Main Synth Dixie2+, I-o47, Maths,FX-Aid,Bat Verb,FH-2
Main Sequencer: Pyramid
Sampler: BlackBox
U-He: Zebra
Dreadbox Typhon

Arranged and Mixed in Studio One.

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Beautiful and strange, well done!

Nice! Found myself wishing it wasn't over. :)
Guess I'll play it again.

Hi Mog00,

Wow, this is brilliantly done! Beautiful sounds, nicely different, what a piece of art this is! Would stand out grand in a piece of Jazz or Ambient.

How did you create that cymbal sound between 0:16 and 0:17? That's beautifully done! Is that a sample?

So much to discover here, I keep pressing the play button :-) Thank you very much for sharing this and I hope, one day you will make a longer version of this brilliant track! Kind regards, Garfield.

P.S.: Pressing now for the 8th time this track! I just can't stop!!!

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Great sound design and arrangement, nice 90s feel too. I love it @mog00

@GarfieldModular, that is a sample from a Goldbaby collection put through the NE Desmodus. I love the sound of the Dixie in this track, I have been playing a ton with this one. I will likely be expanding my rack in a few months and adding a couple more analog osc. I do want to add a really good FM module to get some nice DX-7 tones if anyone has some recommendations.

I have a few more tracks I am working on, as I continue to get a good workflow going between performing (not quite there yet to pull a track like this off live quite yet, I have just started more song based programming with the squarp), sound design and arranging.

I also have my eye on a Novation Peak, and the Jomox Alpha Base if anyone has any experience or opinions on either of these, all comments welcome.

Hi Mog00,

Thanks for the detailed information. With this track you convinced me about the Dixie 2+ :-) It was already on my wish list and now I will increase the priority of getting this module, thanks to you!

I don't have that much experience with FM yet, though I love my Synthesis Technology - E330 Multimode VCO module. Lovely as well as a bit weird module but that's why I love it :-) One of the three modes available on this module is the 2-operator FM synthesis mode.

Similar here, I had for real quite some time my eye on the Novation - Peak synthesizer but I didn't had space left here to put it anywhere so that's one of the reasons why I didn't bought it yet. The other reason is that Novation came "recently" with their Summit synthesizer, also interesting but... I think it's too huge for me regarding the "no space" I have...

And then... there came the Waldorf - Kyra and Iridium. Peak & Summit are wave table based synthesizers so is the Iridium, though that's "a bit more" than that... I am myself now looking into the pair of Kyra and Iridium synthesizers but space is definitely an issue even with these desktop models and the financing of this is yet another issue...

Anyway, I better start to stop dreaming about nice synthesizers ;-) Kind regards, Garfield.

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I also looked at the summit, I just want a desktop poly don’t have space for the full keyboard, I am looking for modular modules to create that deep house fm bass you know it when you hear it. I can create a solid fm bass in software synths but want to create that in modular. Anyone into sound design that can point me at the best modules to recreate this sound I would appreciate the guidance.