So, I am new-ish to Eurorack, starting to put together a neat and flexible system. I knew this was going to get pretty out of control quickly, and you’ll see what I mean by that here:

ModularGrid Rack

Hold your horses, as I do have a good grasp of hardware (I think), and I’ve already gotten some great advice here.

Items I am contemplating: ADDAC intuitive quantizer, Intellijel Rainmaker and Jellysquasher, Erica Synth Drone System, pure analog VCOs, such as Erica Synth Black VCO w/ expander, WMD Performance Mixer w/ mutes, T-Wrex Bitcrusher, WMD Geiger Counter.

The style of music I make is mostly Techno, industrial or Berghain style (reverb and delay drenched), with heavy loads of TB-303 and downright old school acid (I’m set on 303’s though).

The one item I am one the fence about is another sequencer. I have all Elektron boxes, a Social Entropy Engine, an MPC live, a Deluge, and soon a Circlone. I’m fairly sure that with the Mutant Brain I am not wanting for another sequencer, but I have this thing about self consistent systems.

This modular is spread over four cases: a dual RackBrute 6U, an Intellijel 7U 104 HP, and an Erica Synth 86HP skiff for the drum modules (like a Techno System light - I LOVE the 909 sounds).

Any really glaring omissions?

I wasn’t going to go where Lugia went, but he’s spot on. You’ve got no viable setup. If you want to use your iPad for more than sequencing, you need at audio I/O module. ADDAC makes a decent one that’s specific to iOS. But, what set Lugia off was that you have a pretty random selection of stuff that really doesn’t add anything to what your iPad alone can do. So, the idea that you should sit down and ask yourself what you actually want to do, might be a better use of your time.
Do you have any hardware at all except this setup? If not, try playing around with VCV Rack on your computer (a free modular synth simulator) to get an idea of the key elements you need.
Tip: at a minimum you need... an oscillator, an envelope generator, a VCA, and maybe a filter. Using your iPad as a sequencer: you need some MIDI interface (iConnect MIDI 2+ and a Hexinverter Mutant Brain). I don’t see anything wrong per se dabbling around with modules directly, but that path is really, and I mean REALLY expensive. asked "A 190-4; A 131; A 118; A 138 + sequencer app on my iPad. I’m trying to do something, but it doesn’t work... Probably I need more modules (I know that), but I would like know if it’s possible to get something with my current set."

And you got an answer. Sorry if you don't like the answer, but at least I'm going to step up and tell you the true answer to that question. I'm not going to tell you that you're off to an awesome start, because that would be a total lie, at least as far as your module choices are concerned. I'm also not lying when I note that your A-190-4 has nothing to talk to. You have a MIDI interface, an exponential VCA, a noise/random generator (as the only thing that makes sound here) and some sort of mixer (which I can't discern because that "138" needs a letter after it, and you didn't provide one). None of that can do much with CVs from the A-190-4, and about the only control you would have with that would be to use a gate signal (note on/note off messages) to open and close the VCA. And that isn't a synthesizer. It isn't even close to being a synthesizer. And you wanted to know if it's possible to get something with that module complement, and now you're all butthurt because someone stepped up and told you the plain truth about what you spent money on. Boo. Hoo. Would you rather I tell you that you're well on your way to being the next Deadmaus? You'll have a long wait for that to happen. Like, forever, if you keep following this sort of tangent of cobbling together random modules, asking what you can do with them, then getting all torquey when someone steps up with some actual facts.

Sure, you can make sounds with the iPad. That won't help with the modules you've listed, though, and your selections belie that you haven't "studied" much of anything about this. And you should note that I offered you some very good advice in that you need to get a much clearer understanding of analog synthesis architecture with some hands-on work with a real synth. Not some virtual thing on a tablet, but the actual device...which is a very different sort of creature than poking around at virtual controls that control emulations of circuits which, in the real world, don't necessarily behave like some goof-proof modelled thing in dataland. Again: go and get a patchable synthesizer, like a Moog Mother32 or an Arturia MiniBrute2 or even a Behringer Neutron and you will not only see exactly what I'm getting at here, you might wind up learning why and how you made some mistakes with those module choices and your expectations of their usability.

Lugia, you are so aggressive without reason. I can generate sounds with many ipad apps and DAW as Oscillators, drum machines, sequancers, synths and other. So I think to go into the A-190-4 and do something with my modules. I disagree with you ‘cause I studied and I know I can produce sounds with these stuff. I just would like to get some advice from this community ... not your screams.
I can live without them, thanks a lot!

