The sample dump application works fine.
Esoteric is the perfect word to describe the module. The initial reaction might be why ? Why use an obsolete sampling technique and awkward ergonomic design ? But then using the module you discover it's sonic qualities. There a very good thread on Muffwiggler that shows what can be done with one or two of these. Good demo by Navs on soundcloud.

@brhmh is a good seller :) everything was fast, well packed and as described!


Looking forward!

The SDS Digital RIT_M can do multiply from the gate if a clock is tapped in first.
Like this:
Patch in the Clock, tap pad 4 times along with the beat and loop pad
Adjust PPQN up for 2x, 4x, 8x etc, or down for /2 /3 /4 etc
If the pad isn't quantized to the clock, the taps can have swing or missing clocks etc. which can be interesting!

Hi Mattvank
Thanks for your interest in the WiFiMIDI
Release has been delayed yet again. Trying a different/better approach. The features will be the same just better / finer
Not sure when they'll be out but this year some time

Just built the HexInverter 'POSTMAN' Quad A-R and two Stroh PICO VCA to provide four independent modulation sources. These will be used in conjunction with the Moon Modular 524/A Quad LFO/Assistant for my BOX66 project.

I've tested the Postman and Dual Pico VCA with one of the Q106 Oscillators set to LOW and the effect is amazing feeding either Linear or Exponential FM on another Q106 set to audio rates.

I wouldn't get too bent out of shape about it. This whole series replicating most of the Roland 100M stuff is still vaporware, and what we see here is a computer rendering of the final result + some speculation by Uli about the eventual price. Sure, it's cheap, but it's also very nonexistant as of the present time, and there's no clear indication if B even intends to put this out. Again, it's Uli Behringer trolling with yet another concept, fishing to see what part of the synth community will bite.

Brilliant Overview, thanks!

Oh. Wow. This is the beginning of the #behringer Attack on Eurorack. Fck me.

Hard to make music in this heat but I managed to finalize this jam. Spoiler alert: there's some drunken vocals towards the end.

Update time. I had some time to work in the garage.

Here's the wood in the messsssy ass garage.

Here's all the parts cut out, with the little paper templates still glued on.

Parts glued up and sanded, now I'm out in the hot sun putting finish on.

Ok. Finish dries really fast in 100F.
Now let's load some modules into it. Here is the mostly-finished box side by side with Sub37.

My favorite feature of this case. The back panel is removable so you can tinker more easily, I put M3 screw mounts in.

The power supply section of the build is still waiting for key parts in the mail. So once those arrive, I'll add a power-entry port on the removable back panel and mount up the TPS80 and BUS to the baseboard (which I also made removable via threaded inserts).

Amazing module. Having owned the Synth Tech E352 & Piston Honda MK 2 I have to say this module take all the best parts of those and then adds so much more depth with effects.

Loads of interlude to CV control & easy menu diving make this the perfect tool for in the studio as well as live performance.

It mixes very well with the Fusion Drone System to add new dimensions of sound & timbre, both able to be gentle or aggressive at the right moments.

This is one VCO they will have to pry with a crow bar from my cold dead hands.

Thanks you Erica Synths for such imagination made reality.

Thread: What I got

Hi and thanks, Lugia. I already have the Moog’s on a Moog rack and doing a special 48 HP addition on the side. Working on controllling the DFAM oscillators and integrating the Mothers a little better by introducing a tempo synced LFO + using the Arpitect + triad with their sequencing. I kinda figured I’d like to also put some external sources in. Pam will be very busy too.

Take care

Thank you!

Perhaps a modular sequencer like Eloquencer might work? I love those! Or a Hermod?

Hi folks,

Been looking hard at the Intellijel 7U case or new Make Noise 7U case to use for building my first modular rig.
I love wave shapers and LFO for crazy twisted trance, techno, and house beats. Looking at modules from Harvestman and Erica Synths and Intellijel. What would be a good setup for this kind of music? I use a Korg SQ-1 to sequence my Make Noise 0-coast and Elektron Analog 4 MK2 via CV out and sample to my Elektron Octatrack. I see guys with 20k in gear which is way out of my budget. What would be a realistic east meets buchla west coast setup for this kind of sound? I don't want to get Make Noise modules since I hate the hard to read graphics and funky setups. It is ok on my 0-coast but I want to explore different stuff.

Thread: What I got

76 hp? DIY-ing the case, I assume? Otherwise, no snarks here...not a bad idea, really, as long as you have a way to get power into this by something other than the front panel.

