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I am a noob here at MG and I am just getting started building my rack of modules that I am building as DIY projects. I have assembled a collection of modules that I have purchased PCBs for.
I added this module to the library since it wasn't in there. But for some reason the image does not appear correctly when I add it to my rack. The image is from the MuffWiggler thread introducing it and appears to be properly cropped and appears fine in the module overview but when added to my rack part of the sides are cut off and it is stretched over the 20HP. I don't see any other explanation about the image format requirements other than what's on the entry page.
If someone can fix it or tell me what I need to do to correct it, it would be most appreciated.
Great, thanks for the input! I have not bought the Batumi, nor the Plaits or Pam's yet, these are just modules that I have been thinking about adding. Perhaps it would make more sense to get the MI Stages then (which is another module I have been considering), which can serve more envelope duties.
Totally see your point about moving the DFAM out of the rack. I'm sure this will happen eventually, but at this point, I quite like having it there (in part due to space limitations and in part due to the fact that I don't like to look at a half-empty case). I ended up getting a big (for me) 9U monorocket case with upgraded power supply for a really good price, so currently I'm not thinking about the rack-space (or power) as very precious.
The rack is currently sitting above a Moog Grandmother, which I can use to add another analog oscillator. But also have a couple of wonderful analogs already, so feel like the Eurorack is less an attempt to build another analog synth, and more of an experimental space for trying out and finding other sonic textures.
But yeah, maybe a different filter and more envelopes. What about other stuff? I still feel quite confused by the enormous expansion of terms and concepts that come from moving into Euro.
And yeah, I do realise I just need to give it some time :-)
Peaks is okay. But it's a stereo envelope generator... or basically two independent trigger/gate inputs sharing the same slopes. It will work. But your pretty skint on envelope generators. Using ones inside a menu driven module (like Pamela) might inhibit your workflow if you're dependent on them.
The Ripples has low-pass and band pass. That's okay... but I would start with a multi-mode filter with more options like a Morgasmatron.
Your low-pass gate is more in line with a VCA than a filter. It's a bit like a hybrid between the two. It definitely has a sound to it. But I wouldn't put it over in the filter column.
Take the DFAM out of the rack. Rack space is expensive and having the DFAM eating up rack space and power off of your PSU... I would reserve the space for modules. You're at the point where you're going to start throwing compromises in which modules you get in order to accommodate the DFAM. It's up to you of course.
No Poti expander for the Batumi? To alter waveshapes on your Batumi (other than sine/square), you'll have to change jumpers on the back... the same for sync vs reset.
A second dedicated VCO would also be nice. You have a Dixie and a Plaits. Something that can take sync inputs like a second Dixie or a Rubicon II would give you some options. The Plaits is fine for generic sounds. It's worth keeping. But if you're looking to sync oscillators or get in some more audio rate modulation, a second VCO would be nice.
It's not a bad start. There is a lot to work with as is.
Was posting from an iPad and couldn't quite figure out how the fetch the actual link, but here it is. Thanks for responding and having a look. Peaks can do envelopes, and have an ALM Pip Slope in there as well. Got a Ripples Filter and a Pittsburg Lo-Pass Gate.
Can you paste a link of the system rather than just a JPEG? I'm having trouble identifying some of your modules and it's much easier to calculate available rack space. On first glance, your system seems to have most of the core elements. Where are the envelope generators? Is there a filter... filters? Also, you can upgrade the Batumi with the Poti expander. It's around $60US and well worth the extra 3HP. Post that link and I'll take another look.
I received the Fold Processor, and tested it in a first try out session. I really think this gave my rack a great boost, that was a very good suggestion from Lugia.
I'm not super familiar with the 0Coast. But it's essentially a synth-voice for our purposes here. It has everything in one unit to make a sound: oscillators, filters, envelopes, VCAs... or the equivalent of those elements to be technical.
Everything you have in the rack above can influence the sound of the 0Coast. You now have a new filter to play with, full ADSR envelopes, four 16 step sequencers (O_C), your Erbeverb... you can modulate your Eurorack VCOs with the output of the 0Coast... you have a lot to work with. Don't be nervous. You'll be wiggling your arse off for a couple of months.
