishing you all the best success !

--- Voltage control all the things ---

For a stereo filter that fits the low HP criteria, you may want to have a look at Shakmat’s Dual Dagger, it’s only 6HP and quite capable in the matters of stereo filtering goodness

--- Voltage control all the things ---

For a basic filter, the Doepfer Wasp is great filter than can self oscillate and get wild or be tamed down. Filters are loads of fun.
-- sacguy71

For completeness, I need to mention that this is actually not true of the Wasp filter as it is sold by Doepfer, self-oscillation is possible but not without modding the module or using other tricks past simply turning up the resonance...It's actually the only one in my rack that doesn't self-oscillate, but it sure can get wild and filters are sure to be fun as well :-)

--- Voltage control all the things ---

@ROSELJR just wants views on her poorly written and outdated article and has no idea what a modular synth could possibly be - as indicated by the absence of any build on her profile. She may one day realize that spending time on getting a few views on a blog article isn't worth anything especially when manual work is involved to get those views, don't pay attention ;-)
-- toodee

Perhaps so...but it did inspire me to debunk the PoE primacy for this purpose as well as to toss out a couple of new ideas for Eurorack power systems. Going with a BIG unipolar DC supply to an internal voltage regular/splitter with NO current limits would fix tons of power system confusionalities.

Besides, it's sort of fun to smack the crap out of some spammer, if only verbally. @ROSELJR needs to learn to not mess around with the STEM department!

-- Lugia

Oh yeah, very interesting discussions can stem from even the most uninteresting starter input :-)
Your answer reminded me of the long and interesting power distribution discussion that happened in the 1st episode of Feed The Monster with Kim Bjorg and Ben Divkid where Chris Meyer explained issues and solutions for his big case (the whole series is pretty cool IMO). As a pre-made "humble" case, I didn't really have to consider the power issues, but feel for the people who do...

--- Voltage control all the things ---