Why, exactly, did you start with those? The only sound generator there is the A-118, and all it does is produce various colors of noise. You have nothing to sequence with the iPad + A-190-4, since nothing here responds to CVs or gates. You have no output module, either, so any output you'll have will be at synth levels, even if it's just noise.

Basically, you don't have a synth there. Put those away, and take some time and STUDY what a modular synth (or really, any synth) is supposed to have: generators, modulators, modifiers and controllers, in the broadest sense. Don't buy any more modules for the time being; instead, you need to get your hands on a patchable synth ASAP and see what's supposed to be present and WHY. After some time with that, THEN go back to obtaining modules and creating a build...because, right now, you're just wasting your money pursuing a direction that won't work.
-- Lugia

Lugia, you are so aggressive without reason. I can generate sounds with many ipad apps, as Oscillators, drum machines, sequancers, synths and other. So I think to go into the A-190-4 and do something with my modules. I disagree with you ‘cause I studied and I know I can produce sounds with these stuff. I just would like to get some advice from this community ... not your screams.
I can live without them, thanks a lot!

Thread: Bug Report

Looks fine to me. Try deleting the desk-like thing from your build and then putting the DFAM back in. If it still shows up wrong, refresh your window.

Why, exactly, did you start with those? The only sound generator there is the A-118, and all it does is produce various colors of noise. You have nothing to sequence with the iPad + A-190-4, since nothing here responds to CVs or gates. You have no output module, either, so any output you'll have will be at synth levels, even if it's just noise.

Basically, you don't have a synth there. Put those away, and take some time and STUDY what a modular synth (or really, any synth) is supposed to have: generators, modulators, modifiers and controllers, in the broadest sense. Don't buy any more modules for the time being; instead, you need to get your hands on a patchable synth ASAP and see what's supposed to be present and WHY. After some time with that, THEN go back to obtaining modules and creating a build...because, right now, you're just wasting your money pursuing a direction that won't work.

Thread: Bug Report

What happened to the DFAM module graphic? It looks like a photograph of someone's desk with a DFAM was substituted for the actual DFAM graphic.

Hi liquid_air... I would like start playing ... anything... :) ...
... mixer? I got it not for a reason... I think I need it to mix more audio signals, when I’ll have hundreds of modules... :)
So, if I can get any sound from my set at the moment, I will be happy. If not, I will wait and buy more modules before.

As far as compact sequencers go, Mimetic Digitalis is hard to beat. Not terribly well suited for per step on the fly adjustments, but it’s a four channel 16 step sequencer with X/Y CV modulation and sends gate + CV. You can save 16 patches. All in 10 HP.

The o_C has tedious menu diving, not unlike Pam’s. I still think it’s better used as an ASR. I like to send the Mimetic into a 2hp Arp and that signal into the o_C Copiermaschine and from there into the 1V/Oct of a oscillator with a split out from the Mimetic triggering an envelope into the trig of the oscillator. A nice variation is to send two 1V/Oct signals from the o_C into two oscillators of a dual oscillator module (DPO or PH mkIII). Add a slew to one of the 1V/Oct or use an LFO to modulate sync or detune.

Pretty. Plaits is such a nice sounding module.

Exactly what do you hope to do with this set of modules? In particular, what did you intend to do with the A138 mixer ?

Hi! I need your help.
I’m starting to use my first modules:
A 190-4; A 131; A 118; A 138 + sequencer app on my iPad. I’m trying to do something, but it doesn’t work... Probably I need more modules (I know that), but I would like know if it’s possible to get something with my current set.
Could anyone help me please?

I love techno too .,

Erica Synths :Drum Sequencer, Bass Drum, Hi-Hats D,Pico Drum , Black Hole 2, Dual FX, Mutable Instruments : Stages, Marbles , 2HP : Verb, Qu-Bit : Chances, Scanned, Noise Engineering : Loquelic Iteritas Percido, ACL : Dual State Variable VCF

hope you like it .
-- modularfreq

Sounds good! The movie is a bit dark so I cannot see clearly what is going on but since the sound is good that does not matter! keep on having fun!

Speaking about a mixer...

I'm thinking about using this mixer:

The master sound radius 4V, maybe not the mixer you would come up first with but from my perspective not a bad choice.
I need at least 3 channels (Digitakt, Modular and Sirin). It has a 3 band EQ on each channel which is very handy, each channel can be cued. It has an AUX send/return on all the 4 channels which can be pre/post fader. It is truly analog and rotary which I want to have since I started DJ-ing. Beautiful piece of gear!