Once you get a little bored, you have a lot of directions you can go in. Try grabbing the Monsoon module from Michigan Synth Works. I just ordered one. It's the Clouds module but with independent modulation inputs rather than four parameters sharing one input. It's also smaller and less expensive. But that's just one thing that you can do. You can add a Joranalogue Switch. That's on my list as well. It gives you two 4:1 manual switches on rotaries. There are also individual mutes that are three position switches (on/off/momentary). You could get a 1010 Music FXBox/SynthBox/Bitbox. It's the same "box" but can run the three different firmwares. The FXBox might be pretty tasty for a multi-FX processor with Eurorack control.
Edit: you could also add something outboard like a Behringer Neutron. It's basically a synth-voice as well. It's $300 if you're looking for something that's fast to set-up and has lots of options. I'll use mine if I don't want to patch a bunch of stuff to a modulation set-up I've put together. It's got a huge patchbay to tinker with... and it's dirt cheap compared to buying all of those individual pieces. Then just toss it on a shelf when you don't need it (don't bother racking it).
Okay... those are just a handful of possibilities. But you're definitely not going to be bored with what you have. Just remember it takes time to get proficient and you'll probably reach a couple of high points of awesomeness and some low points of ("why the f... did I spend all that money on this crap?!!!"). That's normal. Keep wiggling.
I think I will start to build this modular, it will take some time and surely I will understand better what to add later.
If I can ask one last thing, which modules will be most useful to me with the 0-Coast at the beginning?
Thanks again to everyone for the help, I think by myself I wouldn't have been able to build something useful.
Your latest build is enough to get started. Save the empty space for future expansions once you know what you'd like to do. The two Quadratts should be enough for some basic mixing of what you've got. Plus you can mix with the quad VCA as well. However, you're limited to mono. As far as mixers, Happy Nerdings Pan mixer is good, Roland's 531 Mixer, they should be available in Europe. I think there are some performance mixers you might like and Lugia mentioned another make that has aux sends on it.
You have two dedicated ADSRs. The O&C module can generate up to four more as well as CV using the Sequins mode. You'll find envelopes great for controlling volume. But they are great for modulating other attributes like your filter cut-off frequency, Q, or even modulating the pitch of a VCO... like when making a kick drum for example.
Take a deep breath and pull the trigger on this. Get reading to learn a few things. :)
My rack currently looks like the images above. Instead of the Mixology, I think I'm going to add the Mixup to save space (maybe 2).
A few more questions...
I need an additional sound source. Given my current setup, would I get more use out of something like the A-110-6, or something less traditional like the BIA? I definitely like the drum sounds you can get out of the BIA.
I'd also like to get an additional, small sequencer. The Tirana seems to be well reviewed. What are people's thoughts on this module in terms of what it delivers for its size?
The rest of the space will probably get filled with another envelope generator, clock source, external input (for pedals) and maybe a Disting. Are there any misc. modules that are particularly useful just to fill out the case? Maybe a 2hp Arp? Thanks folks.
Moved out of a small studio space a couple of months ago, and in the process of downsizing accidentally managed to trade a synth for a small 48hp case of eurorack modules. A couple of months later, what seemed like an innocent additional effects-unit has expanded to a 9u drum and ambient texture-box with me really having no clue of what happened. I guess I’m nearing completion in terms of filling it up, and am fooling myself into believing that it will all de done then. Need some help though with figuring out what is missing, since this is all still very new to me. Most of the stuff I have bought used, with the exception of the DFAM, the Quad VCA and Marbles, so the selection is somewhat a reflection of what has been for sale locally. I also have a beatstep pro, which functions as a bit of a hub for connecting up to my other synths (SH-1, Jupiter 4, Grandmother). Actually am guitarist, so have some external effect boxes such as reverbs, delays and distortion. Goals is to use this for evolving drums/rhythms/textures together with other synths to make ambient krautrockish stuff. Have also thought about using it for mangling existing recordings. Have everything except for Plaits and Batumi. Would those be good additions, and what should I add or perhaps even get rid of/exchange? More modulation, more utilities?
