I found 178 threads containing pod in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Feature Request ModularGrid by 516 7853
A rack planner for 4ms pods? ModularGrid by 2 38
Headphones... What are you using? ModularGrid by 6 106
Another feature request : cases ModularGrid by 1 39
Instrument design basics: how/where to start Modular Discussions by 2 20
Pros/Cons of Mixing In or Out of the Case Modular Discussions 17 3109
Closest Maths alternative, but smaller Modular Discussions by 6 2678
What is your source of information? Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 14 196
I think I went too quickly, please could I get some feedback and help. Modular Discussions by 7 217
How many are we? Modular Discussions by 17 383
easiest way to send a Eurorack to DAW? Modular Discussions by 11 519
how do you practice? Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 30 498
Save your money and DON'T DO THIS Modular Discussions by 5 406
4 MS PODS availability in europe? Modular Discussions by 4 63
Modular + Looper Modular Discussions by 15 539
New to Modular - Advice Modular Discussions by 10 195
DO U 1U? (1U only case interest check) Modular Discussions by 8 220
Minimum generative rack Modular Discussions by 4 328
power consumption for 19" rack gear? Modular Discussions by 3 39
Line level i/o‘s and studio integration Modular Discussions by 5 168
Troubleshoot this hiss Modular Discussions by 4 68
ES-8 alternatives? Modular Discussions by 12 327
Trying my hand at Acid You by 9 74
Improvised Mini Live Set You by 14 99
An absolute beginner's question concerning cables and VC AC in's and out's You by 3 66
Should I go ALL ANALOG? You by 13 167
Behringer Crave (Drums), Mutable Instruments Plaits, Filtamp 1006, Minibrute 2s, Improv... You by 8 111
Greetings from northern California You by 6 161
Experimental music made with modular and semi-modular gear from Malaysia! You by 6 161
My first ever liveset, at Paradiso in Amsterdam during Voltage Control Amsterdam You by 5 109
Magic Panels You by 11 247
Last night's little live stream You by 3 47
ISHIZENO ONE Modules by 7 3
Strymon AA.1 Modules by 15 11595
Multimode Filters - Simultaneous Outs? Modules by 4 48
Make Noise QPAS Modules 5 37859
Modular synthesizer research Modules by 7 110
ALM Busy Circuits ALM019 - HPO Modules by 5 9307
Antumbra ATN8 Modules by 16 5568
What single model will make the most improvement on audio? Modules by 12 268
WMD 4tten Modules by 7 9464
Bastl Instruments Waver Modules by 7 10061
303 style sequencer Modules by 16 263
Expert Sleepers MIDI Breakout Modules by 15 3001
TipTop/Buchla 200t series modules ... Modules by 62 1469
Error Instruments Indian Resonator 2 drum voice Modules by 14 1296
Needing help with my first module Modules by 17 615
Can you point me to "power switch module for individual module ? Modules by 9 94
Similar module as Verbos Amp & Tone? Modules by 3 112
iOS/iPhone Interface? Modules by 3 56
Behringer FOUR LFO Modules by 17 5889
2 Sequences on Doepfer Sequencer A-155? Modules by 5 123
Radio modules and extracting sounds Modules by 13 302
Speakers Modules by 11 162
BeepBoop Electronics 2hp CLK DIV Modules by 2 298
Strymon StarLab Modules by 1 2746
Please judge my rack Racks by 4 23
Future Rack Feedback Racks by 5 19
Ok, I'll play... looking for feedback Racks by 5 24
ambogrobo369 mantis synth / happy endings drummachine Racks by 2 11
Mr. Rogers Racks by 8 29
help me to complete my first eurorack setup (ambient) Racks by 14 1066
Racks made of wood Racks by 2 50
A first Built Racks by 12 188
Eurorack for ambient/drone style of music Racks by 5 947
Rack Idea for Guitar Processing/Soundscapes/Rhythm Racks by 10 175
6u 104hp System Racks by 6 355
My 4MS Pods 60hp case $175 list Racks by 4 148
WTFLOL Racks by 5 134
Accept opinions Racks by 4 104
Trying to finish up my final skiff for a heavily augmented Make Noise B&G Shared system Racks by 5 336
Pod 48x Nerdseq synth phrase machine Racks by 5 76
Any glaring holes? Feedback appreciated Racks by 11 208
40ms 60hp Pod Rack Question Racks by 15 174
mini skiff (too deep)? Racks by 2 86
Feedback needed: Mini Modular Noise System Racks by 26 380
Intellijel Palette help needed (ambient /generative) Racks by 10 636
Expanding the Palette Racks by 4 146
4ms Pod 64X HP - Drone/ambient Racks by 8 369
42hp Lubadh Racks by 5 297
40hp skiff Racks 4 97
Control! You must learn control! Racks by 4 94
BeeqSynth Racks by 1 130
Waldorf kb37 + 4ms pod60 + 84hp racks: sampling + speech-synthesis. Racks by 5 322
Need recommandations for 88hp techno sequences rack Racks by 27 750
What to do after Moog Mother 32? Racks by 8 221
Suitcase (TOTAL) for minimal house. Racks by 5 189
Looking for advice on a portable rack Racks by 13 357
feeling uninspired Racks by 22 267
What would you change ? Help me level up my rack (please) ! Racks by 10 259
TOTAL MDLR 126 + Suitcase (current rack) - Nerdseq, USTA, Maestro, Preset, Gallop, Mime... Racks by 6 262
Building my first modular. Looking for some feedback and any advice Racks by 27 339
amb_rack.84_6u (current) Racks by 18 334
2 NOOB racks for feedback: Boland System 100 inspired, and "real life U-he Diva" inspired Racks by 5 153
Advice for minimal setup Racks by 14 233
4ms pod Racks by 6 141
A little test bench in 48 hp Racks by 7 124
Pico Case - Ambient drone with Plaits Racks by 9 301
The pretty big re-arrangement Racks by 12 243
First Rack Plan Racks by 13 165