
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
WaveWrecker Electronics JUNCTION WaveWrecker Electronics JUNCTION  Passive Signal Router w/ Manual Latching Switches  Jan 16th 2022, 01:26 
WaveWrecker Electronics MULT WaveWrecker Electronics MULT  Passive Multiple  Jan 16th 2022, 01:31 
WaveWrecker Electronics MULT 2HP WaveWrecker Electronics MULT 2HP  Passive Multiple  Jan 16th 2022, 02:37 
WaveWrecker Electronics ORS WaveWrecker Electronics ORS  Passive Or Combiner  Jan 16th 2022, 02:54 
WaveWrecker Electronics 3ATT WaveWrecker Electronics 3ATT  Passive Attenuators  Jan 16th 2022, 03:17 
WaveWrecker Electronics ATT-VOLT WaveWrecker Electronics ATT-VOLT  4 channels of attenuating or attenuverting with adjustable voltage offset per channel and signal mixing  Oct 27th 2022, 11:29 
WaveWrecker Electronics SEQ4 WaveWrecker Electronics SEQ4  4-step CV sequencer/manual voltage source with clock and reset buttons  Oct 27th 2022, 12:11 
WaveWrecker Electronics 3CAY WaveWrecker Electronics 3CAY  Three decay envelopes with mix +/- outputs  Oct 28th 2022, 11:17 
West Oakland Music Systems Skipmin West Oakland Music Systems Skipmin  Quad Probabilistic Gate Skipper  Apr 8th 2015, 00:16 
West Oakland Music Systems Crisp Brown West Oakland Music Systems Crisp Brown  Trigger Cluster Generator  Mar 8th 2016, 16:07 
West Oakland Music Systems Sinulator West Oakland Music Systems Sinulator  Sinusoidal Waveshaper  Mar 17th 2019, 17:15 
Westlicht PER|FORMER Westlicht PER|FORMER  Advanced Step Sequencer  Jan 24th 2019, 13:13 
Westlicht PER|FORMER (Performer alternate panel) Westlicht PER|FORMER (Performer alternate panel)  Advanced Step Sequencer  Apr 9th 2019, 23:53 
Westlicht PER|FORMER Westlicht PER|FORMER  Advanced Step Sequencer (silver version)  Oct 28th 2019, 21:42 
Westlicht per|former Westlicht per|former  Westlicht Performer Red Knob  Nov 17th 2020, 10:42 
Weston Precision Audio 2VL1 Dual VCO + LFO Weston Precision Audio 2VL1 Dual VCO + LFO  Dual VCO + LFO  Sep 10th 2019, 15:56 
Weston Precision Audio B1 Kick Drum / Bass Voice Weston Precision Audio B1 Kick Drum / Bass Voice  3280 OTA-based kick drum & bass voice with 2 AD/AR envelopes & 2-pole VCF  Nov 18th 2019, 17:10 
Weston Precision Audio TZ0 Thru-Zero VCO Weston Precision Audio TZ0 Thru-Zero VCO  Triangle-core VCO with Thru-Zero FM capability  Jun 1st 2020, 20:21 
Weston Precision Audio TS0 Analog Time Segment Oscillator Weston Precision Audio TS0 Analog Time Segment Oscillator  Analog VCO with waveforms controlled by 12 discrete steps. Digitally-stored 5 presets, Sample/Hold mode, an unique segment modulation.  Nov 28th 2020, 20:07 
Weston Precision Audio B2 Kick Drum / Bass Voice Weston Precision Audio B2 Kick Drum / Bass Voice  Kick drum & bass voice with 2 AD/AR envelopes & MM VCF  Mar 23rd 2021, 20:47 
Weston Precision Audio AD110 Analog Drums Weston Precision Audio AD110 Analog Drums  All 6 DR110 voices in one 16HP module  Mar 23rd 2021, 20:58 
Weston Precision Audio PA0 Phase Animated Oscillator Weston Precision Audio PA0 Phase Animated Oscillator  VCO with triangle-core phase animator and through zero PM.  Oct 5th 2021, 16:24 