I would also suggest at least one dedicated quantizer. The Disting can do it. But I would definitely NOT recommend the Disting in a live set-up unless you can set it up before your set begins.

-- Ronin1973

It seems that the Klavis twin waves can output it signal pitch quantized which deals with biggest part of my problem. And as you pointed out I can use the Disting's quantizer in case I need it.

Ornaments & Crime micro would be a great replacement and you get a lot more options for your sequencing (dual 16 step sequencing). When NOT using it as a sequencer, you can use it as a quantizer for example. It's 8HP if I recall correctly.

There's several mixers that have cue abilities: the Pittsburgh Lifeforms System Interface, the TEX MIX system from Tesseract, ADDAC's 807 system, and so on...basically, anything that has an AUX send will allow you to do a cue mix, but you might need an extra headphone amp module for use with those. Ladik's M-053 can also be used to split a cue mix out of a mono or stereo bussed signal with an additional headphone amp.
-- Lugia

Not to nit-pick you, but an aux send isn't always cue friendly. The aux send has to be tapped pre-fader/pre-mute to serve as a cue. On most Mackie boards, there's a switch that makes one or two aux sends pre-fader/pre-mute for example. If I remember correctly, you can also monitor the mute bus... anything that is muted can be selected for monitoring.

Very nice, thanks!

I love techno too .,

Erica Synths :Drum Sequencer, Bass Drum, Hi-Hats D,Pico Drum , Black Hole 2, Dual FX, Mutable Instruments : Stages, Marbles , 2HP : Verb, Qu-Bit : Chances, Scanned, Noise Engineering : Loquelic Iteritas Percido, ACL : Dual State Variable VCF

hope you like it .

There's several mixers that have cue abilities: the Pittsburgh Lifeforms System Interface, the TEX MIX system from Tesseract, ADDAC's 807 system, and so on...basically, anything that has an AUX send will allow you to do a cue mix, but you might need an extra headphone amp module for use with those. Ladik's M-053 can also be used to split a cue mix out of a mono or stereo bussed signal with an additional headphone amp.

This is a bit rough, but I was excited to get this online and wanted to hear others' thoughts. Thanks to a combination of terrible writer's block, a focus on my job, and life in general, I haven't written any music since 2011. Learning how to use a modular set-up changed that, and I wanted to share something I've been working on for the past few months. Hope you enjoy.

Thanks @jayndoodle for a Frames! Built well, packaged safely, shipped internationally.

The Mimetic will give you CV voltages and even a gate out. But, it's not the easiest device to program in a live situation. If you save and store your patterns, then you'll be okay as you can load them on-the-fly.

If you plan on setting up your patterns live, you might want something that has traditional analog faders or pots.

-- Ronin1973

I was planning to stick it to pre programmed patterns to start of. Maybe sometimes some random sequence to add some movement. We'll see were it brings me ;)

I would also suggest at least one dedicated quantizer. The Disting can do it. But I would definitely NOT recommend the Disting in a live set-up unless you can set it up before your set begins.

-- Ronin1973

Damn a quantizer, totally forgot about this! hmm the Disting offers me that but I will have a look around what other options I have. The other problem is space in my case... Thanks to mention the sequencer problem!

Also, Lugia once recommended to a Eurorack mixer with cue mix abilities. Perhaps he'd be kind enough to tell you about it as I don't remember the name... But you might be better off mixing on a traditional mixer that has pre-fader cues as you'll be mixing Eurorack with your line-level hardware synths... and finally, MUTES. DivKid just released a vactrol controlled set of four mutes built to avoid audible pops when switching them in or out. You can use the mutes on a traditional mixer for audio. But if you're trying to mute CV, then I'd definitely look into the DivKid mute module.

-- Ronin1973

For sure the plan is to use a external mixer as you mention. For now a have a pioneer Dj-mixer laying around but I'm planning to buy something more travel-friendly in the future. Anyone has thoughts on a mixer that will suit this setup? My dream has always been to use a rotary mixer but I think this does not work well in this kind of setup... or am I wrong.

Anyway, thanks for your input keeps me evaluating my system and growth as synth/music lover!

The Mimetic will give you CV voltages and even a gate out. But, it's not the easiest device to program in a live situation. If you save and store your patterns, then you'll be okay as you can load them on-the-fly.

If you plan on setting up your patterns live, you might want something that has traditional analog faders or pots.

I would also suggest at least one dedicated quantizer. The Disting can do it. But I would definitely NOT recommend the Disting in a live set-up unless you can set it up before your set begins.