...and it's not like a rig that small really needs a buffered mult anyway. My suggestion would be to pull the Output tile and the Pulplogic Buff Mult to get 16 hp, then fill this with an Intellijel passive mult and use an Intellijel 2 hp blank to fill the row out. Then, keeping the existing 3U stuff, add to that a 2hp Trim to adjust the Clouds stereo out levels down to line level, and that should do it. Gives you a pair of passive mults and stereo passive line-trims for your output.

Not a bad idea at in a wide sort of all-pass setting, you can use it and a pair of VCAs to cobble up a phase shifter. About the same price as Intellijel's Dr. Octature and smaller than the original Mankato, too.

Thread: What I got

Anyone want to make fun of this before I build it?


Bought a small skiff to put a few modules in to make some room for other modules in the bigger cases. Had a play around and quite liked the combination.

Thread: What I got

Anyone want to make fun of this before I build it?


I'd sell Clouds soon, specially with Clouds 2 in the way.

Any way, the E352 is a powerful voice, and with the Microbrute, you're covered there. Maybe a more hands-on sequencer like the Voltage Block (straight forward) or the Rene (more deeper and with cool live input)? Or maybe the Nebulae V2 or the Morphagene for audio processing, if you're not that much into melodic sequencing.

It depends, but it seems like the right direction.

I would just point: Pulp Logic 1U tile are not compatible with Intelijel ones!

Soo... you're here, after all.

Nice! Just remember Plaits has more functionality than Braids. Braids is discontinued, but its whole code lives inside Plaits. And double-check the RackBrute depth before buying!

If you end up trading Braids for Plaits, then there will be some space left for maybe an analog wavefolder, one of the nice things in the modular world.

See ya!

Soo... you're here, after all.

Looks nice mate, hope to see your tunes soon :)

Soo... you're here, after all.

Awesome, the Passive Bus Block works great! Good suggestion! I just pulled the extra tile-tails right off and put them away for later, now it is more compact and I still have enough headers to go around.

@Lugia, what do you think of the new Joranalogue Filter 8? The few demos look pretty interesting. I am really considering pre-ordering it instead of the Polivoks, as it looks like it has every filter feature you could want in 12HP plus more, although it also seems a bit more tame and domesticated compared to the Polivok. Anyways, it has features abound, you can select between 1-4 pole LP and 4 other filters that are output at the same time. Bonus, the low end doesn't drop out when you crank up resonance (for comparison the droffoff is so pronounced on the Moog DFAM that I use resonance as a mute knob), and it triples as a ultra-wide-range VCO that does octature.

Looking to build a 3U Rackbrute to complement my Minibrute 2s. Any thoughts appreciated and whether I have any duplicate modules. Goal is to complement Minibrute's VCOs with some digital oscillators + percussion. Thank you!

Bought a module each from @sceledra @jmason and @mutate last month - good communication & fast shipping with all 3

I built this module last weekend and at first tried to run an Erica Synths Pico Drums through it with little luck. The design of this module is such that no little to input results in self oscillation. The breaks in between drum beats created results that were not what I expected. That said, once I ran the Disting Mk4 running one of VCO algorithms this filter came alive and the results were fantastic. I really like the results I'm getting from this module but I feel like I now need a second filter just for drums.

Planning a small rack for my home studio. I was hoping to use it to create evolving pads and textures; to process/mangle outside audio (field recordings, guitar, sounds out of my DAW, sounds from my Microbrute); and to get my guitar pedals into the action. It would be great to have all my hardware and software working together fluidly, and to keep having reasons to return to the rack no matter what I'm working on.

I have the Clouds, Wogglebug, uVCA, and Pluck, plus a Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms SV-1 system that I'm considering selling. I also have that Microbrute, which is very useful with its CV/gate out.

Still new-ish to modular, so any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Is there a better way to go about this? Thank you!

Sure, I will work hard to have my modules under my brand name!

Thank you for your help :)

Seems like you have all the info you need :)

As soon as your site is up with a few modules readily available for purchase, send a private request to MG management and the team will process your request. Alternatively you can upload the modules as Other/Unknown but that's not as exciting. Plus, let's face it, there's nothing better for your sales than the module appearing on MG while it's readily available on your webshop!
-- ParanormalPatroler

NANO is an electronic devices brand.
We are located in València, Spain.

does this have a expander ? ..
is this compatible with the Korgasmatron II expander

That's very nice to hear, I've gotten a bit OCD about trying to create the 'perfect' 168hp rack over the past few months. The amount of iterations I've squeezed into that time is stupid, I was starting to doubt if I'd ever be happy with it.. But yes, this looks nice.. Maybe it's the one. Happy now I didn't sell the 3 sisters and W/.