Weston Precision Audio 2V2 Dual Analog Oscillator Weston Precision Audio 2V2 Dual Analog Oscillator  Dual syncable analog VCO/LFO with through-zero FM  Jul 18th 2022, 18:08 
Weston Precision Audio SF1 Dual / Stereo Filter Weston Precision Audio SF1 Dual / Stereo Filter  Dual linkable VCF with multiple responses and voltage controlled panner/crossfader output  Sep 16th 2022, 20:51 
Weston Precision Audio M3S Mini Stereo Mixer Weston Precision Audio M3S Mini Stereo Mixer  6HP Active Stereo Utility Mixer  Dec 17th 2022, 18:58 
Weston Precision Audio H1 Analog Harmonizer Weston Precision Audio H1 Analog Harmonizer  2 Channel Pitch-Tracking Digitally Controlled Analog Oscillator / Quantizer  Jun 7th 2023, 18:40 
Weston Precision Audio SE1 Shaped VC Envelope Weston Precision Audio SE1 Shaped VC Envelope  ADSR envelope with CV control and selectable shapes for Attack, Decay, and Release  Dec 5th 2023, 21:41 
Weston Precision Audio SV1 Dual / Stereo VCA Weston Precision Audio SV1 Dual / Stereo VCA  Dual linkable VCA with 2 seperate VCA flavors per channel and zero-crossing detectors  May 30th, 01:23 
WGD Modular Cherry WGD Modular Cherry  Harmonic VCO  Dec 12th 2022, 11:23 
WGD Modular Chia WGD Modular Chia  12 Bit Sample drum  Dec 12th 2022, 11:25 
WGD Modular Curry WGD Modular Curry  Quad LFO with mixed outputs  Dec 12th 2022, 12:14 
WGD Modular Poké Bowl WGD Modular Poké Bowl  Multi FX Module  Dec 12th 2022, 12:16 
WGD Modular Labskaus WGD Modular Labskaus  Joystick Module  Dec 12th 2022, 12:17 
WGD Modular Smoothie WGD Modular Smoothie  6-channel Mixer Module  Dec 12th 2022, 12:18 
WGD Modular Giardiniera WGD Modular Giardiniera  Advanced dual 8-step sequencer  Dec 12th 2022, 12:19 
WGD Modular Fish 'n Chips WGD Modular Fish 'n Chips  Dual LPG  Dec 12th 2022, 12:20 
WGD Modular Pickles WGD Modular Pickles  4-step sequencer  Dec 12th 2022, 12:21 
WGD Modular Kiwi WGD Modular Kiwi  Basic envelope module  Dec 12th 2022, 12:23 
WGD Modular Blind Panel WGD Modular Blind Panel  1HP Blind  Dec 12th 2022, 12:25 
WGD Modular PBJ WGD Modular PBJ  Power Outlet Module  Dec 12th 2022, 12:26 
WGD Modular Pesto WGD Modular Pesto  Guitar Interface Module  Dec 12th 2022, 12:28 
WGD Modular Bratwurst WGD Modular Bratwurst  Multimode OTA Filter  Jan 2nd 2023, 10:32 
WGD Modular Melanzane WGD Modular Melanzane  A quad VCA  Jan 8th 2023, 23:07 
WGD Modular Kibbeling WGD Modular Kibbeling  Configurable Low Pass Gate  Mar 29th 2023, 21:34 
WGD Modular Corn Dog WGD Modular Corn Dog  Simple Distortion  Mar 29th 2023, 21:35 
WGD Modular Jungle Juice WGD Modular Jungle Juice  7-channel mixer  Jul 19th 2023, 14:23 
WGD Modular Absinthe WGD Modular Absinthe  Stereo tube mixer  Jul 19th 2023, 14:24 
WGD Modular Kimchi WGD Modular Kimchi  8-Step Sequencer  Jul 19th 2023, 14:26 
WGD Modular lollipop WGD Modular lollipop  Stereo delay with CV control  Jul 19th 2023, 14:30 
WGD Modular Tequila WGD Modular Tequila  Tube distortion  Jul 21st 2023, 08:39 

Page 309 of 320, total 15986