Also, Lugia once recommended to a Eurorack mixer with cue mix abilities. Perhaps he'd be kind enough to tell you about it as I don't remember the name... But you might be better off mixing on a traditional mixer that has pre-fader cues as you'll be mixing Eurorack with your line-level hardware synths... and finally, MUTES. DivKid just released a vactrol controlled set of four mutes built to avoid audible pops when switching them in or out. You can use the mutes on a traditional mixer for audio. But if you're trying to mute CV, then I'd definitely look into the DivKid mute module.

Thanks @uebl for the geiger counter!
Great module, mint condition fast shipment, reliable seller.

Taught you well I did, young Jedi...

-- Lugia

Hi man, thanks!
Really nice to hear a compliment like this coming from you but it is because of your help I could start of anyway!

The search for modules is going well in own about 50% now and when I'm back from the sea (job). I go and get
my hands on the rest.

Yeah the relation with the Pam and other devices over Midi is sick! I need to have it immediately!
Like you said I love the fact I can quantize the Sirin through the Octone.
I added the power checker to my want list! I looked it up and it seems like a small interesting module
which should be added to any case if there is space!

I hope to show you guys some movies in the future!

Thank you very much to @StateAzure for a cool deal on Malekko Quad VCO. Quick delivery, well packed and mint condition!

Thanks, guys! I can definitely work with all this great info. You're the best!

...or a KOMA Komplex, which is my fave choice. Mind you, it certainly LOOKS intimidating with the bazillion sliders and such, but I got used to being handy with an EML 400/401 many years ago, so having a wall of slider controls staring me down isn't a thing.

Taught you well I did, young Jedi...

Locking the Digitakt to the Pam's with the PEXP is a stroke of genius. The ability to not only control your global tempo with one knob, but to even have CV control over that global're really going to find a lot of uses for that. As for the Octone, it's a good choice to use with the Sirin...even with Moog's oddball use of negative CVs, the fact is that the positive CVs will be fine. And since the Octone internally quantizes, everything will stay nicely in tune without juggling a bunch of tuning settings at random and inconvenient times. Hopefully. ;)

The setup with the 2hp MIXes is brilliant, too...definitely helps the ergonomics to add those 1 hp blanks, but consider swapping one of those for a Konstant Lab PWR Checker to give you immediate feedback on your power rail loading and voltages. Doesn't get in the way, and it's always useful to have a power indicator for your rails in some place where you can see it in the event something should go bonkers with the power setup.

If Rack Lock is on, you can still add modules by clicking them in the search result. If the rack is full, the cat will freak out on you. To remove those unwanted modules or to clean up the mess (pleasing the cat) you need to turn off Rack Lock.

This is a very minor annoyment and by no means a dealbreaker. Just wanted to report in case time will allow for a fix at some point in time.

As far as sequencers go, definitely look at a Sequentix Circlone and Social Entropy Engine. A neat middle ground is also a Synthstrom Deluge paired with a Hexinverter Mutant Brain.

Hi Guys,

I want to show you my rack which I am building now in able to (start and) enhance my live setup.

After Dj-ing in the techno scene I want to experiment with my own live productions. I began as many of
you guys with asking questions around here on the forum and I got A LOT of help from Luiga which pointed
me in the direction I want to go.

My setup exists of 3 main components. An elektron Digitakt, Moog Sirin (when I get my hands on one) and my modular synth.
My plan at first was to use my elektron Digitakt + Doepfer dark time as the main drive for the setup. But after al lot of reading here, watching even more video's on YouTube my perspective for my live setup changed. To drive all the modules and gear from my modular gives me more flexibility (read fun!). So my modular will be the main drive and to be even more specific the Pamela's Workout. This module will act as master clock, drive the Digitakt trough the midi out port (which I use for drum grooves and sample playback) and the other sequencers in the system. Off course I will experiment with the Pamela's outputs with my modular and external gear later. The Mimetic will mostly act as the drive for my modular to create some wicked synth patterns and the Octone will drive the Sirin for some cool baseline melodies although I'm still doubting about using the octone (any tips welcome!).
At this point I'm not 100% sure what to expect from my modular. But I'm convinced this will be a nice addition to this setup. That I will discover by just using it.

By posting my rack a hope we can discuss a bit about the experiences you guys have with this kind of workflow. What would you change, is there too much redundancy (I'm thinking about LFO's and sequencers). Also if you guys have questions for me shoot! I'll try to answer. To give you an idea what I like Patrick O Brian who gives the demo's from the noise engineering modules plays the sound I really dig.

So I hope you enjoyed this thread. I start making my case from scratch every single part is made by hand by myself. The aluminium enclosure, wooden side panels as well the PCB bus boards. Is it customary here that cases are shown to eachother?

