I found 3035 threads containing Rig in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
searching for the module that could change incoming sequences and another one for gener... Modules by 3 69
Bubblesound Instruments Mix6 Modules by 10 22
Shakmat Modular Triple Steeple Modules by 1 4470
Stochastic Instruments NEW MODULE RELEASE—Strange-R: a Stochaotic Melodic Contour Seque... Modules by 3 63
Neat Paratek mixers... Modules by 3 43
tempi losing time Modules by 6 91
Bastl CV Trinity still worth it? Modules by 2 79
Calibrating Rings / Knob positions? Modules by 4 92
Blukac Endless processor Vs Qu-Bit Bloom Modules by 2 102
Trigger Delay, CV controlled Modules by 4 97
PAiA 4720 Modules by 3 41
KICK ASS!!! for January 2018 Modules by 3 60
u-he cvilization Modules by 6 140
Eurorack Sampler Modules by 8 188
Other/unknown Serge 1 Modules by 1 69
Creating a slowly evolving system, with sound coming in and out taking turns. Modules by 6 173
Jolin ASHIKO Modules by 2 976
hexinverter.net Orbitals Modules by 11 921
Mutable instruments Clouds Modules by 5 31481
KICK ASS!!! for July 2018 Modules by 4 43
Behringer Wasp? Modules by 2 86
Rossum Electro-Music's Control Forge - complex "wavetable like" CV modulation/sequencer... Modules by 1 84
KICK ASS!!! for March 2019 Modules by 1 117
Intellijel Noise Tools 1U Modules by 8 18705
I need an advice for my setup! Modules by 4 101
Ninstrument Tractor Beam 12 Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 8 532
your favorite sequencer(s)? Modules by 8 727
TipTop/Buchla 200t series modules ... Modules by 62 1458
Mutable instruments Bees in the Trees Modules by 14 59
Other/unknown MOTM-300 mini v1 Modules by 6 3
God Bless Everyone Who Owns Piston Honda... What About the Rest of Us?! Modules by 12 358
Happy Nerding FX AID Pro_black Modules by 10 8113
L-1 Tube VCA Modules by 1 2468
Intellijel Triatt (original panel) Modules by 2 1549
What single model will make the most improvement on audio? Modules by 12 268
CalSynth Rand Modules by 2 870
Looking for a LFO with reset functionality Modules by 3 7
2.0 beta fw for Mannequins W/ Modules by 1 102
Another O_c and Utile question. Modules by 3 57
Searching ads DANNYSOUND LOOPING VCADSR or befaco or a-140? Modules by 5 90
Synth addition for a dark ambient/Drone rack Modules by 6 268
BeepBoop Electronics 2hp CLK DIV Modules by 2 259
Output in Mono or Stereo or Dual-Mono, Issue? Modules by 6 14
better OFFSET function for the Metropolix? Modules by 1 47
Other/unknown PassiVac Modules by 1 155
Blue Lantern Modules Grains Granular FX DIY module, AKA Clouds by Olivier Gillet Modules by 1 888
Eurorack modules that only use +12v (like Mother 32) Modules by 4 50
Elements clones Modules by 11 344
Which VCO to pair with OPERAT ? Modules by 1 33
Random*Source DSG mk2 Modules by 2 37
Is µMIDI 1U discontinued or what? Modules by 7 143
Doepfer Doepfer A-178 Theremin Modules by 4 65
2hp Mix Modules by 8 14910
Erica Synths Black Polivoks VCF V2 Modules by 3 5243
Review reports of Eurorack modules Modules by 57 871
Other/unknown the jellyfish v2 Modules by 5 7
XAOC Odessa pitch CV V/Oct input range Modules by 9 192
IO Instrument Sponde - User feedback Modules by 3 54
Subharmonicon MIDI + internal seq. control Modules by 2 88
A module that....... Modules by 9 184
V/OCT ISSUE - RINGS Modules by 6 94
What's Missing??? Modules by 3 10
303 style sequencer Modules by 16 260
Auto Generative Music Modules by 6 170
Derivator Modules by 4 81
SQ-1 functionality in a eurorack module? Modules by 13 363
New Modular Rack around Moog Grandmother Modules by 4 316
Plaits clones Modules by 4 98
Mungo Enterprises p0 Modules by 2 1649
Mutable instruments Warps Modules by 15 22895
Tesseract Modular Sweet Sixteen Mk.II Modules by 4 8638
Pamela's New Workout - BPM and Modifier - Question Modules by 5 113
Xaoc Devices Sewastopol Modules by 3 2477
Modules for 60 HP case Modules by 4 181
CV to MIDI but not MIDI to CV? Modules by 6 199
Flame µ16MCV Modules by 1 2461
Michigan Synths - SY0.5 and velocity question Modules by 8 72
Intellijel Polaris Modules by 7 17686
NE Yester Versio Modules by 3 105
Future Sound Systems MTX9 - DIY Clone? Modules by 1 3616
String modules? Modules by 11 194
Synthrotek DLY Modules by 3 2882
How to Stay in Tune with Eurorack Modules by 16 1468
ModBap Osiris question on Sub OSC output - Weird things happening Modules by 5 62
Maneco Labs Zeptocore Modules by 9 823
Pitch Shifter Modules by 2 43
Beginner advice for a noob like me. Modules by 4 147
New Firmware v1.2 for Mutable Instruments Plaits! Modules 16 2278
Time to get some effects modules Modules by 5 74
Drum/trigger sequencer Modules by 11 229
J3RK Fad3r Modules by 3 12
Takaab SMIX Modules by 5 1252
Convert Erica/Moritz Klein VCO into 1U? Modules by 4 72
Flight of Harmony Parasite Antifilter Modules by 1 669
Subharmonicon with external envelope generators Modules by 5 121
Toppobrillo TWF Modules by 5 9
Pharmasonic 101 Modules by 2 692
Needing help with my first module Modules by 17 615
KICK ASS!!! for February 2018 Modules by 2 36
Envelope like javelin Modules by 6 116