4 HP
46 mm deep
Current Draw
15 mA +12V
15 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$135 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer


The SVF is a 2 pole 12dB state variable filter providing low pass, band pass, and high pass outs inspired by WASP and Thomas Henry filter topologies. The filter has 2 audio inputs, but channel 2 is jumper selectable between standard audio in or Ping-able operation. The 2019 revision also adds improved cutoff and resonance response and attenuversion through the ACV IN using the above pot. CV IN provides another unattenuated voltage input to modulate the frequency.

There are also several jumper selectable modes for max resonance, self oscillation or no oscillation based on the setting of the resonance pot. According to the jumper configuration, the filter is capable of clinical and clean, to juicy and drippy, to low pass gate sounding plonks, to screaming chaotic resonance. When set to self oscillation mode, the filter can produce a sine like wave with no input and a trapezoid like wave in the max resonance jumper setting. In max resonance mode, the filter output can exceed 10Vpp. On the newest version, there is a trimmer on the top pcb to set the lowest cutoff frequency.

The panel is reversible, this is the Classic side. The other side is Soulless with less graphics.

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submitted Jul 30th 2020, 18:38 by onurkalaycioglu | last Change Jul 30th 2020, 18:47 by onurkalaycioglu

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