Look into Euclidean gate modules. As a percussionist, you might enjoy them, especially when you use more than one Euclidean gate in relationships with each other.

Multi-mode filter. A band pass filter is great for adding some movement to a static sound. What are you doing for sequencing as well as audio inputs and outputs to your pedals, mixers, audio interface, etc.

You're on the right track.

First, you're buying a case that's larger than your immediate needs. You have your future expansion in order.
The Squarp will get you going for sequencing. I'd also check out the following: Ornamets & Crime (micro) and Temps Utile (micro). Between the two you have quantizers, Euclidean gates, gate sequencers, CV + gate/ADSR sequencers, etc. You may also want a simple hardware sequencer (knobs and/or faders) like the Befaco Muxlicer. I'd also check out the Mimitec Digitalis by Noise Engineering for a 4x16 step CV sequencer (useful for modulating filters).

I think the Squarp can do LFOs if I'm not mistaken. LFOs are great for evolving sounds, especially filters. Look into getting at least two ADSRs and at least four VCAs.

Filters. Filters are all about individual taste. Don't throw in the cheapest thing and call it a day. I see a lot of builds with a Doepfer Wasp filter chucked into the rack without any consideration for the sound. A good multi-mode filter is where I would start... like the Morgasmatron by Intellijel. You get two multi-mode filters. You'll probably want to add others and other types later... maybe even a Wasp :)

Next up, switches/mutes. If you're going to be performing live, being able to mute CV, gates, and audio is very handy. DivKid just released a quad mute that also has momentary functionality. Joranalogue has the Switch 4 that can do the same but also includes a 4:1 rotary switch.

Finally, effects. If you're doing ambient kinds of sound you'll definitely want reverb and possibly something granular like Clouds or the Intellijel Rainmaker. There are lots of options.

Finally, mixers and output modules. Intellijel makes the Quadratt that fits in the 1U row. The 7U case also supports line level outputs if you buy the Intellijel output module. As far as mixers. I went with with a Blue Lantern Stereo Sir Mix A Lot. It was under $250 and has two FX sends. There are plenty of options out there for mixers as well. It depends on your needs.

If you're West Coasting your sound, check out Noise Engineering's modules. It doesn't hurt to have a few analog oscillators as well. But for the time being, a Braids or Plaits module makes a great generic sound source to add to your 0-Coast.

Odds and Ends: sample & hold, slew limiting, noise (Intellijel also has a 1U module that does this)... oh and a logic module... it's getting expensive pretty quickly...

But the bottom line would be to buy one or two modules at a time and get a really good feel for them and experiment plugging them into the 0-Coast, especially modulating things you normally wouldn't.

Hi all,

I'm putting together my first rack in a Make Noise skiff. I'm primarily a percussionist who does a lot of improvising and am essentially looking for this rack to be a texture generator. I have my first few modules picked out already but could use some thoughts on how to finish filling the rack/feedback on what I've picked so far. I'm thinking about another voice in addition to Rings and perhaps a utility modular but am not entirely sure. Thanks!

ModularGrid Rack

I've wanted to build a modular synthesizer for years, but I think now's the time. I want to build something small and inexpensive (~$2000), but one that will keep me entertained and diving into new sounds while not updating it for a matter of months while at college. I have a general idea of how to go about it (I think), different sounds and artists I'd like to emulate, and modules I find really interesting, such as:
Mannequins - Just Friends
ALM - Akemie's Taiko, Akemie's Castle
Qu-Bit - Nebulae V2, Chance
Pittsburgh - Primary Oscillator
Malekko - Varigate 4+, 8+

I want to pair it to Earthquaker Devices's Avalanche Run because I love how that pedal sounds, but that's besides the point. Here are the modules I selected considering what I find interesting and what I think will keep me interested for a long time without updating it:

Feedback? I'm a noob and I want the maximum potential out of my small system, so please give me feedback.

