I found 3563 threads containing MODULES in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Rack suggestions plz Racks by 10 236
Mort's Barge in 84HP Racks by 1 102
Using stackcables Modular Discussions by 10 143
Same old same old You by 1 26
The Weather Man Racks by 26 393
Rename Serge universe to 4U? ModularGrid by 9 85
Sweet Rock \m/ Panharmonium Usta Odessa You by 1 19
Mannequins Just Friends and Ansible Earthsea You by 4 129
My first rack, AKA help please! Racks by 12 304
AEtherwaves Vol. 3 | AE Modular You by 6 49
Behringer System 15 on 84HP 9U Racks by 2 130
Modular Ate My Brain Modular Discussions by 6 172
Waldorf nw1 Modules by 4 2472
Liquid Sky Dada Noise System Racks 2 86
Make Noise Non Shared System Racks by 5 70
UPO: Usta, Panharmonium, Odessa You by 2 35
This should NOT exist! Racks by 27 795
I need advice, recommendations. I'm new to modular. Racks by 3 112
setting up bpm (clock)with pams new workout??? Modular Discussions by 5 98
Schlappi Engineering 100 Grit Modules 4 5561
Rackbrute 3U build Racks by 3 106
Eurorack Modular Power Cable 0V to ground ect Cables .. Racks by 7 73
Erica Synths Plasma Drive Modules by 3 4664
how to incorporate the XAOC NIN Racks by 7 138
Ambient Generative Rack with Ableton - Need Help! Racks by 11 181
Rack Update and Suggestions? Racks by 11 119
Is it possible to add self made modules/placeholders? ModularGrid by 3 82
newbie question Modular Discussions by 16 258
Modules by price? ModularGrid by 8 78
Modular for sci fi video game track? Modular Discussions by 4 106
Vendor Shortlist? ModularGrid by 3 25
My modules 1-2-3 ModularGrid by 2 35
OPZ-Eurorack Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 2 58
Favorite Eurorack samplers Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 6 647
mutable instruments veils Modules by 15 286
BearModules Matrix Mixer Modules by 3 2252
Trim Trigger | Gate to Trigger | Kickall Modules by 3 68
My Next Rack Racks by 30 684
Is my Turing Machine redundant now Modules by 20 518
multiple sequencers? Modular Discussions by 25 1153
Krell patch: Turbidity Patches by 8 203
having problems connecting my eurorack to my studiolive 1602 mixer? Modular Discussions by 18 239
Experimenting with 84hp Racks by 19 393
Decisions, decisions, decisions... Racks by 26 474
MDLR 94HP Wondercat Live Practice Electrobank 2021 (copied from mylarmelodies) Racks by 5 117
Tinrs Ardabil Modules by 6 1386
My eurorack, dirty textures, melodic, noisy Racks by 18 395
How would you organise this? Racks by 19 297
I need a new sound source?! Racks by 8 204
Any one goes to the Superbooth this year? Modular Discussions by 15 203
Need a lil help Racks by 8 134
More fartin around (acid) You by 12 112
Some Monday techno with Mutable Instruments You this user has left ModularGrid 3 30
Expert Sleepers MIDI Breakout Modules by 15 2980
Ambient Drone with Mutable Instruments Beads, Plaits, Rings, Marbles You this user has left ModularGrid 6 258
ARPs For...All.....!?!?!?????? Modular Discussions by 11 126
Malekko Heavy Industry Quad VCA (Black Panel) Modules by 1 2324
Help with Instruō Cèis ADSR unit Modules by 6 98
Semi-modular Drum Machines - what options are there? Modules by 5 127
Whoa...sequencer TILES? Modules by 1 51
Advice please: generative Eurorack Racks by 18 2587
ST modular EQ 0HP Modules by 2 71
1st rack setup Racks by 6 212
19" 3u into eurorack case Racks by 4 108
My Doepfer Case Racks by 2 102
Electroacoustic Station 2 Racks by 12 314
Tuner Modules by 11 166
Beginner Patches Patches this user has left ModularGrid by 9 247
About our newly established company VAEMI Modular Discussions by 3 76
dream voicing rig? Racks by 12 215
Sample Based Eurorack Racks by 15 435
Your favorite trig/gate/clock modifiers? Racks by 14 434
Need Help with my I/O Flux Drum Setup Racks by 2 30
Feedback on almost full case Racks by 6 137
ideas Racks by 3 40
3D Printed case - Buddha Machine inspired You by 5 74
drum case to hell and back Racks by 3 106
Beginner Subharmonicon / Sampler Build Racks by 10 250
Yes, another semi modular expansion. Need advice. Racks by 9 232
sbs acid You by 9 64
Help me arrange my rack, please. Racks by 5 245
joeSeggiola MIDI 4+1 price? Modules by 5 585
Doepfer Meets Dixie You by 12 146
Ways to improve/fill out my first eurorack system Racks by 3 72
Trying something new, but still aiming for acid (of course) You by 9 128
Koyasan - New Module Experiment - Bloom and WMD PM You by 9 111
DOEPFER A-100 6U84HP (CURRENT GOAL) Racks by 3 98
New Wave-y Improv You by 8 83
Saturday Stream Acidrain Chainsaw You by 8 100
Modular jam #1 - Minibrute 2s/Rackbrute. Plaits, Pluck. You by 5 69
Looking for some advice Racks by 13 321
Expert Sleepers disting EX Modules by 1 24740
Expert Sleepers ES-8 Bitwig Edition Modules by 1 1909
Wanting to make generative modular techno. Racks by 9 333
64HP and a backpack Racks by 13 668
Incorporating Guitar w/ Your Modular Modular Discussions by 13 238
Would this rack work? Racks by 8 266
experience with Dreadbox modules? Modular Discussions by 11 304
Blue Lantern Modules Booster Array Modules by 1 652
GalaxiesMerge Eurorack-2 Racks by 2 45