Have a nice day!


Sensible...the only major reason for going with the RackBrute, as far as I'm concerned, is if you plan to use it solely in tandem with a MiniBrute2 or 2s. Otherwise, you only get a paltry 3 hp of extra space in a 6U over a 6U x 84 hp, which is one of the "standard" sizes. It's far more sensible to go with a 2 x 104 hp cab these days, particularly if you get a cab that gives you a tile row such as the Intellijel and, to a certain extent, the Make Noise cases do.

Another thing you might consider would be an external sequencer. There's some magnificent ones out there right now, such as the Squarp Pyramid and the Kilpatrick Carbon, that offer massive feature sets plus internal storage galore. And that fits one of my rules of thumb, that anything that requires being in a Eurorack is what should be in a Eurorack, and anything you can keep out of it leaves more room for the things that have to be in there.

The answer to your question is "yes". Given that the vast majority of synth modules these days conform to the 1V/8va scaling standard and positive-going gate/triggers with a nominal +5V, anything that understands those can be driven by anything that creates those. While there are still flukes out there (the Korg MS-20 mini still insists on negative gate/triggers and a Hz/V scaling scheme, and Moog makes use of bipolar CVs), you won't find them lurking in either of those two formats.

Frankly, given that the MU format has a pretty extensive following in of itself, I'm a bit surprised that Expert Sleepers hasn't opted to come out with a repackaging of some of their interfaces in MU format, especially an MU version of the ES-8. Nothing like that exists (aside of using a DC-coupled audio interface) at present, and it feels like a glaring omission.

These are great suggestions, liquid! I think I've now been convinced that the Intellijel 7U is the way to go. That 1U rack frees up more space too. This is the first I've looked into the Black Hole too and oh man, that thing is a beauty. The Erbeverb is real impressive too, but that Black Hole seems to fit with what I'm doing a bit more. Down the road, that Voltage Block looks like the way to go as well.

Thanks so much! I updated my rack a bit based on these suggestions.

I'm attempting to submit the upcoming MXR Dookie Drive to the pedalgrid database, but when I upload the image of the pedal, the white part of the artwork on the front is removed. How can I stop this from happening?

The depth of the module is more like 40 mm with the plug on.

Don't ask. I don't even have money left for a proper avatar.

newb here, but a simple question. I already own a eurorack rig, and use expert sleepers as my midi to cv, the ES FH1... im also thinking of build on a 5U rig, either synthtech or moon modular, and wondered if my ES FH1 could be used as my midi to cv for the 5u midi controller, instead of buying a new midi to cv controller in 5u. do the different types of format work on the same principles, or is there a different issue with combining the two. cheers.


Blofeld Parameters

A modified version of the "Ode to Joy" B047 Keys preset includes an LFO, which is sent to the cutoff of the first filter
- pitch of OSC1 is up P5 from the other two OSC's but all in the 4' octave (or "length")
- LFO with Triangle shape has the most noticeable and interesting effect, sync'd to the SEQ/DAW clock and resetting every 1/2 note


Polyend SEQ Parameters

16 total inputted patterns, 12-13 of which that were used
- begins with a simple kick and hat, then adding a snare in 3/4 time (polymetre as the rest of the tracks have 16 steps therefore 4/4)
- Track 4 is a velocity sequence that is sent to the cutoff frequency of the cinnamon in amounts that vary depending on the MATHS Channel 1 attenuverter knob position
- Blofeld provides simple, brief accents beginning with Pattern 5


Disting Parameters

G6: MIDI-to-CV w/ MIDI Breakout
- Output A Divisor = 6 (Default, quarter notes)


Colour Scheme

- Red

- Orange

- Blue

Quad VCA to Cinnamon
- Grey

- Purple

- Purple Stackcables

- Black



  • simple CV routing with complex MIDI routing (the most complex for me so far anyway) and use of H9's TimeFactor in a custom preset
  • Mother32 is simply providing a "drone" frequency via resonant filter and cinnamon signal running through it

Clock from DAW
- DAW MIDI Out to Polyend SEQ MIDI In
- SEQ MIDI Thru to Disting MIDI Din In
- SEQ MIDI Out1 to Polyend Poly MIDI Din In
- SEQ MIDI Out2 to Blofeld MIDI Din In

In spite of various attempts from different sources and trying different settings, could not get H9's MIDI In to receive clock properly, so I used tempo's similar to DAW Clock (approx. 120bpm)


this woud be handy to estimate the „damage“ done to our bank accounts