I found 3101 threads containing also in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
A first Built Racks by 12 188
My Very Specific Eurorack Racks by 4 241
My 1st Rack - Starting Point Racks by 3 121
Intellijel Palette Racks by 2 138
Where should I go from there ? Advice ? Racks by 3 99
Help with finishing the rack. Racks by 6 174
Hypothetical Rack Racks by 18 523
Would you consider this to be a good point to start from...? Racks by 5 299
Power issue with Rackbrute 6U Racks by 14 1471
What I hope will be my first rack. Racks by 5 125
Mini Techno System w/ Digital Dilemma Racks by 6 162
First 60hp rack based on Pittsburgh Helix Racks by 8 92
this will be my first modular. does this make sense? help pls Racks by 15 517
Fun ideas for rounding out a 18U system? Racks by 3 86
What is overkill and what is missing? Racks by 6 305
Live Mixing & FX Skiff Racks by 1 1
Behringer moog Racks by 4 239
Tips for my first dub processing rack Racks by 10 222
First build Racks by 31 510
bloody beginner in need of good advice Racks by 7 260
Looking for help to create my system Racks by 2 130
Second Pair of Eyes / wwyd Racks by 4 94
How to use Stages sequencer? Modules by 5 162
Reverb Modules by 6 232
Erica DIY Delay - search for parts Modules by 5 54
Other/unknown zLINEIN Modules by 3 482
Doepfer A-178 V2 Modules by 7 2607
Choosing a delay Modules by 10 357
Question: Braids Modules by 4 45
Dual VCO+VCA+ADSR Modules 8 168
mutable instruments veils Modules by 15 284
Verbos complex oscillator,modulation oscillator cuts out. Modules by 1 16
What do I need to run just Clouds? Modules by 31 494
Intellijel Metropolis Modules by 1 18879
Fine tuning Braids Modules by 10 134
How many channels of MIDI/CV do I really need? Modules by 2 10
vpme.de Qex Modules by 11 2926
XOR Electronics Dualchord Modules by 4 389
Multi effects recommendations? Modules by 18 1244
Hikari Atten/Mix Module Modules by 4 56
Muta Jovis VS Divkid Mutes Modules 3 248
Soundmachines LS1lightstrip Modules by 8 12083
Mutable ripples low output volume Modules by 6 20
Gezeiten UltimaRatio Modules by 1 ..
Pittsburgh Modular Analog Replicator Modules by 6 2697
mr. blue trigger Modules by 1 26
+5 volt for certain modules? Modules by 3 33
KICK ASS!!! for June 2018 Modules by 3 60
12hp for Reverb or go with external box? Modules by 16 508
Unhinged Modulation Modules by 8 145
Morphagene impersonates Beads Modules by 6 301
Question to Robaux LL8 owners Modules by 7 153
Beatstep Pro with Disting EX Modules by 13 205
What is a matrix mixer in layman’s terms and how can we use it? Modules by 5 137
Michigan Synth Works XVI Euro 16 Channel CV/MIDI Fader Bank Modules by 4 534
Tiptop Audio BD909 Modules by 1 3953
multiplying a clock / sync Modules by 4 81
Ensoniq fizmo eurorack alternative? Modules by 3 66
external oscilloscope? Modules by 18 653
Internal or External Mixer Modules by 11 1927
Moog-Behringer System 55 modules question Modules by 6 262
Bastl Instruments Little Nerd Modules by 1 2419
Eurorack Tuners? Why so meh? Modules by 11 102
Magerit KAIROS Modules by 9 3268
Bubblesound Instruments VCA4p Modules by 1 1782
help me define concept Modules by 8 46
A4 or OT midi/cv to sequence modular Modules by 3 62
Which filter for this sound? Modules by 4 104
303-ish modules Modules by 5 164
Sequencer? HELP! Modules by 9 146
A138-s Mini Stereo Mixer Modules by 8 113
Befaco Quad VCA V2 Modules by 3 124
Trim Trigger | Gate to Trigger | Kickall Modules by 3 68
Best site to buy modules? Modules by 17 346
practical advice on how to use es-8 with another interface Modules by 7 153
Behringer Swords Modules by 9 1574
Does anyone own and use the Neuzeit Quasar Modules by 2 55
AD with CV for each parameter Modules by 3 39
ALM S.B.G. - Bonus features Modules by 6 117
Powerproblem IO Instruments Modules by 7 178
BearModules Matrix Mixer Modules by 3 2236
Frequency! Shifter! Wars! Modules by 8 689
Malekko 8NU8R Modules by 5 7
Best Value for money Buffered Mult? Modules by 6 761
How to: unison detune with spread? Modules by 16 399
which Function Generator too chose ?? Modules by 22 465
A $199 Bode Frequency Shifter!?!? Modules by 5 132
venting blank panels? Modules by 25 371
Analogue Solutions sl-16 oberkorn sliders left side Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 10 6
ISHIZENO ONE Modules by 7 3
Roland System 500 - couple of issues Modules by 7 71
Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alter Modules 7 31458
Radio modules and extracting sounds Modules by 13 300
Elby Designs ED722 - Slow Oscillator Modules by 2 189
DivKid ochd expander Modules by 4 6203
Pittsburgh Modular Sequencer Modules by 3 1314
Noise Engineering LI vs LIP Modules by 1 66
Antumbra ATN8 Modules by 16 5442
Other VCAs Modules by 24 415
BearModules XXPRSS Modules by 6 934