Thread: Bug Report

On https://www.modulargrid.net/e/forum/forums/index currently the latest four posts shown are as follows:

Feature Request But at this point where Moon and COTK are both heavily int… Today, 04:10 by modulargrid in ModularGrid
0-coast plus.... Hi, I have an Arturia Keystep, and an 0-coast. Also using s… Sunday April 14, 12:52 by ampism in Racks
Current Rack I built the 7U myself out of cherry, it's 220HP. I plan to… Yesterday, 21:20 by cg_funk in Racks
Moog werkstatt with 2hp Euclid Certainly...that's what the Expansion board was intended fo… Friday April 12, 19:56 by Lugia in You

In my time zone, it's Monday, April 15, but in ANY time zone, I have a hard time seeing how Friday, Yesterday, Sunday, and Today are different days.

But at this point where Moon and COTK are both heavily into this size format and there's others inching into it as well, it would seem like something that needs accomodating.
-- Lugia

I started some time ago to put a halfheight row to MU but I have forgotten why I did not finish that. I will pick up the idea...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Just purchased my second year as a Unicorn Account holder. This site is such a wonderful tool. I'm happy to support it.

  1. The biggest feature [..].
    -- CaptainRockout

These are all well thought out requests, I see what is possible. And of course thanks for supporting!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Hi, I have an Arturia Keystep, and an 0-coast. Also using some stomp boxes (Boss reverb, delay). I want to slowly add to these, and create a rack to process the 0-coast sounds, but also add another voice to complement it.
Any thoughts on this? : ModularGrid Rack

Thread: Current Rack

I built the 7U myself out of cherry, it's 220HP. I plan to eventually make a matching 7U that stands upright to go where the 84HP intellijel is right now. But I do get your point!

Rack space is freaky expensive, it's also a great luxury to have all the modules right there and immediately patchable. I know that moving the DFAM out of the rack will mean it gets patched less.

Here's the thing, I'm not really using the DFAM nearly as much anyways. I really love the module, but it has some drawbacks that make it difficult in a larger rack setting:
1) It lacks a 'reset' input, so it's a pain in the ass to sync to other sequencers, you have to manually advance the trigger.
2) It has only coarse tuning knobs, and they are very fiddly.
3) Tiny-ass trim pots.
I think I may have just outgrown this module. I am using it mainly as hi-hats or as a paraphonic voice. I'm thinking of these guys as the more satisfying upgrade: CS-L, DPO, CIP, or maybe that upcoming Panharmonium thing. And maybe I'd still have room for a Maths and a Veils.

I'll second the #3 above...but only inasmuch as the MU section still needs something to accomodate half-height modules. And yes, even though COTK has a different idea of what MU half-height is, I would figure a "generic" half-height row measurement would work in the same way the 1U tile rows work in Eurorack for both normal and Intellijel format. But at this point where Moon and COTK are both heavily into this size format and there's others inching into it as well, it would seem like something that needs accomodating. A similar situation exists in the Buchla universe with the H series modules plus the 1U "ModuleModules" that Eardrill's got, but that seems more difficult to fix given that each module slot can have either two H-series or four ModuleModules, and this isn't a per-row thing.

Thread: Current Rack

That's certainly what I'd do. Fact is, if something has its own case, leave it there...given the cost of a Eurorack case and how much each hp costs, it's best to leave things that're cased in their cases, and use the higher-cost Eurorack cab spaces for things that require them.

In fact, let's look at this for a bit. Assuming both are Intellijel cabs, and not taking the 1U tiles into account, there's 376 hp of 3U space between these two cases. Then the street cost of those cases together is $1248...so a little simple math shows that each hp in those cabs has a pricetag of $3.32. That's not an insignificant number. So when you take a module that comes in a case (which, since the case is OEM, we'll put that at $0 per hp) like the DFAM, and drop it into a Eurorack case...well, with the DFAM, you're using $199.20 worth of Eurorack case, meaning you actually lose that much money by putting the DFAM in there. Not good!

Just purchased my second year as a Unicorn Account holder. This site is such a wonderful tool. I'm happy to support it.