First of all, thank you very much again. You are helping me a lot to understand what I need.
About the envelopes, I was in fact undecided between two Doepfer A-140-2 Dual Micro ADSRs and the Quadra, I had chosen the latter to save HP but in fact I was not convinced since as far as I understand you can only choose between the modes AD, ASR and Cycle. I didn't know the Z4000, it seems good and in fact I will follow your advice, my doubt is, with 3 VCO I should have at least 3 right? Can the Quadra be useful for something else or better add another ADSR and remove that?
I took a look at the Ornaments & Crime and indeed that also convinces me. Using an external sequencer, can Temps_Utile help me anyway? I ask because sometimes I still struggle to understand the possibilities of some modules.
Regarding the 1U reverb and the 1U Line Out, not having many HP I had thought of using an external mixer but in fact I didn't think of it well and I would still prefer to have an internal mixer. I should just figure out which one can be good for me.
I'd like something with panning, I tried to look for the Blue Lantern one but even that seems to be not easy to find in Europe. What about the Verbos Scan & Pan (except the price...)?
The rainmaker attracted me but it can be replaced for the moment, I just have to look for some modules that can help me doing ambient stuff.
Here's the updated one:
update: new users cannot create threads. They still can post to existing threads but these post will have to go through moderation if they are suspicious.
What's the prerequisite? There are a few posts here and there with SPAM. Should I continue deleting or should I post the user here? I can't stand these posts, so I'm inclined to delete them when I see them.
Note: I got a great deal on that moog clone, and I'm on a budget so an "all in one" kinda synth voice thing was something I wanted to get first.
Let me know if there's anything that seems redundant or anything that is missing, or if there's cheaper versions of things I should get. The only thing I've got so far is the moog clone. I've never had a modular before and this is just a first draft. I got a PSU and tiptop happy ending kit with 126hp rails on it.
Appreciate any help and I'm excited to get into this!
Thx Ronin..
For now I ordered the Fold Proc., first I have to research what that brought me when I got that module.
But when I want to add another voice I will keep your words in mind.
I am not a expert yet, but looking at other racks give me inspiration too ..
I noticed 2 things .
1) MI Peaks, that module is not available anymore, off course it is possible you have it already, or that you can find it on second hand market. or there could be a clone, but I thought better to write it down, to be sure.
2) what Ronin said about the Function, you can also apply to the Contour, but the contour is fully ADSR, if you want that, it is a good choice.
(I have a Contour too, and maths is still on my wish-list, but i have 2 rows, and am planning to go to 3 rows)
On the fundamental side... where are the envelope generators? A couple of Tip Top Z4000 ADSRs would go nicely here. Each stage can be modulated and there are pots to control the level of the envelope as well as invert it.
In the 1U world. Why do you have the 1U reverb with a nice ErbeVerb in your rack? Ditch that little thing.
The line out 1U... get rid of it too. It's just not worth it. You have two line level ins and out assuming you're in an Intellijel case.
With the space saved on the Line Out and Reverb, put in another Quadratt. You'll thank me later.
That 16 space hole is perfect for an 8HP Ornaments & Crime and an 8HP Temps Utile. I love them because they are SO multifunctional and EASY to adjust. The menus are very simple to get through once you understand how to navigate.
Are you really in love with the Rain Maker? It's a lot of real estate and relatively expensive. Plus I believe they are backordered. 36 HP can be filled with a lot of love as far as effects. Unless the Rain Maker is integral, I would save it for a larger version of your build. Tough choice.
Check all of your Mutable Instrument modules for compatible clones. The clones run the same software and have the same components. They are just generally more compact. Using the clones will give you more room in your case for future expansion (assuming your power supply can accommodate the additional power usage). Check out Michigan Synthworks for some decent Mutable clones.
