
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
WGD Modular Löwenzahnhonig WGD Modular Löwenzahnhonig  Multi-FX  Sep 25th 2023, 09:38 
WGD Modular moules-frites WGD Modular moules-frites  Quad low pass gate.  Nov 10th 2023, 08:44 
WGD Modular veggie griller WGD Modular veggie griller  A stereo multimode filter with three attenuable cv inputs.  Nov 17th 2023, 15:21 
WGD Modular honey WGD Modular honey  A nice simplifation of a famous filter fitted in only 4hp to fit very small racks.  Nov 17th 2023, 15:25 
WGD Modular banana WGD Modular banana  Banana is a Eurorack module that makes generating chords super easy.  Nov 17th 2023, 15:28 
WGD Modular bagels WGD Modular bagels  A dual voltage source and attenuater inspired by the mtm control and motion mtr by molten and befaco.  Nov 17th 2023, 15:33 
WGD Modular egg WGD Modular egg  A passive multiple with eight jacks fitted into 2hp.  Nov 17th 2023, 15:36 
WGD Modular macarons WGD Modular macarons  A simple arcade button that allows you to send a signal set by a potentiometer in the range from 0V to 10V.  Nov 17th 2023, 15:39 
WGD Modular muffin WGD Modular muffin  A 3-channel clickless mute with a mixed output.  Nov 17th 2023, 15:41 
WGD Modular cumin WGD Modular cumin  A simple through hole LFO specifically made as a very beginner project  Nov 17th 2023, 15:43 
WGD Modular rigatoni WGD Modular rigatoni  You can think of rigatoni as the successor of spaghetti.  Nov 17th 2023, 15:44 
WGD Modular cavatelli WGD Modular cavatelli  A buffered multiple in only 8hp.  Nov 17th 2023, 15:47 
WGD Modular orzo WGD Modular orzo  An offset/attenuater/inverter module in 1U.  Nov 17th 2023, 15:57 
WGD Modular nachos WGD Modular nachos  A 1U kick drum module in 8hp.  Nov 17th 2023, 15:59 
WGD Modular queso WGD Modular queso  A small 1U hi hat module with quite simple circuit.  Nov 17th 2023, 16:01 
WGD Modular cilantro WGD Modular cilantro  A simple triangle LFO in 1U with super slow cycle times.  Nov 17th 2023, 16:02 
WGD Modular snare WGD Modular snare  A snare drum module based on the Roland CR-78 made in collaboration with Mark Westbroek.  Nov 17th 2023, 16:04 
WGD Modular mixus maximus WGD Modular mixus maximus  A simple and small 8-channel unity mixer that works great for summing cvs or percussion elements.  Nov 17th 2023, 16:05 
WGD Modular fir WGD Modular fir  A 3hp holiday special 3u adaption of hagiwos distortion circuit using clipping diodes.  Nov 29th 2023, 14:35 
WGD Modular aligot WGD Modular aligot  Macro controller  Dec 29th 2023, 15:34 
WGD Modular krustenbraten mit senf und krautsalat WGD Modular krustenbraten mit senf und krautsalat  A triple 1-3 buffered multiple  Jan 26th, 10:14 
WGD Modular utf-8 samplified WGD Modular utf-8 samplified  An 8-bit drum module  Feb 18th, 22:02 
WGD Modular vla WGD Modular vla  VU meter  Mar 23rd, 11:57 
WGD Modular peppermint WGD Modular peppermint  Dual VC Slew Limiter  Apr 20th, 10:48 
WGD Modular tepache WGD Modular tepache  4x4 Bipolar Matrix Mixer  Jul 2nd, 07:55 
WGD Modular Ramen WGD Modular Ramen  A simple RJ45 eurorack case connector module.  Jul 7th, 12:28 
WGD Modular mayo WGD Modular mayo  Passive headphone output  Jul 11th, 16:23 
WGD Modular apple pie WGD Modular apple pie  Dual generative turing machine inspired sequencer  Aug 17th, 17:12 
Wildfire Laboratories Commodity Fetishism Wildfire Laboratories Commodity Fetishism  "Conceptual Power Supply"  Oct 15th 2021, 02:45 
Wildfire Laboratories Lucy Says No Wildfire Laboratories Lucy Says No  Vactrol-controlled Active Feedback Loop  Oct 15th 2021, 02:48 
Wildfire Laboratories Sovereign Euro Wildfire Laboratories Sovereign Euro  Chaotic DTMF Ring Modulator / Mangler  Oct 15th 2021, 02:52 
Wildfire Laboratories Equation Group Wildfire Laboratories Equation Group  Passive resistor ladder DAC  Jan 13th 2022, 02:37 
Wildfire Laboratories Rusty Hum Wildfire Laboratories Rusty Hum  Microphonic Feedback Module  Jan 19th 2022, 02:32 
Wildfire Laboratories LSN-Stereo Wildfire Laboratories LSN-Stereo  Stereo Vactrol-controlled Active Feedback Loop  May 17th 2022, 01:33 
Wildfire Laboratories Weird Vector Wildfire Laboratories Weird Vector  WL-8592 PASSIVE WEIRD UTILITY  Jul 7th 2022, 00:37 
Wildfire Laboratories Sandevistan Wildfire Laboratories Sandevistan  Sandpaper Module  Jul 18th 2023, 22:02 
Wildfire Laboratories Sovereign 2.0 Wildfire Laboratories Sovereign 2.0  DTMF Mangler, v2.0  Jan 1st, 16:48 
Wildfire Laboratories Intravitreal Wildfire Laboratories Intravitreal  Adversarial LED Module  Mar 16th, 16:07 
Wildsync FATMOOG Wildsync FATMOOG  24 db/octave VCF with 2 soundshaper mods  May 14th 2021, 13:00 
Wildsync Noise (Aluminium) Wildsync Noise (Aluminium)  Analog 4 colours noise source  May 17th 2021, 15:14 
Wildsync Scale&Offset Wildsync Scale&Offset  amplifier / attenuator / inverter / offset adjustment   Aug 4th 2021, 18:14 
Wildsync Noise Wildsync Noise  4 different colors of noise: Blue, Pink, White, Red  Aug 4th 2021, 18:36 
Wildsync Preamp (Scale&Offset mode) Wildsync Preamp (Scale&Offset mode)  Wildsync Preamp (Scale&Offset mode) is a mic/instrument pre-amp in a 3HP eurorack module.  Aug 16th 2021, 09:39 
Wildsync Envelope Follower EF-1 Wildsync Envelope Follower EF-1  Envelope follower, amp, gate and trigger generator   Sep 23rd 2021, 22:08 
Wildsync Noise 1u Wildsync Noise 1u  1u size, 4 different colors of noise: Blue, Pink, White, Red  Mar 31st 2022, 12:48 
Wildsync DJMEQ-300 Wildsync DJMEQ-300  Stereo or mono 3 band equalizer preamp  Mar 31st 2022, 13:21 
Wildsync Att&Offset Wildsync Att&Offset  attenuverter / attenuator / inverter / offset adjustment / cv source  Feb 3rd 2023, 13:07 
Wildsync DJMEQ-300 Wildsync DJMEQ-300  Stereo or mono 3 band equalizer preamp  Apr 28th 2023, 11:20 
Wildsync MIX6 Wildsync MIX6  MIX6 is a 6 channel signal mixer  Apr 28th 2023, 12:22 
Wildsync Analog69 VCO Wildsync Analog69 VCO  Analog VCO, 1V/OCT, FM, PWM, LFO, SUBOSC, SYNC  May 9th 2023, 15:22 

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