Just curious how you all are using external instruments (specifically electric guitar) with your rack. I don't recall seeing a thread about this recently, so I figured I would start one.
I recently got back into playing guitar (sort of a post-punk/shoegaze style), and have a Doepfer A119 input and plenty of signal processors, but no good output module. Curious how everyone else is getting instrument signals in and out, connecting your rack to guitar amps (?), effects loops, pedal interfaces, etc.
I'm open to any interesting sound design ideas and recommended modules.

Not how i do it now... But, what i want when it is out!

Hi farkas. For output to pedals look at:
ADDAC200PI Pedal Integrator
I wanted the ADDAC but it wasn't available at the time so I ended up with knob.farm Ferry which is fine.

There are many other pedal interface modules which you can find here on MG including this "full-feature" module, Merge, from Adventure Audio:

Strymon makes one as well (AA.1 Amplifier Atenuator)

For input I use CG Products Pre:
For input you are probably all set with the Doepfer A119 (seems perfect, pre-amp, envelope follower, and comparator).
But check out some of the other modules from CG Products; the Peak + Hold, Noise VCA, Delay 1022, etc. With the Peak + Hold > Noise VCA I can get very good percussion sounds with guitar as input (or really anything as input, basically pinging the filter). I have an envelope follower from Grp.

I have done a lot of stuff with guitar and the modular but I should say I have only played around a little running guitar through the modular. The guitar has been on a separate track and I haven't really recorded anything with the guitar going through or modulating the modular. You can use the signal for FM with VCFs, VCOs, etc. and go crazy running the audio through Clouds, Arbhar, Nebula, etc. But I find I haven't utilized any of that when I record tracks, I mostly use the modular as the 'rhythm section' or I'll comp chords and let the modular do its thing. Maybe now you'll have inspired me to utilize it in this fashion, I hope so!

Let me know if you discover anything good.

Thanks for the input, gang. I've got some more research to do.
I'll post any interesting experiments here.

Hi All, I’m looking to go at this from the other direction, a guitar player wanting to add synth to my setup. I know absolutely nothing about synth so I have come to this site to learn. This is basically my first post and the OP’s question is relevant to my goals. I would like to build a small rack that I can get sequenced rhythms out of that will play nice with effects pedals.
As a new member I guess I am not allowed to post questions in a new thread, so for the time being I will follow this one and try to get some synth 101 from searching the site.


Hi Mitch. I have been experimenting a little bit with the Doepfer A119 and Strymon A.A.1 as input/output/effects loop modules. I also have several effects pedals, modules, and filters that have been fun to incorporate, but I haven't done much recording of the outcome yet.
As far as adding rhythm to your guitar stuff, you would likely be best served with a nice external drum machine like the Roland TR8S. The cost/benefit/usability ratio is very high with that one. Check out some demo videos.

I had been using the Intellijel 1u Pedal I/O to use some guitar pedals I have as an fx loop, and then recently realized I could just ignore the send and plug my guitar in to the pedal chain and bring it into my rack via the return on the I/O. From there it can go pretty much anywhere. Sending it to Morphagene with a clocked record is pretty fun. It's like playing over a looper but more interesting.

On the output I am just including it with my rack's audio out into my computer's audio interface, so I haven't thought about bringing an amp into the equation yet. Sounds pretty good without one though. I've been considering getting a Strymon Iridium to add to my pedal chain, though since the rack is not dedicated to guitar alone (mixes in with VCOs and the rest) this is probably about as far as I'll go with it.

I just picked up Bored Brain's IntrFx, and a few pedals.

That IntrFx looks pretty slick. Thanks for the heads up.

@farkas, I saw this today and thought you might want to take a look


What started me thinking about this stuff is that I picked up a DFAM for cheap and at present I have just been working some rhythms out on it and running it into an amp and then plugging guitar into another and playing along. Kind of a crude way to use it but it’s still neat. I know nothing about synths but have always been interested in them. I just found a Mother 32 in a 2-tier with an empty case in the other tier so I will have 60 hp to play with when it shows up. At present I will probably mate the 32 and DFAM so I can get some patching 101 done and a better understanding of how it all works. Then I can ask some better informed questions.

@farkas, I saw this today and thought you might want to take a look

-- mog00

Whoa! That looks crazy (and useful)! I will definitely look into that. Thanks for the heads up.

What started me thinking about this stuff is that I picked up a DFAM for cheap and at present I have just been working some rhythms out on it and running it into an amp and then plugging guitar into another and playing along. Kind of a crude way to use it but it’s still neat. I know nothing about synths but have always been interested in them. I just found a Mother 32 in a 2-tier with an empty case in the other tier so I will have 60 hp to play with when it shows up. At present I will probably mate the 32 and DFAM so I can get some patching 101 done and a better understanding of how it all works. Then I can ask some better informed questions.
-- OlDefGuy

The Mother 32 is a great intro to synths and modular-land, and with the DFAM is a powerful combo. I would recommend experimenting with those for a few weeks, and when you find that you are unable to do something that you want to do, then start researching modules that will help you solve that problem. When I first started, I bought a few things that I thought I would use but didn't really end up needing so I wasted a little time and money.
Have fun on your synth journey!