The Make Noise Function is basically half of Maths. Any reason for this module? That 8HP can go to something a little more useful like Temps Utile or an Ornaments & Crime (two of my favorite modules, I keep mentioning them). You'll get a LOT more use out of one of those than the Function. Replace the Function, clock divider and Disting with TU and OC and I think you'd be happier in the end. Oh, you can also get rid of the Euclids module with the TU and buy back 2HP. The TU is around $250, so that one Euclids module covers half of the expense.
I do not see a filter. A small multimode filter would be great in this rack.
But back to the first point. Redesign this rack with Mutable clones and then consider what to do with the extra space.
Thank you for your recomendation ..much apreciated.
Main reason I want to put those on a case is so I can carry them to a friends studio for jamming...They do take a lot of rack space but they give a lot too.. I want them to be properly packed if I am going to move them around. As for the rear outputs/inputs I can just move them to the side of the rack, just will need some sort cables and DIY work. Both synths also offer audio out on the patch bay. It is also true that I do not need to build the case right now, I have first to get to know them well at home.
Well, regarding modules math comes always a one of the most recomended modules, I think is quite complex but can do lots of thing. For example turning the DFAM into a Subharmonicon .
In fact I already bought one secondhand (ups!!), a never used mk2 still under warranty for 220€, I could not say no. ;-) It can wait in the drawer a couple of months if necessary, first I ´ll get to know both the Neutron and DFAM.
The disting comes also recommended but after your feedback I think I will just pass. Main reason to go modular is to have full hands on with no menus, Disting does look like a pain in the ass. The other modules have not been thought thoroughly though.
I still do not have the CV.ocd with me but I guess will serve me to route some modulation/trigers from reaktor blocks to the modular. I do not think I will need the Gate/boost as as far as I know all trigger/gates do respond to 5v. Also one of the neutrons midi cc´s can be assignt to a cv out, there is also a midi gate cv out present.
As I said before I also own a Bastle Kastle, I saw ST modular sell a DIY eurorack version of it, I may try to convert mine.
Thank you for your list of recommended modules, I will look into them. Still my budget for hardware is 2000€, which I will spend sooner or later (rather do that on hardware than partying.. money burns in my pocket :-)). So far DFAM 520€ new B-stock, Neutron 275 new B-stock, CV.ocd 130€ Maths mk2 220€ second hand under warranty. That makes 1145€ so far...
As I said before I also own a Bastle Kastle, I saw ST modular sell a DIY eurorack version of it, I may try to convert mine.
If I make my own case I think I can do a nice one for less than 200/300€, flight case like; I think I would go for a meanwell RT65B PSU and a single busboard. There would be no much difference in price in making this or a small 3U 40HP case. The RT65B delivers up to 2.4A on +12 and up to 1A in -12 if not under full load, also has +5V altough I do not think I will need it.
Neutron is quite power hungry, according to Behringer 1A but I red somewhere is more like 700mAh. 1.5A might be enough for the whole thing but I preffer not to force the PSU. It will need to feed around 4 to 6 modules, maximum.
Other recommendations regarding PSU/Busboard combo will be apreciated too; 200€ tops
If I add the ST Modular Kastle to the set up it would mean going for a 6U 90HP case, I would have 10 HP empty space to add something in the future ( out of the modules you recommend one could fit, as there is even an 8hp version of temps, uTemps).
The post is interesting. It explores 2019 Eurorack. You can find an image along with the article and it can tell you everything that you need to know. If you go through the image carefully, you will get to know what it is and what it is saying.
Newbie - Ready to purchase and fill my new Synthrotek Skiff Boat 104 HP. Can anyone help me decide if these modules are appropriate together and if the primary parts are there for an ambient generative system? Thanks all
Plaits is the next generation of Braids. I own the Braids module. The Plaits has more possibilities, but the Braids at least has a crude screen for menu diving. However the Braids is higher in fidelity and has more options.
Plaits/Braids are great when you want a sound quickly without a lot of patching and tweaking. If you're short on kit, then they have some great options. Braids can quantize your CV for you as well as apply its own attack/decay if you wish. If you get the micro-version, it's pretty handy to keep around for that extra voice to add some depth to your patch (like a counter melody or some background funky-ness). But 99% of the time, it's not my go-to module as it lacks a lot of features you'll find on a traditional oscillator.