Thank you for all the input Luigia,

God's work your doing

Yeah...actually, this seems a lot more capable than the prior iteration. There's some really apparent-on-examination things in there, plus lots of latitude for exploration/abuse potential. And yeah, you can make the Mangrove sound gnarly...all depends on what sort of modulation you send it, and to where. And like you note, you'd have two divergent 'voices' in there: a more background-y sort with the 3 Sisters' output, and a more in-your-face lead coupling the Piston Honda and Polivoks. Not too shabby!

Don't own the module myself, but I think the main diffs are an upgraded screen and extra CV input that you can assign to anything.

Seems like you have all the info you need :)

As soon as your site is up with a few modules readily available for purchase, send a private request to MG management and the team will process your request. Alternatively you can upload the modules as Other/Unknown but that's not as exciting. Plus, let's face it, there's nothing better for your sales than the module appearing on MG while it's readily available on your webshop!

I have found the following information:
And my site is in construction, but I also have a Fb page:


You have to contact MG owner directly. Do you have an official site?
-- ParanormalPatroler

NANO is an electronic devices brand.
We are located in València, Spain.

Hello cg_funk
Pamela certainly looks like an interesting option.
Do you know if there are significant differences in features between Pamela's Workout and Pamela's NEW Workout?

another option:

ModularGrid Rack

This looks a bit more rounded to me since I don't get too complex with the Morphagene and 20hp is a lot of space.. Really curious about the Mangrove but have only seen it used in softer settings, I wonder if it can get growly if poked (I assume so?).. The 3 sisters would be a nice counter-balance to the Polivoks's ear bleeding, while the Pluck could (almost) replace my beloved Inharmonic String mode of the Plaits.

Thoughts on this one Luigia?

I know it's highly subjecive, but I'd love to get your take on which setup looks nicer to you, or any tweaks you might have to suggest.

Thank you

I think what you are describing is a simpler version of Pamela's New Workout.

Also take look at the different trigger sequencing modules by Noise Engineering.
To make a swing beat, you can send a LFO to another LFO-pitch CV, and then patch that to the clock-in on any module that takes triggers.

The Zularic Repetitor has extra 'random' modes that do basically what you are asking for.

Purchased a Clouds from PinPinKula over a year ago. Quick and transparent transaction, good communication. Clean build, no issues.

You have to contact MG owner directly. Do you have an official site?

Thank you guys for your suggestions and advice, they are very appreciated! Gotta agree also! I have had my eyes on the Mother32 for quite some time now. I think thats the best way I can get my feet wet and learn some basic patching. And then later on, I can start adding to the sound with some modules. :)

Flawed Master Clock

or anything resembling?
or any ideas of how to diy one?


Hello, I want to upload a module with my manufacturer name. How can I add my name to that list?


NANO is an electronic devices brand.
We are located in València, Spain.

Gotta agree with the above, but my inclination would be to go with the Arturia Minibrute 2 and/or 2s. That way, you'd have hardware that's ready for Eurorack addition via Arturia's Rackbrute subsystems.

The power bus problem is easy: check out Pulplogic's Passive Bus Block. This gives you six more 16-pins (you connect it via a free 16-pin on the existing bus boards, so even though it has seven, you really wind up with a gain of six) plus ten prewired tile-tails. And since tile-tails are easily split with Pulplogic's splitter cables, this is pretty much an optimal solution.

Hello Sebastian,

I've been contemplating your plan for a few days now and
have a possible path for you that would give you a great starting point
into synth exploration. My feeling is that a few desktop synths would
provide a very affordable, feature packed solution to getting into eurorack.

Here's an example:
Roland SE-02 Analog Synthesizer Module
Arturia DrumBrute Analog Drum Machine (Standard Edition because it has more eurorack compatible outputs)
These two desktop units would basically do more than the rack you've designed for less than a grand.
You'd have Oscillators, LFO's, Filters, Mixers, Sequencers and, importantly, inputs and outputs.
They both would play really well with a eurorack setup. If you play keyboard, throw in a controller keyboard and
you'd be good to go.

Search for "semi modular desktop synth" and you'll find dozens of options like this.

Anyway, it's one way to go.

At the least, study the flow of these desktop units it'll give you ideas for building a eurorack.

Good Luck!


hello guys :)

Will do so, thanks for the advice! Should I drop the a kind of all-in-one system? Maybe you could tell me what the biggest mistake is I made with this rack so I can learn from it? Thanks!