Power Consumption: 3524 mA +12V | 1914 mA -12V | 2 mA 5V | Depth: 75 mm | Number of Modules: 101 | Data Sheet
Achtung This Rack contains modules with incomplete power consumption specs: DE-6 - Nødsignal, DE-2 Bunker Archeology, DE-5 – SHAKTI, DE-4 GBU-12 PAVEWAY II, DE-7 SLEEPER AWAKES, DE-15 Svalbard, Mother Knight Diode Ladder Filter, DE-17 – Neo Tokyo, DE-19 Mouth, DE-20 – CLOT, DE-14 Distorted Light, DE-11 The Qu, DE-9 BOX OF ANGELS, DE-10 Health, Frisson black panel, Primal Hyperchaos, Splish black panel