I found 595 threads containing SE module in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
What is overkill and what is missing? Racks by 6 305
Cheap Monitors with Eurorack? Modular Discussions by 10 256
Happy Ending Rack Alternate 3 W/ Effects Racks by 1 73
S&H and Random modules Modular Discussions by 5 246
I need some opinions about my rack Racks by 7 309
On the hunt for envelope generators Modular Discussions by 8 400
First Modular Rack Racks by 3 159
First rack (2x104HP) - Need help with a rare opportunity! Racks by 17 567
West Coast (Mostly) Rack Suggestions/Opinions Racks by 3 170
First modular system ever - looking for thoughts one may need to consider Racks by 2 146
Thoughts on this? Racks by 6 177
Feedback on rack + DAW integration Racks by 11 240
Ambiant + techno + pedalboard in a case : what's your opinion on this ? Racks by 4 121
12U 126 HP case sequenced with Ableton Live, KeyStep Pro and/or 0-Ctrl Racks by 11 265
Need your advice Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 2 83
Startup module kit from Music Thing Modular build and demo You by 1 46
Feedback for small techno/drum rack Racks by 2 119
What do Klingons Dream About? You by 4 70
Modular For Ambient Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 3 270
First rack advice needed, I'm overwhelmed. Racks by 10 266
Testdriving the Qu-Bit Nautilus module You by 3 147
Seeking Guidance/Approval/Criticism :: 62HP (4U) Rookie Setup Racks by 27 923
7U —> 7U + drum'n'bass case Racks by 1 91
Need recommandations for 88hp techno sequences rack Racks by 27 750
Evolving Polyrhythmic Drum Machine Racks by 2 89
Rack suggestions Modular Discussions by 3 101
28HP Gap Analysis + Rack Review Request for Melodic (Poly-)Rhythmic Repetitive Hypnotic... Racks by 2 226
1st post! What do you think? Racks by 8 464
84HP Rack Racks by 3 293
My evoked Eurorack Racks by 13 352
New to Eurorack Racks by 11 404
Beginner 6U/104HP rack for techno/EDM Racks by 8 181
Feedback on this Palette 62 Theremin(ator) Rack pls Racks by 6 119
Would this be a good starter rack for generative ambient? Racks by 4 208
4U Palette Case Racks by 3 131
Building my first rack, looking for feedback! Racks by 14 784
EDU mixer from Erica Synths build and demo You by 1 11
rare/cool effects modules for sound processing Modules by 16 505
Make Noise Skiff - need feedback Racks by 3 97
EDU VCF from Erica Synths build and demo video. You by 1 9
Minimum generative rack Modular Discussions by 4 327
My crawling modular - cinematic, melodic, shaping noises Racks by 22 563
Thoughts on upcoming Tiptop Buchla releases vs. existing modules ModularGrid by 6 168
Complement to DFAM and Subharmonicon with focus on random elements and live performing Racks by 7 304
AC and DC signals Modular Discussions by 15 185
JF's Modular System Modules by 5 64
your ideas on this rack update? Racks by 7 189
Worth having the Moog Mavis in this starter rack? Racks by 4 121
Thoughts and feedback appreciated - New to eurorack please help Racks by 17 466
Starter rack feedback Racks by 6 178
Is Emilie finally shutting down Production? Modules by 11 802
Send/return module as line input/output ? Modular Discussions by 12 282
KICK ASS!!! for January 2019 (special post-NAMM brainmelt edition) Modules by 8 270
Why is there a limit of 8 Rows? ModularGrid by 8 388
Finally i fill my case !!! Racks by 9 318
Advice on what I'm lacking Racks by 7 178
Multi effects recommendations? Modules by 18 1257
Akemies Taiko vs Basimilus Iteritas Alter Modules by 7 312
Lead And Bassline == Two Arpitechts?? Racks by 26 534
Synthrotek Fold ring mod/wave folder build and demo video up You by 1 48
Assistance with Rack Build (Intellijel 7U) / Returning to Modular after many years Racks by 22 389
Perma-ish Patch Points Patches by 2 59
EDU Sequencer from Erica Synths build and demo video up You by 1 30
Can you point me to "power switch module for individual module ? Modules by 9 94
Thoughts? Racks by 6 150
Review reports of Eurorack modules Modules by 57 872
a better layout Racks by 21 464
First Rack. New to Music and Eurorack. (Total newb) Racks by 4 176
My First Rack, by --The Tentacle Monster-- Racks by 10 357
bloody beginner in need of good advice Racks by 7 260
Beginner Drum Rack Racks 15 377
Other/Unknown vs - ModularGrid by 4 41
Ideas Machine V4 - MCFx2 Filter 1.2 Racks by 3 140
Ambient Rack Racks by 13 573
Pamela, Yarns and Tanzbär clocking issues! Please help! Modular Discussions by 3 64
Yet another newbie looking for feedback Racks by 7 359
The Sequencing Machine Racks by 10 340
Seeking feedback for a 9u semi-generative system - second try Racks by 7 330
request input: sequence / switch OSC "sweet spots" (as in FM, etc.)? Modular Discussions by 20 314
Melivora Racks by 12 537
Mistakes are proof that you are trying. Racks by 4 177
your favorite chaos modules? Modules by 31 1264
My Dark Ambient Rack Build in progress UPDATED Racks by 30 816
Intellijel 4U x 104HP Palette Case Top Row STEALTH / BLACK (0.5U) Modules by 5 1721
I would appreciate feedback on my proposed rig for ambient and otherworldly sounds Patches by 3 103
I seek constructive criticism on my first rack build Racks by 5 205
6U 126 hp rack, opinion needed Racks by 14 341
Yet another request for advice / actual build ... where to go? Racks by 6 134
Newbie looking for 60 hp advice Racks by 10 232
TipTop/Buchla 200t series modules ... Modules by 62 1467
Low cost modular - under $400? Racks by 25 519
Rack Advice Appreciated! Racks by 8 447
New to Modular - Advice Modular Discussions by 10 195
System 100m Power Racks by 7 103
Newbie wanting some advice from you guys Racks by 4 97
WMD Performance Mixer (black) Modules 11 10525
Two Years In... Finished?!? Racks by 20 470
New to modular... rack advice appreciated! Racks by 27 529
Get ideas for first rack, 104hp Racks by 18 452