I found 24 threads containing SIF in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Patch notes Patches by 1 9
First ever rack: drum machine focused on generative sound design Racks by 10 590
advice for my plans of this eurorack Racks by 10 299
My first rack buildT Racks by 13 274
Rackbrute 3U on the way...5HP to fill in Racks by 10 166
First semi-modular synth suggestion Racks by 8 220
Mother 32-based rack for beginner Racks by 4 122
First Eurorack Racks by 11 52
$2k budget, Mostly DIY, +Microbrute, advice appreciated Racks by 5 37
Other/unknown PAC BOT 3 Modules by 26 729
Real time sampling and mangling... Modules 14 623
kNoB technology - Muscarin synthesizer Modules by 2 260
did i go way too overboard? You by 66 496
20 minutes techno session You by 13 168
How long can I keep my rack on, and other general questions about the longevity of my s... Modular Discussions by 8 190
Is there something like a stereo effects box with a headphone (L & R) output jack? Modular Discussions by 4 236
Whats your favorite modules for textures? Modular Discussions by 17 455
Tips for designing modules with arduino? Modular Discussions by 4 72
Package lost. Refund legit? ModularGrid by 32 684
The MicroZeus is an envelope generator. ModularGrid by 2 74
A question about CASES ModularGrid by 5 197
Feature to disable keyboard shortcuts ModularGrid by 14 156
Selling a rack case? ModularGrid by 5 50
 Marketplace ModularGrid by 59 9782