interesting! does this work nicely with mono sources too?
Single Stereo Mixer/Panner/VCA - Standalone module and an Expander for Bartender
interesting! does this work nicely with mono sources too?
interesting! does this work nicely with mono sources too?
-- Musicaespressiva2
Yes, the left input normals to the right input if the right is unpatched,
interesting! does this work nicely with mono sources too?
-- Musicaespressiva2Yes, the left input normals to the right input if the right is unpatched,
-- robotsarered
Great. So when is going to be available? Panel is metal or pcb?
interesting! does this work nicely with mono sources too?
-- Musicaespressiva2Yes, the left input normals to the right input if the right is unpatched,
-- robotsarered
Great. So when is going to be available? Panel is metal or pcb?
-- Musicaespressiva2
Should be available sometime in January. Panel is PCB.
So it's an extension module for Bartender that is also aligned opposite to bartender, being upside down.
Just confirming, I have 2 Cast Iron units cascaded with dupont cables, and it effectively works as a 2 stereo-channel mixer. Wasn't sure about this until I got the second unit so this works as beautifully as I had hoped.