I found 1315 threads containing :) in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Faulty DIY module Modules by 4 262
Power Supplies Modules by 5 97
Flame C-3 Knob Recorder Modules by 10 1922
4ms Company Listen IO Modules by 5 12942
Fonitronik seq switch Modules by 3 5
Erogenous Tones Structure Modules by 4 1564
Shift Registers - anbody using them ? Modules by 4 22
LPZW.modules TRAM8 3U Modules by 8 3322
Doepfer A-143-9 Lin FM Modules by 4 1745
Ladik A-012 Dual Lin VCA Modules by 4 981
Raquencer - iOS based sequencer for Eurorack Modules by 26 655
Is the Dual Drive good for acid sounds ? Modules by 5 76
Eowave Supamix Modules by 6 1587
Plum Audio ex12 - Silver Modules by 1 65
Beads, Mimeophon or Desmodus versio Modules by 7 1864
What’s your favorite envelope generator and VCA module? Modules by 20 1332
rare/cool effects modules for sound processing Modules by 16 503
Nonlinearcircuits Giant B0N0 (Clarke68 panel) Modules by 1 145
Thonk Mikrophonie Modules by 10 10
Behringer 2500 modules :) Modules by 1 131
Ideas for a good (small hp) matrix mixer? Modules by 10 200
Any AJH Fans Here? Modules by 5 104
Dave Jones Design MVIP Mk 2 Modules by 3 187
Looking for the opposite of Doepfer A-182-2 :) Modules by 3 76
Multiple output (multitracking) Modules by 10 661
Four bricks rook Modules by 4 110
Vnicursal vs Veils Modules by 6 191
Steady State Fate Muton Modules by 11 4878
Is there an extreme wide range LFO module that permits a full sweep with one knob? (Is ... Modules by 18 345
Doepfer A190-3 Issue Modules by 4 48
Tall-Dog Electronics µBraids SE (uBraids SE, microBraids SE) Modules by 3 1832
GMSN! PURE ADSR Modules by 5 153
Fonitronik PS-3100 Resonator Modules by 2 158
Shakmat Modular Aeolus Seeds Modules by 5 6451
Erica Synths K-Phaser Modules by 1 1317
Behringer FOUR PLAY Modules by 46 14515
ALM Busy Circuits ALM015 - Akemie's Taiko Modules by 5 7186
Other/unknown Ethereal Pendulum Modules by 2 105
Nekyia Circuits 4 new modules Modules by 3 90
Behringer MIX Modules by 8 4716
looking for a cheap mute module,does Noise engineering muta jovis have vactrols like th... Modules by 6 124
A HUGE DELAY in the PIZZA delivery Modules by 3 4867
Is Mysteron not good?! Modules by 3 29
Is my Turing Machine redundant now Modules by 20 516
Chaos that goes from lfo to audio? Modules by 10 239
Other/unknown Xaoc Batumi DIY expander Modules by 19 141
2hp Nerdseq Black Aluminium Front Modules by 4 14635
Modular synthesizer research Modules by 7 109
Behringer 182 sequencer Modules by 5 209
Expert Sleepers ES-6 Modules by 8 195
Rare Waves Grendel Formant Filter V2.2 Modules by 14 1304
Filter banks Modules by 2 139
New Takaab thing...yeah! Modules by 13 209
ADDAC System ADDAC601 VC Fixed Filter Bank (black) Modules by 4 2293
XAOC Batumi issue with clock sync Modules by 12 157
XOR Nerdseq Thoughts and Opinions? Modules by 9 976
Shock Electronix ESQU-One Modules by 4 510
Pittsburgh Lifeforms ADSR - how to check if it is alive Modules by 4 56
Behringer FOUR LFO Modules by 17 5535
Xaoc Devices Zadar Modules by 12 28701
2 Sequences on Doepfer Sequencer A-155? Modules by 5 120
Other/unknown Cardboard 12HP Modules by 3 24
DivKid Ochd Modules by 18 438
22 hp free on Make Noise B&G Shared System Modules by 1 5
Multichannel Quantizers Modules by 5 146
The Harvestman Modules by 13 356
Wavefolder/Waveshaper advice Modules by 4 86
Modulaire Maritime R / K Modules by 6 1054
advice on rack :) Modules by 7 195
Tubbutec / LPZW - 6m0d6 Availability Modules by 4 93
RYO Penta Modules by 5 1822
North Coast Modular Collective Klacking Keypad (Black) Modules by 3 1591
The nature of buying modules? Modules by 5 223
the Quadrantid Swarm hides a lot of secrets, but they're all revealed here :) Modules by 1 73
Tsyklon Labs PLITKA TRACE LOGIC 1234 Modules by 6 35
Control modular from MIDI to Cv WIFI Modules by 1 31
Erica Synths Black Sequencer Modules by 5 442
Klavis Twin waves Modules by 17 12055
Cre8audio Mr. Phil Ter Modules by 19 2152
Other/unknown BadRectifier.systems Modules by 1 10
Noise Engineering Lapsus Os (Black) - Alternative Panel Modules by 9 10558
Bought Used Disting EX...V encoder seems bad...advice? Modules by 7 90
Make Noise DXG Modules by 4 4962
Athru processing drums and percussion You by 3 29
Acid Sundays You by 6 119
Esoteric as... Streaming live. You by 4 50
Demo of the E-RM - Polygogo module You by 7 128
I made a patch tutorial for how to make envelope followers from Maths and guitar. You by 12 335
Bank Holiday Filth You by 1 23
Searching For The Frog (demo of ES - Black Dual VCF) You by 6 65
I started out making a Pad sound... You by 7 47
The most Techno thing I've made so far! You by 5 75
New HG-16 Black demo songs! You by 1 7
New album - systasis002 - limited cassette edition You by 10 76
Improv Modular Soundscape w/ Video You by 7 126
the cells nr 2 (VW + EX) You by 5 69
Two and a Half Krells You by 9 158
Nani Kore? You by 7 67
Digital Birds in an Analogue world You by 16 121
Modular Jam 4 - Shorter Happier You by 4 49