* Make Noise Skiff
* SSF Mini Slew

Buy later:
* ER-301
* Basimilus Iteritas Alter

* MI Frames
* O'Tool+
* Rene
* Erbe Verb

Lovingly eye:
* Xaoc Samara
* XAOC Praga or Toppobrillo Stereomix?
* Audio Damage Eos?
* Varigate 4?
* Meng Qi Voltage Memory?
* Xaoc Belgrad?
* Pressure Points?
* Arturia Drumbrute or Max/MSP?
* Tip Top Quantizer?
* MI Warps?
* Ornament and Crimes?
* Control Forge?
* Monome Arc?

Maybe Sell:
* Rene
* Erbe Verb
* Mother-32

This video makes an Arc and a ER-301 seem like a really tempting pair. But I think I can get away with either using the grid to similar effect or touch fun with Rene. Arc would be nice but ain't nobody got $$$ for that.

Rene and Erbe Verb are valuable enough that selling them to fund ER-301 sounds pretty good. Would be a bit of a bummer though.