  1. The biggest feature I would like to see, is the ability to narrow result by multiple manufacturers rather than just one at a time. There are so many modules and makers now that it's a bit crazy trying to wade through them. It would be nice if instead of a list, there were check boxes and I could choose which manufacturers show up in results. Even better if my selection could be remembered for future visits. No offense to any particular manufacturers, there are just some that I have no desire to buy from.
  2. I second the request to filter out the growing number of clone modules. Not showing other/unknown used to help more, but now many clones are coming from known manufacturers.
  3. New/more case design styles.
  4. Ability to search by hp range rather than max or exact. Perhaps a min box and max box. If both are set to the same number, you only get results for that exact hp.
  5. Ability to limit by depth too when planning a rack that knowingly can only accommodate modules so deep.
    Thank you for your time :)

Thread: Current Rack

This is what I'm playing with now.
The top rack is an 84HP 4U Intellijel case. I designed it so that it could be a fairly fun stand-alone synth when taken away from the 7U bottom.

I like the setup so far, but I've boxed myself a bit into a corner... I think I have to move the DFAM back to it's original case in order to grow any more. Suggestions welcome!

Certainly...that's what the Expansion board was intended for. However, keep in mind that the Werkstatt's pitch CV is set to something very abnormal -- but it can be rescaled for standard 1V/8va. Go here: https://api.moogmusic.com/sites/default/files/2018-04/Werkstatt_01_Manual.pdf and you'll find the recal directions plus a few other things you'll need to know.

Ok...so...Meanwhile I changed the cables from the module to the mixer with some of the better quality + above the Trigger button there is CLEAR button. Each time you change the preset,or you make some modifications, press Clear to clear the queue. It's way better now but i feel the problem is still not solved 100%. Also try to fix the module in the box as far from the source as you can.
I also exchanged some emails with intelijjel and they think it's from the dry/wet button and they gave me 2 options. 1. They offered to send me a new button to change it by myself..but i don't have the knowledge to do it.
2. Send it back to Schneiders Laden to do it.
They were very professional and easy to communicate.
I hope my post helps somehow...let me know.

I've recently bought a 0-Coast and I'm very impressed to the sound possibilities it has compared to my desktop synths, so I decided that maybe it's time for me to explore the world of modular synthesis.
Here's my idea, I'd like to build a synth that could do (in order of importance):
1. Droney/Ambient soundscapes that change over time
2. Some weird sounds/bleeps and stuff like that
3. Maybe another synth line that do more regular stuff.
I'd like it to be portable because if i can get enough confidence with it, I'd like to try to play it live, so I've thought to buy a 7U 104HP Intellijel case as my first (I don't know if all the modules I need for the stuff I've wrote before can fit in it, but I don't think to buy a new module more often than every two months so I think I can expand later).
I'd like to pair it with my octatrack that I'll use for drums and percussions. I also have a squarp pyramid that I've thought I could use for sequencing the modular (I'm also interested in some eurorack sequencers but I think I can explore them later).
What do I need first?
It would be cool if I could use the first modules I'll buy with the 0-Coast, I don't need that it does all the stuff I said before immediately, I think for now I can sample what I do as I am learning to use them.
I'm also fascinated about trying a more West-Coast style approach of synthesis.
I know it's a big request but let me know what do you think about my idea and what path should I take to realize it, thanks so much!

I own a Moog Werkstatt with the Expansion Board
No Mods
Is it possible to patch it with 2 Hp Euclid?
I'm totally new to this world
My first modules are 2hp Euclid,blue lantern Quad Quantizer and a 2 hp dual vca
If Anybody can help That would be great

Thread: Bug Report

Firstly, on this latest rack of mine, any new module I add gets placed directly over another module in the top row.

Indeed that is not what it should look like. Have to check that.

Secondly, occasionally I click on a modules's info button instead of the add (+) button. I use a track pad on my laptop and I'm kinda clumsy. Often times when I press back to go back to my rack the rack itself is not how I left it. It's often in some other, earlier configuration from the same rack. I would suggest some sort of save feature. Even if I could manually save the configuration to ensure it stays as it is. I think this would reduce frustrations.

The whole rack is saved on any movement of a module. If something looks strange, in most cases it is some kind of browser cache issue: just reloading the page will fix most issues.
Btw. the Rack Lock function is there to prevent the accidental movement of modules which often happens on mobile devices. Turn that on to prevent changes of your rack.

Thirdly, no big deal, I notice that the size (HP) of modules aren't listed on their individual info page.

They are in a grey label beside the function tags.

