I found 566 threads containing CUT in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Bursting! You by 6 115
Willie Mae Rock Camp Charity Show You by 1 14
Jam in a Box #16 - Shimmers & Shadows You by 2 53
Aether's Mist You by 4 61
Sunday Afternoon Atmospheric Modular Grooves You by 1 31
Monday Night Banging Experimental Modular Grooves You by 3 39
Jam in a Box #13 - New Begginings | Improvised Melodic Techno You by 4 71
Best of Modular Grid returns! It's that time of year again You by 59 1115
Techno jam with Acid Technology Chainsaw You this user has left ModularGrid 1 21
Obnubilus (featuring M32, Microcosm, Starlab and Iridium) You by 9 141
Jomox Modbase 09 MK2 and Hexinverter Hot Glue demo You this user has left ModularGrid 5 51
A first impression on the Blue Marvin You by 15 242
Poly Therapy // Polygogo Panharmonium You by 5 85
67P | Latest Track You by 3 28
Modular Jam 5 - Dub for Garfield You by 4 51
Digital Birds in an Analogue world You by 16 121
3D Printed case - Buddha Machine inspired You by 5 74
Cicadas and Warthogs You by 8 80
More you know what (acid) You by 12 138
New album - systasis002 - limited cassette edition You by 10 76
You seem... apprehensive... You by 5 93
Tiki Bleepy You by 4 47
A bit of acid and lots of hand modulation You by 5 70
Abundance // Eurorack Ambient / Morphagene You by 5 66
Something a little different You by 9 81
(Sorceress). from DAW, now into Modular... You by 1 32
Evening Modular Experiment: Odessa HEL Expander Drone + Vector Space You by 3 33
Erd Worm + X1L3 Persuadatron PLING PLING PLING You by 5 65
Getting a modular noise compilation together! You by 17 168
One more techno track You by 8 95
Acid Jam on the DFAM (and fam) You by 8 83
ambient try (again ;)) You by 10 103
Techno Jam for Hogmanay You by 10 80
Werkstatt Acid You by 5 53
20 minutes techno session You by 13 168
Monday Experiment You this user has left ModularGrid 3 38
Steve Reichular You by 23 138
Saturday Nite Funk Tech jam You this user has left ModularGrid 10 54
DFAM x BIA x Font You by 4 61
Techno Jam You this user has left ModularGrid 3 43
more experiments You by 4 29
I pulled all the plugs You by 15 176
Experiment with Kermit and Noise Engineering You this user has left ModularGrid 3 36
Saturday Nite Modular Jam You this user has left ModularGrid 7 40
This is a bit different to the stuff I've done before. You by 6 59
Midsommar You by 3 28
First publication - so nervous ;-) You by 12 135
Eurorack meets Nord Drum + Pad You by 4 45
baltergeist - Tides You by 5 54
Evening Experiment: René Quant You by 7 104
This one is a bit more ambient You by 50 501
Basic generative setup? You by 7 228
Throbbing House Groove You by 8 74
My eurorack modular ambient etudes You by 92 2173
Why does it sound muddy? You by 13 433
First recorded patch You by 6 97
noodling with swedish folk music notes You by 1 27
twelve-tone technique You by 11 54
First attempt at Maths You by 1 3
A darker space You by 9 101
Hideous Ableton implosion You by 1 4
generative music You by 8 43
Adsr use Modular Discussions by 6 81
Machina Bristronica 2024 Modular Discussions by 2 133
Is Dave Rossum and rossum-electro OK? Modular Discussions by 1 77
Setup focused on Electroacoustic and Musique Concrete Modular Discussions by 4 197
Is the Make Noise Tape and Microsound Machine a good entry level modular system? Modular Discussions by 14 417
Is eurorack on its way down? Modular Discussions by 12 596
Over-egging the pudding Modular Discussions by 6 227
Modular systems and electricity risks for patients with ICD Modular Discussions by 15 389
How do I get unstuck in my modular patching? Modular Discussions by 11 309
small add on for kick module and modulation for my synths Modular Discussions by 21 387
...Potential beer damage? Modular Discussions by 7 157
AC and DC signals Modular Discussions by 15 185
DO U 1U? (1U only case interest check) Modular Discussions by 8 220
How to assign E352 and plaits to beatstep pro Modular Discussions by 15 259
Outboard signal boosting into Eurorack Modular Discussions by 14 239
I don't speak drone Modular Discussions by 28 833
Modular and dust Modular Discussions by 13 373
Highest quality rack/powersupply to place inside standard 19" rackmount desk or sidecar Modular Discussions by 5 142
Modular + Looper Modular Discussions by 15 539
How to randomize accents on ostinatos? Modular Discussions by 8 158
Need advice on what support modules for new travel Palette case Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 20 386
Whats your favorite modules for textures? Modular Discussions by 17 459
Mutable Instruments Rack Modular Discussions 8 244
Wading into the modular ocean with a simple SSM2044 filter setup Modular Discussions by 23 284
How do you avoid frequency clashing when NOT using the modulare with a computer? Modular Discussions by 14 189
Help me pick a power supply Modular Discussions by 11 180
your favorite VCFs. Modular Discussions by 56 2595
VCO>VCF>VCA or VCO>VCA>VCF? Modular Discussions by 11 700
help with Doepfer BBD? Modular Discussions by 4 64
Favorite envelope generators Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 24 2196
Shopping knobs and such Modular Discussions by 7 121
sawtooth-like ground noise from new modular system. Modular Discussions by 20 366
Favorite DAW on computer for recording modular Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 19 358
modular generative / control schemes and DAW equivalents Modular Discussions by 1 129
Best way to "stress test" a powered case to it's breaking point? (Yes, destroy it) Modular Discussions by 3 58
Some notes about generative music Modular Discussions by 9 1159
Morphagene, Maths and Animoog Modular Discussions by 5 110
Good modules for Controlling/live interaction with modular? Modular Discussions 36 723