Thanks for the tip - will check out some maths videos. Seems to cover a lot of bases

I bought a mother-32 some 6 months ago (my first eurorack purchase, was an op-1 wiggler for a few years before) and the bug has kind of bitten me.
I am not putting too much money into this as i can see it quite likely being an long path , so as i love making things have built up lots of mutable modules. now seeing this could be the base of nice little system. I am looking to build up an NV build Klee soon but need to start thinking about adding some basics vcas, env generators.

What is obviously missing? would allow me to start geeing more musical.. I have been happy in drone/ bonkers land to date but want to stop building so much and start experimenting form. That means sequencers and env generators i guess

I find the sequencer on the moog ok and will add a klee NV build soon so just after some initial thoughts really , ideally kits /diy but happy to put money into good modules . Love to know any ones thoughts