I love modular grid! I couldn't do without it. I love how it helps me arrange things before I commit to moving it all around.

Thanks a bunch!

-- meatbot


Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Thread: Bug Report

I've been experiencing a couple of bugs. I'll go into detail.

Firstly, on this latest rack of mine, any new module I add gets placed directly over another module in the top row. While this isn't a big deal, I was sure the intended functionality was to have the module placed in the first available (large enough) slot. See the screenshot here: https://imgur.com/a/Zu6AHPT

Secondly, occasionally I click on a modules's info button instead of the add (+) button. I use a track pad on my laptop and I'm kinda clumsy. Often times when I press back to go back to my rack the rack itself is not how I left it. It's often in some other, earlier configuration from the same rack. I would suggest some sort of save feature. Even if I could manually save the configuration to ensure it stays as it is. I think this would reduce frustrations.

Thirdly, no big deal, I notice that the size (HP) of modules aren't listed on their individual info page.

I love modular grid! I couldn't do without it. I love how it helps me arrange things before I commit to moving it all around.

Thanks a bunch!


Jumping Flash, as cool as a looping delay with control over CV module is..... you can get a lot of mileage out of guitar stompbox delays for a lot less money and also save space in the rack. I've owned many, and use a Source Audio Nemesis at the moment, but there are dozen affordable ones I could make use of just the same. Analog delays (EHX Memory Man and Memory Boy for example) are great and can be a bit more organic sounding, but I find digital emulations are less noisy.

Hi guys,

I have the same problem, its highest at 114hz almost -7db, using uZeus, did anyone find the solution in the meantime?

Uhh, that's A LOT of VERy useful comments right there! I don't even know where to start picking up the right suggestions, but I guess some more time spent here, reading and learning can take me somewhere.

I am going thru all your suggestions, trying to reference what I don't know, and it's a real masterful set of advices! :-)

Let me read it all, understand it all, and I will be back with more questions :-) :-).

Thank you!

Thread: Vibe.5


Thread: Vibe.5

Rings Parameters

Sympathetic Strings

  • Movement of Position from the Tri-Saw out of Dixie II affects the pitches output by Rings in interesting ways


Thread: Vibe.5

Maze Parameters

  • SLCT Input sequences in a forward-backward movement between routings 0-15 (16-steps)
  • SLCT Input is fed by a fairly pure sine wave coming from Peaks OUT2
  • SLCT Input is in Fade Mode, and Morphing Multiplier is set to Slow Morphing (Magenta)
  • Routings 4-15 are all blank, which leaves "space" between note and parameter changes


Thread: Vibe.5

- First patch involving Livestock Electronics Maze
- First patch where Dixie II uses multiple waveform outputs + 1st time it is self-patched (Saw into Linear FM Input)
- Very fast sequencer speeds + Run/Stop behaviour coming from Output 3 of Maze sends rapid clusters of notes to the 1v/oct of Rings, while it receives audio input from the Bandpass output of Cinnamon
- Since most of the routings favour the relationship between Input 1 and Output 1 in Maze, the behaviour and oscillation speed of the Dixie II affects many different parameters at once, and also has its own audible results in Quad VCA Output 1


I really want to make sound effects but I don’t know where to start if someone can tell me if this is good for what I want to do


This is a rather smallish build, for starters. In addition to the above advice, I would add that you should try for maximum functional density. If there's a 20 hp module whose functions could be found in 16 hp, then go for the smaller size. If you find a VCO module that has two VCOs in the same panel space that currently houses one, then go for the two. As noted, Clouds, Braids, and Z-DSP are all either discontinued or superceded, so you can start by yanking those out if you don't have them already. But here's an example of what I'm talking about...

A Braids module occupies 16 hp of space. Mutable's upgraded version is the Plaits, which fits into 12 hp. But if you look at Codex Modulex's "shrunk" third-party versions of the Braids and Plaits (their uOsc-I and uOsc-II respectively), you'll notice that these are 8 hp, so this means you can effectively fit two of these (or one of each) into the space the Braids currently fits in and, in the process, double your oscillator compliment. Similarly, while Intellijel's uMIDI occupies 6 hp, it only gives you one channel of voice CV/gates. But if you went up 2 more hp, this allows you to use an Expert Sleepers FH-2, which gives you eight assignable CV/gate outputs and two inputs so that you could use clocking on the modular to control DAW tempi, allow a CV to change parameters in the DAW, and so on. Plus, you can expand it if needed, and it has a lot of functions the uMIDI doesn't but which you'll probably find useful.