Take the DFAM and the Neutron out of the rack. The line-level outputs and MIDI are on the top of the unit. I think the same applies to the DFAM audio out (don't own one). By putting them in the rack you create new problems to solve at this point. Once you get going on modular, you'll want that rack space back.
As far as your modules... why? What will the Maths , Disting, and clock divider do for you and your set-up? What are the capabilities of the cv.ocd? Can IT generate clocks based on MIDI clock from your DAW or possibly a dummy MIDI clip running at the clock speed you desire? Can it support more than one clock? You'll probably want to clock the DFAM if you're using its internal sequencer alongside your DAW. You might need the Gate-Boost option for the cd.ocd.
You have the cv.ocd, the DFAM, and the Neutron at the moment. I would see how much you can get out of that set-up BEFORE you venture any further or bother with a rack or modules. I think you need some experience in using your new gear before augmenting it. You'll save yourself a lot of time and grief.
When you are ready to add more possibilities, I swear by the Temps Utile, Ornaments & Crime, as well as the Noise Engineering Mimitec Digitalis. With those three, you should be able to get some really nice modulation, and pattern generation. O&C and TU have a lot of possible functions like Eclidean patterns, quantizers, quad LFOs, etc. The Mimetic I find really useful since it has four 16-note CV sequencers in it and can be CV controlled to alter its patterns. Check out some Youtube videos on them and see if they are your cup-of-tea. I also have the Disting. But when I'm in the creative zone, having to break out the manual to figure out where the patch I want is and what parameters I can control tends to suck me out of my creative space and back into my daily technical life. The module is very powerful compared to its price... but it's so bloody hard to use.
That's my opinion and it's not necessarily the right one for you. But that's the advice I'd give you face-to-face if you were about to drop a lot of money on gear.
I am new to modulargrid, beautiful site indeed...
I want to make an eurorack system, to feed my NI Maschine based set up.I do not intend to make songs (I have never been good at it) but rather evolving sesions live like; anything between IDM, Acid and Dark Techno.
In the computer I will be using Maschine MK3 and JAM, Maschine software, reaktor blocks, Maschine Drumsynths and maybe will add Softube modular, as the basic package is quite cheap. Also have some other VST synths
I want to make a 2x84hp eurorack system with Moog DFAM and Behringer Neutron as main sound sources and add a few modules to it. I also own a Bastl Kastle which will integrate fine as has two cv I/O.
To comunicate with the compouter with the system I bought a cv.ocd.
I also have some guitar FX from my grindcore days (Metalzone, compressor, Phaser, eq..etc)
I will use the two audio inputs in my Kontrol audio 1 to feed both the Neutron and DFAM main outputs to the computer and sample and/or add extra FX. Also I can use the two extra outputs on the Kontrol 1 to send audio (extra oscilators, drumloops, etc..) into both DFAM/Neutron
This is my project so far:
I already bought both DFAM and Neutron; the modules I have thought off are Maths, ModDemix, Disting mk4 and to fill the 2hp gap maybe a clock divider/multiplier? I will make my own case with Doepfer DIY kit (I have just realiced the whole set up draws more than 1.2 amp...Maybe I could dissasemble the PSU from the neutron and fix it to the case, so the neutron would have its own psu and the rest the Doepfer rail.)
The cost will be 790€ for the DFAM/Neutron combo, another 700€ for the modules and around 200€ for the case. Even adding the Bastle Kastle and the cv it does not reach 2000€.
As I am making my own case I can also leave a 1Ux84 rack space empty on top to add some extra functions
i am producing music (like we all do in a way...)
and my latest album is going to be released on the 2.May,
200 pieces on coloured 180gr Vinyl only
digital download through my bandcamp site
it will be distributed by Cineploit records (
i made it by using eurorack modules only,
so maybe some of you want to give it a listen:
Ha thanks, I think I got my final idea for that part :
My current idea is that first of all I will go for the Fold Processor, then the Doepfer A-110-6, and keep Plaits as an option if (or when) there is budget enough for it. Better to have that with good partner modules in the house.
