I borrowed a QPAS from a friend to decide whether I need one in my rack. Oh yes, I do, yes please! Recorded a few patches with QPAS, this one along with a video. Patch details in the video description.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.


Hi Gabor,

Oh yes, that sounds good :-) So your friend easily convinced you to go for the QPAS, right? ;-)

It is indeed a nice stereo filter. Great to share here so you can convince others to go for the QPAS too; I already got one and I am happy with it too. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thanks for your feedback, as always, Garfield. Well, it was QPAS that convinced me, my friend was merely kind enough to make a temporary swap happen - his QPAS for my Rossum Morpheus, 18 hps of filter for 18 hps of filter, for a few days :) I've been keeping an eye on QPAS since it was released and now it got to me instantly and am looking at it as a central module in my rack (have one on backorder but might find one locally...). It's awesome as a stereo filter but can also be something like a 2 x mono filter/animator module. As a matter of fact, at one point, if and when my rack will expand to 4 or 5 x 104 hps, I might decide to add a second QPAS. But first I need the first :)

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