A couple of other things to consider: first of all, if you're tempted to add mults, don't. Use inline mult devices or stackcables instead of losing functional HP to multiples. Second, if you can find a powered cab to use instead of one that requires the power supply to be placed on the patchpanel, go with that and free up four more hp. Lastly, consider what you're missing here, VCAs being the obvious one. Sure, they're not sexy...but they're essential as they allow level control for both audio AND modulation/CV. Perhaps look at a case with a 1U tile row? Intelljel has these, but they're formatted for their special tile format. Or you could simply try putting everything in a bigger 3U cab...many of us tend to recommend "going big" while doing initial builds on MG, then paring things down from that. Case in point (pun intended), have a look here: https://www.ericasynths.lv/shop/enclosures/studio/2x126hp-monster-case-140mm-deep/ Now, this is not only powered, it also has a depth that will allow pretty much anything to be mounted in it, and if/when you're ready to enlarge your system, you can add a second one of these with Erica's dual-case sidepanels and still have everything in one handy unit.

There's LOTS of options here; don't try and get everything right in your first build, because no one ever does. Use MG as the modular building sandbox that it is, and work out possibilities to the point where you're sure there's no more possibilities to work out...THEN spend the money, as you'll be spending it a lot more sensibly that way!

I am no expert at all but can't agree more with Dinorrific.
I play ambient modular. Just my two cents here.
I use Maths a lot, same with Marbles and Tides mk2.
Morphagene is ace for weirdness, textures, loops.
Ambient loves looping delays as well, you got one in Clouds but maybe check out 4ms DLD or Magneto.
I loop lots of stuff into the DLD, with sound on sound technique, great for long evolving pads for instance.
Magneto has this wow and flutter thing that I absolutely love, it can loop and sample, pichtshift, there's even some shimmer into it.
You need VCA's as well. And a mixer.
Have you some examples of modular artists that you like ? Some YT links ? It might help.

Download VCV Rack. It's free. It's basically a Eurorack simulator. Many of the Mutable Instruments modules are available in it. The more you play the more you'll learn about making Eurorack patches and what gear you need and what gear you gravitate towards.

You will also find that many Mutable Instrument designs are available via third-party as micro-versions. This will save you a ton of space in your rack. You almost ALWAYS want the ability to add future modules to your set-up.

The other thing is that at least one of your modules is outdated. The Z-DSP unit has been revised. Mutable doesn't make Clouds anymore. You can find modules second-hand. But you're taking a chance on used modules.

I would recommend you consider what each module's core functionality is, and how they'll interact. True, modular is a very mutable interface, but you're going to need to look into a few different types of modules to help smooth over the way different modules interact - namely, smaller mixers, attenuators/attenuverters, and VCA's. This allows you to group and adjust control voltage on the fly, and there are some modules that will check off some of this list in one module (like Mutable's Blinds or Befaco's A*B+C).

You'll also want dedicated envelope and/or LFO modules. True, you do get that out of Tides, but Rings, Warps, Braids, and the Telharmonic aren't necessarily the best for something like audio-rate modulation, which Tides will give you in spades. I think you'll find yourself using it at audio rate more often than as a dedicated envelope generator or LFO.

I'd suggest taking a step back and start a little smaller. Pick out one of each:
* one of those main sound sources (look into Plaits - it's the next gen Braids)
* a modulator (like Tides)
* a dedicated envelope generator
* something that provides mixing and attenuversion and VCA, if possible
* a dedicated output module (which Pittsburgh's interface can provide)
* a sequencer, random module (e.g. Marbles), or Midi control module (unless you have something like the Arturia Keystep that gives you CV out)

This would give you a wealth of possibilities to work with while giving you space to explore and master control voltage. When you choose to expand and pick up more of the modules on your list, you'll be better prepared to use them. But you'll find that, after a bit of playing around, that that alone will give you a pretty wide palette of possibilities.