I found 1395 threads containing Actuall in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Checking voltage range Modules by 6 113
Endorphin.es Ground Control Modules by 7 7910
KICK ASS!!! for April 2018 Modules by 1 55
?Record from Modular into Reaper at a certain BPM,what modules do i need? Modules by 7 94
Korg SQ-64? Modules by 26 794
ADDAC200PI vs. ALM SBG Modules by 10 3918
Pharmasonic VCF-101 (Black) Modules by 2 134
Oscillator Modules with Inharmonic Spectra? (Harmonic Shift Oscillator a good bet?) Modules by 21 515
2hp play tips for using your own samples Modules by 13 304
WMD Micro Hadron Collider (uHC) Modules by 5 4221
Envelope that's like a Juno 6 envelope? Modules by 4 102
606 Clones? Modules by 5 65
Piston Honda MK3 adding wavetables help Modules by 4 136
Doepfer A-143-9 Lin FM Modules by 4 1761
The ... 2500 modules, are they 100% Eurorack compatible? Modules by 9 108
joeSeggiola MIDI 4+1 price? Modules by 5 585
Why people don't like Behringer modules? Modules by 16 1131
Other/unknown BOOGERMOD Modules by 2 150
Your favorite analog effects? Modules by 7 260
Behringer 305 can it be used as a VCA ? Modules by 2 97
Raquencer - iOS based sequencer for Eurorack Modules by 26 660
Mutable instruments cvpal Modules by 11 8
Victor? More like "vector"! Modules by 5 173
What’s your favorite envelope generator and VCA module? Modules by 20 1352
rare/cool effects modules for sound processing Modules by 16 505
Stereo/Dual Mix/External Recommendation... Modules by 3 75
Behringer Baths Modules by 39 10826
my first minutes spent with Timiszoara Modules by 12 253
After Later Audio Popple Modules by 1 6497
KICK ASS!!! for January 2019 (special post-NAMM brainmelt edition) Modules by 8 270
Mescaline modules in rack - any pros? Modules by 8 161
Disting EX as quantizer. Modules by 3 186
Behringer Victor gate issue Modules by 4 133
Random*Source Dual Universal Slope Generator SERGE MODULAR DUSG Modules by 4 1374
TipTop Audio - Fold Processor "Inject"-Knob/Rotary produces noise w/o input signal on v... Modules by 5 101
Other/unknown PAC BOT 3 Modules by 26 729
Future Retro Transient: opinions Modules by 4 66
Instruō µClouds Modules by 3 181
Unable to calibrate in CV Tools using ES-8 Modules by 1 28
RYK M185 - Manual / Firmware update for version 3.31 Modules by 3 166
Erica Synths Fusion VCO Modules by 6 2306
Is there an extreme wide range LFO module that permits a full sweep with one knob? (Is ... Modules by 18 345
Other/unknown Tascam 234 Modules by 3 13
Behringer FOUR PLAY Modules by 46 14785
Behringer MIX Modules by 8 4841
Tiptop Audio TG ONE Modules by 7 1083
Is Emilie finally shutting down Production? Modules by 11 802
suggestions for a main (brain) sequencer? Modules by 10 293
A pedal based VCA? Modules by 4 45
Other/unknown MOTHERFUCKER-19 Modules by 4 291
XOR Nerdseq Thoughts and Opinions? Modules by 9 980
Blue Lantern Modules Modules by 13 289
Xaoc Devices Zadar Modules by 12 29362
DivKid Ochd Modules by 18 438
Dear Europe: Please take pity on the rest of the World Modules by 7 161
KICK ASS!!! for October 2018. Modules by 1 31
complex oscillator - yes or no? And which? Modules by 14 589
Synthesis Technology E330 Multimode VCO Modules by 3 3820
Kudos to XODES... Modules by 7 126
Get ZAQed! Modules by 7 151
Metropolix for acid sequence - accents out ? Modules by 8 326
Modulaire Maritime BLK BLX Modules by 2 2523
Nabla MP7/MiniP7: how not to reissue things Modules by 1 6
Cre8audio Mr. Phil Ter Modules by 19 2162
Noise Engineering Lapsus Os (Black) - Alternative Panel Modules by 9 10792
Will these Behringer CP1As power my rack? Racks by 4 40
Niftycase idea for ambient Racks by 15 412
Roast my rack Racks by 12 338
New to Eurorack - Ambient Rack for Textures? Racks by 7 851
Waldorf kb37 + 4ms pod60 + 84hp racks: sampling + speech-synthesis. Racks by 5 322
Thoughts on a sticky thread for folks putting together their first racks? Racks by 13 192
First eurorack system Racks by 6 98
Rack and Digitakt Racks by 6 176
Advice on rack (1st one) Racks by 5 88
Pico Case - Ambient drone with Plaits Racks by 9 301
Die welt ist alles, was der fall ist (Variation on output and vca(s)) Racks by 11 290
First ever rack for experimental music. Racks by 14 368
Building Blocks for larger Racks? Racks by 11 244
Looking to build m first modular Racks by 3 20
My loopy Eurorack Racks by 3 6
CV to MIDI sequencer - does this work? Racks by 3 83
Beep Boop MKII Racks by 7 92
104hp 7u live system - how's my research coming along? Racks by 12 742
Rhythmic Ambient with no drums and vcv rack integration Racks by 8 188
MDLR + S2400 Racks by 3 69
First Rack idea - advice appreciated! Racks by 4 95
Hi, Help me trim down this rack for my 1st foray into modular... Racks by 11 592
First/Final Euro Project Racks by 9 222
RNDSynth Racks by 12 183
Eurorack beginner, first ideas for Intellijel 4U 62HP rack Racks by 11 272
The pretty big re-arrangement Racks by 12 243
Approaching completion of my setup after months of trial and error... Racks by 9 120
2024 Shuffle Racks by 5 182
Live Performance, with a lack.... of... switches etc? Racks by 7 146
Improve my rack Racks by 3 70
All-in-one Eurorack (with Fender Rhodes) Racks by 4 175
amb_rack.84_6u (current) Racks by 18 334
Planned rack 1 Racks by 3 4
Rackbrute - DFAM/0-Coast Buddy Rack Racks by 3 113
Live Setup for Technoid sounds as well as sonic exploration... Racks by 3 63