My next point of interest is sequencers (thinking of that in a broad way). I have the MiniBrute 2S (and also the Keystep) but I also want something in the rack itself, I will receive the sequential switch (doepfer version) soon, but there are also some options I like to consider:
I like the doepfer A-155 because it looks really easy to use.
But besides the size , I think I miss one important option, a kind of 'end of loop' mechanisn/output.
I think in functionality the Varigate 4+ is a very good one, but I think it is really a little harder to use because you use the same sliders for different settings, and that makes that it has a less good overview, and also this looks more difficult for live performances.
I think the voltage block has a better overview, but it is also big and I think it takes a little too much out of my budget for the kind of module it is.
MI Stages is not a real sequencer I think, but it comes close in my eyes and it is easy expandable, to have more stages or other kind of sequencer like modules connected. So it is very fexible in my eyes.
Then I like the Pittsburg Lifeforms Micro Sequence, it looks like a good mixture of value for the bucks and easy to use,. bnt in a small package.
Anyone a thought or 2 on this subject ?
Totally different...the A-110-6 is an analog VCO/LFO with the appropriate circuitry for TZFM and quadrature outputs, while the Plaits is a microprocessor-based digital oscillator with several very useful synthesis methods. While it might seem that that might not be a "proper match", the fact is that the A-110-6 is one of the analog VCOs that has the timbral complexity potential to hold its own against the Plaits when in use as a VCO, and has ample quadrature-phased waveform outputs for LFO use that can make the Plaits go morphing-bonkers when using the A-110-6 in that mode.
Which brings up another point: when looking at modules, always also look at how certain modules can synergize with each other. In this case, you could opt for two different sets of possible uses, both with some major sonic plusses to them...but if there's two that are obvious enough on the surface, there's apt to be MUCH more lurking there, waiting to be discovered once they're in a cab.
Ok, that is 1 down .. the Dixie II+ is now disappearing from my path tot my 3th gen Rack, (maybe there will ever be a 4th gen, we will see then again with the Dixie III ++ maybe), still need to upgrade the newer racks.
I will try to dig up some video's with the A-1110-6..
What is your take on the MI Plaits? I really liked the demo of that sweet thing .. How would you compare that to the A-110-6 ?
Comments/ideas/critique welcomed.
Hi All,
First time poster, long time reader here... I have started this build, my intention is for it to be a processor/manipulator of external sound as well as a producer of sound. My knowledge is intermediate i.e i still find myself making mistakes with module selection as my knowledge of what is useful is limited. This is where you come in. Could you please help me piece this baby out. I have included almost everything I own and a couple of wish list pieces in this so far, some of this may be redundant if you think so let me know.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the Tiptop Fold has a suboctave divider; you can get up to four octaves down from your initial pitch with that. That would kind of disqualify the DixieII+, since you'd be duplicating a function with it that's better-implemented in the Fold. Instead, try and aim for adding more modulation possibilities with the VCO choices while maintaining cost-effectiveness. That Doepfer A-110-6, for example, is $21 more than the DixieII+...but it gives you quadrature outputs both as a VCO and LFO, has thru-zero FM capability, plus both linear and exponential FM. This makes it useful as a modulation source in LFO mode, and as an audio VCO with some very strange FM capabilities. Sounds like something worth $21 to me!
Thanks very much for the explanations Lugia, I thought the same but I wanted to take away my doubts before spending money on something that I wouldn't need.
I tried to sketch a first idea, the Mutant Brain seems good for controlling the modular with the Pyramid. I left the DPO and added the Loquelic Iteras (of this I'm not sure yet but it looks like an interesting and compact VCO) because it seems the VOID Modular ones aren't available in Europe at the moment. As filters I thought of a dual Low-Pass Gate and the Morgasmotron as suggested by @ Ronin1973. The Quadra for ADSR. About the VCAs I think I need more, but I'm not sure what modules to choose. The same goes for the LFOs, I'm pretty undecided about what to choose. Perhaps some multi-function modules could be good for me, given the little space left? For now I have also left out the sequencers.
