I found 533 threads containing ADSR in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Feature Request ModularGrid by 516 7836
 Good Traders on the Marketplace ModularGrid by 1262 26954
 Bad traders on the marketplace [no doxing!] ModularGrid this user has left ModularGrid by 120 7278
Wanted please, suggestions for final modules to add some oomph ModularGrid by 11 113
Reasons for setting ALL racks to private ModularGrid by 17 590
Another feature request. More categories in the function dropdown ModularGrid by 1 23
How do I add WMD SSF modules to my MG rack? ModularGrid by 3 54
Lpg into filter vs filter into lpg ModularGrid by 2 112
alternatives to pittsburgh modular system 10.1 plus? Modular Discussions by 3 11
Simian Mobile Disco "Whorl" Gear? Modular Discussions by 8 44
Help w/sequencer Modular Discussions by 5 14
Am I missing the point of modular? Modular Discussions by 9 220
advanced triggered pitch & amplitude modulation? Modular Discussions by 2 10
Modules for FM and Wavetable synthesis? Modular Discussions by 9 307
set up with motu 828x Modular Discussions by 2 41
Expert Sleepers ES-8, ES-3. Modular Discussions by 2 86
New to modular? Maybe this can be a beacon? Modular Discussions by 12 497
Should I buy everything I want to try or stick to a specific goal? Modular Discussions by 12 243
Lots of the different ADSR / VCA or stick to just one type throughout a rack? Modular Discussions by 6 184
I think I went too quickly, please could I get some feedback and help. Modular Discussions by 7 217
Pitch cv as a gate trigger? Modular Discussions by 15 825
Installing Malekko modules in Doepfer A100 basic case Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 27 282
ADSR Mutable Instrument Plaits with Elektron A4 CV out Modular Discussions by 6 292
Envelope versus LFOs Modular Discussions by 7 294
Most EGs per HP Modular Discussions by 8 81
Favorite envelope generators Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 24 2195
VCAs for Dummies (or is it just me?) - How does this work? Modular Discussions by 12 1089
please explain slew generators..? Modular Discussions by 5 155
experience with Dreadbox modules? Modular Discussions by 11 304
Wading into the modular ocean with a simple SSM2044 filter setup Modular Discussions by 23 284
Using the Ornament sensor adapter to control Lyra's amplitude / envelope via external t... Modular Discussions by 1 29
How to assign E352 and plaits to beatstep pro Modular Discussions by 15 259
All triggers are not the same Modular Discussions by 11 321
On the hunt for envelope generators Modular Discussions by 8 400
POWER // Source d'Energie > Power Cable > Bus Board ? Modular Discussions by 5 90
Trigger 5v vs 10v vs 12v Modular Discussions by 3 117
Sound Design - Kick Modular Discussions by 9 308
Utilities Topic Modular Discussions by 9 283
how to use beatstep pro as a sequencer? Modular Discussions by 7 216
Total beginner question about power Modular Discussions by 4 86
Beginner in need of help/advice Modular Discussions by 3 152
Adsr use Modular Discussions by 6 79
A darker space You by 9 101
Shapeshifter Ambient/Drone You by 3 92
noodling with swedish folk music notes You by 1 27
Disting playing in some Audio You by 7 76
Tried something a bit Drone-like You by 3 42
This one is a bit more ambient You by 50 501
Something a little more up-beat You by 9 54
I pulled all the plugs You by 15 176
Slightly longer-form You by 7 68
Anna Logue You by 6 55
I just done an audio You by 10 74
Something a little different You by 9 81
Acid house jam You this user has left ModularGrid by 7 84
This is a modular performance I submitted for an internet show. It features my Joranalo... You by 12 125
Same old same old You by 1 26
Quick techno noodle You by 5 68
Looping envelope generator for AI Synthesis build & demo video up. You by 1 51
complexnonsense You by 5 131
High Line Scene // Plaits // Maths // Mimeophon // BeatStep Pro // Eurorack Performance... You by 9 145
OTA VC Filter kit from AI Synthesis build and demo video You by 1 17
Decoherence // With Patch Notes: øchd, Plaits, Mother 32, Circuit Bent VCO, BeatStep Pr... You by 1 39
I made a patch tutorial for how to make envelope followers from Maths and guitar. You by 12 339
Yazoo Reprise ! You by 17 205
Eurorack Newb Patch Experiment You by 9 169
DFAM and Tesla Coil Jam with BeatStep Pro Roller Pad and a Delay Pedal [with Patch Notes] You by 2 57
Did a live stream of my Krell-style patch this morning You by 9 134
Maximal Drip // MIDI Sync the Hologram Microcosm to Infinity Looper, Vocoder, and Modul... You by 4 85
Hello from Israel. You by 3 66
Six Impossible Things - I played my modular at a record store. It went awesome. Part 3. You by 7 92
Bit of Acid 303 & 101 You by 9 130
did i go way too overboard? You by 66 496
WMD Multimode Envelope Modules by 2 3065
Frequency Central System X Amplifier Modules by 3 247
Stg/Soundlabs Envelope Generator Modules by 7 1135
MFB Dual ADSR Modules by 1 1707
Wich envelope gen with accent control? Modules by 4 45
Tiptop Audio z8000 Modules by 8 3170
Erica Synths Black HADSR Envelope generator Modules by 1 1427
Erica Synths Black HADSR EG CV Expander Modules by 7 480
Befaco VC ADSR Modules by 1 6773
OCS-2 from Nozoïd Modules by 6 10
Interesting modules for CV control? Modules by 3 111
help me define concept Modules by 8 46
the most AWESOME modulation module that DOESN'T EXIST (until someone builds one) Modules by 2 23
Advice on building a very small rack centered around 1 module. Modules by 2 34
your top 10 favorite modules & WHY Modules by 2 390
Rossum Electro-Music's Control Forge - complex "wavetable like" CV modulation/sequencer... Modules by 1 84
Eurorack modules that only use +12v (like Mother 32) Modules by 4 50
If I started with Braids... Modules by 3 7
Advice/opinions needed - next module Modules by 5 23
GMSN! PURE ADSR Modules by 5 153
Expert Sleepers ES-8 Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 12 28461
KICK ASS!!! for June 2018 Modules by 3 60
Zebra Synth Z209 Dual ADSR Modules by 1 116
KICK ASS!!! for December 2018 Modules by 1 52
XAOC Swewastopol II and ZADAR Modules by 4 179
KICK ASS!!! for January 2019 (special post-NAMM brainmelt edition) Modules by 8 270
KICK ASS!!! for February 2019 Modules by 1 104