I found 419 threads containing Musica in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
No Reverb Modular Jam - I wanted to challenge myself! You by 3 22
EP release to help feed some hungry people - can you help? You by 1 11
Plaits into things... You by 3 82
Gezeiten UltimaRatio Modules by 1 ..
AMSynths AM8071 Snowfall VCF Modules by 1 184
Pittsburgh Modular Analog Replicator Modules by 6 2776
Barton Musical Circuits VCA Mixer (DUPLICATE) Modules by 1 3
Gezeiten Ultima Ratio Modules by 1 290
Eurorack Pitch Envelope?? Modules by 4 85
Ladik D-333 ROM Player Modules by 1 1551
Catalyst Audio's Time's Arrow Modules by 6 1327
Barton Musical Circuits Programmable Router - BMC45 Modules by 1 367
KICK ASS!!! for March 2018 Modules by 1 35
New Modular Rack around Moog Grandmother Modules by 4 316
Chords Modules by 6 558
Erica Synths Black Input Modules by 9 3028
Befaco Instrument Interface v2 Modules by 2 10571
XOR Nerdseq Thoughts and Opinions? Modules by 9 980
Multichannel Quantizers Modules by 5 146
ALM Busy Circuits ALM011 - Akemie's Castle Modules 5 7175
How to Stay in Tune with Eurorack Modules by 16 1475
Xaoc Devices Sewastopol II Modules by 3 5137
Get ZAQed! Modules by 7 151
What single model will make the most improvement on audio? Modules by 12 268
Review reports of Eurorack modules Modules by 57 872
Creating a slowly evolving system, with sound coming in and out taking turns. Modules by 6 173
BeetTweek - A Force Feed-Back Eurorack DSP Module Modules by 1 1139
Make Noise QMMG on Reverb. Modules by 28 465
Oscillator Modules with Inharmonic Spectra? (Harmonic Shift Oscillator a good bet?) Modules by 21 515
Behringer Brains Modules by 20 13562
your favorite chaos modules? Modules by 31 1262
Sloths + Oscilloscope Modules by 3 79
How to: unison detune with spread? Modules by 16 408
XAOC Odessa pitch CV V/Oct input range Modules by 9 192
Needing help with my first module Modules by 17 615
Pitch tracking acoustic instruments - Sonicsmith ConVertor E1 Modules by 9 229
Is the Dual Drive good for acid sounds ? Modules by 5 76
Hot from Ukraine...the NEXT FX Aid Modules by 6 218
Vaemi’s first Eurorack formatted module, high quality Thru Zero Oscillator “Osi-Op” Modules by 1 35
Stochastic Instruments SIG+ 4 Track Stochastic Inspiration Generator Modules by 3 5852
Vaemi's new module, the XFMR VCA with transformer output and linear control, on sale now! Modules by 1 34
Behringer Baths Modules by 39 10727
2 Sequences on Doepfer Sequencer A-155? Modules by 5 122
Unhinged Modulation Modules by 8 145
Befaco Voltio Modules by 5 2049
After Later Audio Cast Iron Modules by 6 1940
Other/unknown Signs Modular pds Modules by 3 79
Thoughts on Indian Resonator V4 Modules by 9 207
Auto Generative Music Modules by 6 170
Mudras Eurorack Gesture Sequencer Modules by 1 62
(NEW) VoltRatio - for Analog Through Zero (TZ) FM (Frequency Modulation) Modules by 1 17
Moog Music Inc. Labyrinth Modules by 2 657
my most wanted modules right now. Modules by 4 143
FlatSix Modular Seventh Summoner (Black) Modules by 3 225
NE Gamut Repetitor vs Clank Chaos? Modules by 4 88
help with first eurorack Racks by 1 2
Mx 104 Intellijel test Racks by 3 5
Pro feedback needed Racks by 39 50
My Initial Eurorack Racks by 3 3
My 2nd Eurorack; Opinions please! Racks by 1 4
Minimal Essential Starter HEK Size Racks by 3 2
Lunchbox Idea Racks by 2 36
Monthly Starter Rack Racks by 1 10
VCL Monthly Starter EuroRack Racks by 7 38
Help Constructing a Skiff for live Noise/Ambient Racks by 4 81
Please help suggest me 1 last 8HP module Racks by 6 24
Advice on essential modules Racks by 3 4
Next Module(s)? Racks by 3 23
What would you add to my rack? Racks by 8 9
/ mq computer Racks by 3 114
I'm new to modular: would this work? Something I'm missing? Racks by 8 7
Modest rig v1.2 Racks by 16 13
How ill-advised is this rack? Racks by 6 38
DESERT ISLAND / beginner's rack Racks by 4 31
a few q's Racks by 1 4
I just purchase an Intellijel TPS30 but I need advice for my modules Racks by 1 8
Tone Bender (imaginary sound mangling monster ARP 2600 with attitude) Racks by 2 19
My first 2 Row Case Racks by 2 25
Small Rack Built Around Pittsburgh Modular SV-1 Racks by 1 20
Drum Rack - As tight as possible.. Racks by 7 15
Help me with Modular Starter Pack Racks by 4 58
Musical Racks by 1 ..
Just getting started. Racks by 4 5
First Modular build - feedback please! Racks by 4 21
Dark Ambient/Sonic Universe Racks by 4 35
On the right track? Racks by 3 24
ambient system Racks by 4 12
First rack - major help needed! Racks by 8 21
Suggestions and help with my sound design rack Racks by 3 583
Constructive criticism on my first rack build? (ambient, generative) Racks by 12 1571
Feedback on my rack Racks by 4 12
Learning Modular, love an opinion Racks by 5 91
Skiff with B&G Shared System Racks by 3 9
Ambient / Atmospheric Rack Feedback Racks by 12 339
Any advise? Racks by 4 25
Moog, Roland, and Textural sounds in a minimalist modular Racks by 6 24
Société Cantine / Rack 1 Racks by 3 36
The DREAVisual Synthesizer Line-up & Origin Racks by 1 22
First Eurorack V1 Racks by 4 16
My unhealed Eurorack Racks by 4 8