I found 343 threads containing ADSR in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Feedback or ideas please for minimalist filter/shaping rack? Racks by 6 150
Your feedback on my "work in progress" rack! Racks by 2 98
First Rack Racks by 32 448
Ambient survival 4 Racks by 6 209
Need some gear advices - Rackbrute 6U Racks by 5 172
“Shoegaze” Rack + guitar pedals & keystep Racks by 11 190
Flexibility in two systems Racks by 10 162
Tetra Racks by 6 404
Does my rack make any sense? Racks by 11 379
My sweetmeal Eurorack Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 4 106
My lordly Eurorack Racks by 11 126
Advice on the build and casing for first Rack Racks by 4 82
Beginner setup. filling up a rackbrute to make a wavetable synth Racks 8 355
Tiny experimental-ish rack Racks by 20 464
NiftyAddOns Racks by 3 67
Me Rack - Still doesn't feel quite right....! Racks by 11 263
First Eurorack to Expand Mother 32 Racks by 4 177
A tip for last 8 hp Racks by 34 552
First rig (I like techno) Racks by 17 357
Modular One Racks this user has left ModularGrid 6 335
Rickrack (plan) Racks by 7 847
Odyssey in Eurorack (mainly existing modules) Racks by 1 84
Looking for advice on a portable rack Racks by 13 356
Starting my second Intellijel 7u/104hp, take a look at my first. Racks by 6 91
Rickrack, my actual rack in use, 8+6 HP freed up, looking to add some new things Racks by 3 119
Seeking Advice on First Modular Setup - Pittsburgh Modular EP-270/420 Case Racks by 20 281
What would you change ? Help me level up my rack (please) ! Racks by 10 259
My 1st Rack Racks by 9 229
Building my first eurorack, asking for setup advices Racks 11 236
Please evaluate this A-100 (Doepfer) system Racks by 21 272
Minibrute 2s w/6U Rackbrute Racks by 9 339
Minimal starter setup - bang for your buck? looking for advice, thx Racks by 7 328
new to this Racks by 8 135
Help with pairing Modules with Minibrute 2S Racks by 13 293
My unsoft Eurorack Racks by 14 266
Need some advice on my first rack! Racks by 12 341
16hp in small rack Racks by 8 128
advice please: creating a powerful rig for interesting EDM bass / lead lines Racks by 16 557
noobest of the noobs - advice needed Racks by 21 349
I'm looking for advice to expand my eurorack. Racks by 14 197
My First Rack - About 70% complete Racks by 19 392
Want to have some thougths on my future rack Racks by 5 187
a little redesign of my rack Racks by 5 128
I would like some feedback on my build. The help would be greatly appreciated :3 Racks by 7 226
First attempt at rack, happy about feedback and suggestions Racks by 12 448
Potz an pure intellijel machine. Opinions? Racks by 8 325
NiftyCASE Racks by 4 287
My crawling modular - cinematic, melodic, shaping noises Racks by 22 563
Modular noob starter rack Racks by 9 282
Tips for my first dub processing rack Racks by 10 222
My Hydrasynth/Minibrute Eurorack Racks by 17 552
Rackbrute and Minibrute: why this set up Racks by 4 109
Looking to expend my rack, looking for "boring" and cool modules Racks by 5 204
After following several guides, I have my first rack. But will it work? Racks by 5 112
First rack, beginner Racks by 15 435
First Modular - Feedback please :) Racks by 3 95
Beginner need helps! Racks by 28 736
Rack suggestions Racks by 21 164
Nifty Expansion - Try 2 - Need Opinions - still a Newbie Racks by 7 184
My first modular synth for Max/MSP Racks by 10 218
Instruo 84 Racks by 5 161
Looking for some advice Racks by 13 321
Yes, another semi modular expansion. Need advice. Racks by 9 232
re organization advice Racks by 5 52
My eurorack, dirty textures, melodic, noisy Racks by 18 395
This should NOT exist! Racks by 27 795
Beginners eurorack Racks 11 224
Building my first rack, looking for feedback! Racks by 14 784
Opinions? Advice? Suggestions? Racks 5 115
fill the gap! Racks by 17 173
DrFear Eurorack Racks by 12 273
62HP beats groovebox Racks by 11 464
Furball (copy) Racks 3 108
New to modular. Racks by 12 436
first purchases Racks by 9 278
First Rack For Feedback Racks by 5 136
latest config 3/5/22 Racks by 5 100
First rack (2x104HP) - Need help with a rare opportunity! Racks by 17 567
Le vrai Racks by 7 189
Yet another newbie looking for feedback Racks by 7 359
My maybe Racks by 5 109
bloody beginner in need of good advice Racks by 7 260
Techno modular Racks by 7 336
Rackbrute 6u for signal processing/recording loops (beginner, feedback appreciated) Racks by 4 120
Almost finished Skiff Rack. Need opinions:) Racks by 11 271
feeback on first rack Racks by 30 666
Help with utilities and fx Racks by 16 419
To get me started. Nothing too fancy. Racks by 7 258
Feedback on this Palette 62 Theremin(ator) Rack pls Racks by 6 119
First Eurorack adventure! 352 (176 free space) HP Racks by 3 87
CLAVSTRO model samples - yarns Racks by 1 33
Beginner 6U/104HP rack for techno/EDM Racks by 8 181
84HP Rack Racks by 3 293
Short/Medium/Long-term Plans Racks by 2 127
Perhaps one day I'll get a bigger case , but for now ... Racks by 1 84
Please Critique - Need to know if it works or if i need to improve Racks by 3 252
Slack-A-Rack Mk. I - Help Me Build My First Rack & Potentially Bankrupt Myself Forever! Racks by 10 240
Envelopes. Am I using them right? Racks by 5 140
First Ever Rack (Draft)! Would love your opinions :) Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 7 167
New euro rack hobbyist looking for feedback on my rack design Racks by 8 267