1 PU
30 mm deep

Half Height Module

$550 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

A 4U version of Mutable Yarns

Multichannel MIDI to CV/Gate conversion
Yarns is a MIDI interface providing up to 4 channels of very accurate CV/Gate conversion, which can be assigned to up to 4 voices.
In single voice mode, note, velocity, modulation and aftertouch (or other CC) CV are produced, along with a gate, a trigger, and a clock/reset output.
In two voices mode, two channels of note, modulation or aftertouch CV are produced, along with two gates, and clock/reset outputs.
Finally, in four voices mode, four pairs of CV/Gate outputs are provided.
Each voice has a built-in digital LFO to interpret modulation wheel messages as a vibrato; can respond to pitch-bend messages; or can be smoothed with a glide/portamento control – no need for a dedicated module and patches to get the right response from a MIDI keyboard!

Monophonic , Duophonic and polyphonic
The gate outputs have been adapted to the 4U/10V standard and the CV outputs also have the appropriate offset and scaling changes

The project is Open Source and all files are accessible in the DIY section.

submitted Sep 19th 2021, 19:53 by N_L_M | last Change Jul 27th 2023, 21:18 by waldnzwrld

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