I would also like to add a sound panning module.
Am I missing something fundamental? What do you think? Thanks again to everyone.
Ha that is a nice suggestion I think the Fold processor is (from now) on my shortlist.
At the moment I mainly use the MB 2S as seperate VCO/LFO couples, direct outing the waves(etc) to my rack.
Sometimes I use the pitch from the buttons, and gate and vca / attenuators also direct.
I did not use the sequencer yet, so I have some learning curve there, and also I need to find out if I can output the voices further in the stream, where the Brute Force is used. For now I can use the direct VCO effect like metalize, but not yet the Brute Force.
But all those options ))
I now really need to think about the VCO part, I really liked the MI Plaits and also the Int. Dixie II +.
(I already had added the dixie II+ to the 3th phase of my rack.)
But Now I have the 110-6 and VOID Gr. as alternatives..
Did not know Modular was so diffucult :)
Dixie has Sub, Void Gr. is really Dual, and Plaits is more chord-ish (with some cloud effects etc).
So I need to finetune some direction for my rack I think.
For now I think TA - Fold Proc. and MI - Kinks are the next 2 purchases, that are the save ones for now.
Maths have to wait for the third row I think (at the moment in fact I only have 2 rows, but I will get another row in June I think).
Ok, Thx, Lugia, (oh hope we did not steal this thread away from Palme).
First thing I have done is to buy a 'power tester' to be sure all earthed sockets in my kitchen are well wired or not.
Then I will try to find out what the possibilities here will be with your example in mind.
The Tiptop Fold is definitely something to consider, but I'd be more inclined to use it on the modules since the MB2 already has its own waveshaping via the "Brute Factor" control. One thing you might seriously think about, though, would be something more potent as a second VCO to tandem with the STO. Not only would this give you the ability to create nice, thick, detuned sounds between the two VCOs, you can use the dual inputs of the Fold as a de facto mixer, bringing them directly into the waveshaper. My suggestion would be to look at the Doepfer A-110-6, as this would also add thru-zero FM possibilities and the modulated timbral capabilities that brings. Or for around the same price, you could even go with the VOID Gravitational Waves, which would put something more West Coast-ish in with a complex VCO to team with the STO.
That's sort of unfortunate, really...even though having balanced power can be a bit of a wiring hassle, balanced power = CLEAN power. I switched from having that same (more typical in N. America) single hot-leg setup to proper balanced 120 V some years ago, and the results were amazing. You could definitely tell that the noise floor in the studio had dropped, and because of the phasing done by the balancing toroids, various clicks and pops and other intrusive powerline garbage were totally eradicated. And all of my gear worked just fine on that balanced arrangement, as well. True, it's definitely a hassle to wire, because mistakes in wiring that sort of thing (floating grounds, especially!) can lead to a lot of problems that you normally don't see in unbalanced power circuits...but, again, the results were worth the trouble.
I saw Lugia talking about the TipTop Audio - Fold Processor, and because I have no serieus filters at the moment in the rack, maybe this is a good opportunity to shape my first voice from the RackBrute.
The second voice I regelary use to sync the STO.
""Another thing is I am thinking about is to put a 2nd dynamix in the mix and use it to 'shape' the stream to the sync (of the STO) to 2 different syles after each other. But maybe there is another module doing something like that ?""
--Need to rethink this point--
But then still I would like to go further on the melodic part ..
Any suggestions ? Or feedback about my plans , or about my current rack?
Till now, my idea is the following rack, (the second row are the modules I want to buy in addition to the existing first row, Make Noise - Maths / TipTop - Fold processor / Make Noise - Dynamix (a second one) / Mutable Instruments - Kinks ):
(I also forgot the Doepfer Sequential Switch wich is in the front row because I also ordered it, so I think I also will look to the switched multiple. but both are not visible, I can not refresh the screenshot.)
and for the longer run the next rack I have in mind :
(3th row are the new modules for this version)