I found 2582 threads containing case in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Attenuhater module doesn't exist but also exists? ModularGrid by 4 26
Great DIY Case building HOWTOs? Racks by 4 33
Rack overhaul, opinions? Racks by 6 60
Replacing Arturia DRUMBRUTE with MIDI Note-controlled eurorack system Racks by 14 130
Compact Generative Build ( new to Eurorack ) Racks by 7 127
Current rack, need ideas. Racks by 7 43
small racks. Modular Discussions by 7 106
Mr. Rogers Racks by 8 29
Bubblesound Instruments Mix6 Modules by 10 22
New to Eurorack - Ambient Rack for Textures? Racks by 7 851
Does this Eurorack fit in my setup ? Racks by 4 11
Red Briefcase Racks by 2 17
My funky Eurorack Racks by 2 122
Moog Sub 37 Meets Euro Rack Modular Discussions by 8 316
Frames- should it stay or should it go? Racks by 8 31
Mother 32-based rack for beginner Racks by 4 122
Monster Case #1 v7 (Just About Nailed It or Lucky Seven) Racks by 4 8
The Real Dulper - 6U & 3U Extensions for Minibrute 2S Racks by 14 366
Tempi Last Day Short Techno Test Patches by 5 18
dsp synthesizers Modules by 5 35
Distortion when using VCA Modular Discussions by 5 160
Machine that goes PING! Racks by 1 5
Moog M32 Three Tier Rack Case? Modular Discussions by 4 157
Utilities/Euclidean Drums in Need of Assistance Racks by 1 9
Is it possible to sell my travelcase in MG? Modules by 1 10
Ambient rack, 1st attempt almost happy and ready to start patching! Racks by 11 292
Modular - work in progress Racks by 8 70
Starting off with modular synthesizers (for the average synthesist): a primer (of sorts) Modular Discussions by 5 1038
First Build Critique - Texture Generator Racks by 2 11
ambogrobo369 mantis synth / happy endings drummachine Racks by 2 11
Archive // Ataraxic Iteritas official demo case // https://youtu.be/HGmhK-KGQtY Racks by 1 53
modulation(or other) ideas for my starter rack? Racks by 8 36
Using Mother 32 case for other modules? Modular Discussions by 1 41
Polyphony in Modular? Modular Discussions by 7 62
DFAM + Mother 32 and Friends Racks by 2 38
please help my little pony Racks by 14 27
Archive // Mimetic Digitalis Demo // https://youtu.be/7UxBAG_G3jc Racks by 1 49
kNoB technology - Muscarin synthesizer Modules by 2 260
Lama's Fav Modules by Function Racks by 2 31
thoughts on this setup? Racks by 3 2
6U Live Case Racks by 2 4
Am I missing the point of modular? Modular Discussions by 9 220
Noob, advice needed on first polyphonic wavetable rack Racks by 8 47
Beginner rack, am I on the right path? Racks by 5 40
another "WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY CASE???" thread Racks by 1 1
ambogrobo369 (current) Racks by 10 18
Cinematic 7u Racks by 2 8
My first Intellijel 104HP rack - beat it up. Racks by 6 108
Noir Drum Machine Racks by 3 101
Mod Jockey Workstation Racks by 1 62
Needing a lot of advice :) Racks by 7 126
First time into Eurorack. How am I doing? Racks by 5 68
Pittsburgh Modular Analog Replicator Modules by 6 2784
Beginner asking into drone sound Racks by 5 19
What's up with EMW? Modular Discussions by 2 23
Beginner's Generative West Coast Performance Rack? Racks by 11 451
Moog Tiered Cases Racks by 2 3
104hp moog case Racks by 1 23
BUG in message, when clicking username! ModularGrid by 2 3
How to expand on Moog Mother-32 and DFAM? Racks by 8 1402
First Eurorack V1 Racks by 4 16
First modular Racks by 12 230
What's Missing??? Modules by 3 10
KICK ASS!!! for February 2018 Modules by 2 36
DAMN!!! :( :( :( Modular Discussions by 10 67
Make Noise Rosie? How do you connect modular to DAW or mixer? Modules by 4 209
And.. I’m done! Racks by 8 12
Make Noise CV Bus Modules by 14 5967
1U modules images are cut off on either end ModularGrid by 5 62
Intellijel Audio I/O 1U Modules by 4 8119
Researching Eurorack made only from kits Racks by 10 160
Plays Well with Others... Modular Discussions by 3 121
I finally built it! Any opinions or advice? Racks by 21 92
Please Baby Boom Boom! You by 5 13
The DREAVisual Synthesizer Line-up & Origin Racks by 1 22
What I got Racks by 3 2
Wave shapers and industrial techno house setups Modular Discussions by 1 35
Small Skiff - 5 Modules Racks by 1 134
Industrial/Ambient groovebox Racks by 9 36
A Hybrid Eurorack - a newbie try Racks by 8 30
Faulty DIY module Modules by 4 262
see mine Racks by 3 ..
JupiterPlus Racks by 4 3
KICK ASS!!! for June 2018 Modules by 3 60
home made polysynth Racks by 4 28
+12V-only-Modules Skiff Racks by 6 4
MINIMOD VS ATLANTIS Modular Discussions by 3 33
Other/unknown Xaoc Batumi DIY expander Modules by 19 141
My first ambient eurorack Racks by 5 83
almost done config Patches by 1 3
Finding modules that fit the Moog Eurorack Case? Modules by 3 183
Tiptop Audio uZeus Modules by 9 25525
KICK ASS!!! for May 2018 Modules by 1 40
My lymphoid Eurorack Racks by 1 8
Curetronic/Moon Modular/Cases for sale 4200,- Please PN Racks by 1 4
The Whole Shebang (copy) Racks by 1 17
What do I need to run just Clouds? Modules by 31 495
Doepfer A-117 Modules by 2 2195
4MS Row Power 40 bus cables vs. stick Modules by 2 195