I found 918 threads containing VOLT in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
ARPs For...All.....!?!?!?????? Modular Discussions by 11 126
Using stackcables Modular Discussions by 10 143
Wading into the modular ocean with a simple SSM2044 filter setup Modular Discussions by 23 284
3.5mm MIDI. Modular Discussions by 3 25
Let's talk Matrix Mixers! Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 36 1553
Audio signal processing question(s)... Modular Discussions by 7 71
More control over the Eurorack Modular Discussions by 11 304
how to: MIDI in to modular arp? Modular Discussions by 16 216
How to randomize accents on ostinatos? Modular Discussions by 8 158
Recreate the pittsburgh modular microvolt 3900 Modular Discussions by 1 43
meanwell rt 65 b noise problems Modular Discussions by 3 276
Would a sequential switch make sense Modular Discussions by 8 190
Question: best compressor module for feedback patching? Modular Discussions by 12 355
Newbie MIDI question - multiple MIDI instruments? Modular Discussions by 3 60
Outboard signal boosting into Eurorack Modular Discussions by 14 239
Pamela, Yarns and Tanzbär clocking issues! Please help! Modular Discussions by 3 64
New toy! Modular-friendly, too! Modular Discussions by 3 177
Replacement for guitar pedals Modular Discussions by 13 178
Did I fry my case, my modules, nothing or both? Modular Discussions by 6 300
DO U 1U? (1U only case interest check) Modular Discussions by 8 220
Doepfer A-100PMS12 case Modular Discussions by 4 61
Send/return module as line input/output ? Modular Discussions by 12 282
AC and DC signals Modular Discussions by 15 185
how to get dimensional patches? --> your fav techniques, patches, modules? Modular Discussions by 10 310
Using Reset Modular Discussions by 10 354
What will my electricity bill be like with a big rack turned on all the time? Modular Discussions by 3 171
LF sequencer module with step input feature Modular Discussions by 1 40
Drum Rack Modular Discussions by 3 144
how to tempo sync volca modular to behringer neutron? Modular Discussions by 6 98
All triggers are not the same Modular Discussions by 11 321
Crafting multiple drum lines: what do you use and/or how do you create complex drums? Modular Discussions by 11 253
On the hunt for envelope generators Modular Discussions by 8 400
Korg SQ 64 not triggering tiptop audio SD08 Modular Discussions by 5 79
Please help me Start building a modular for dark ambiant music. Modular Discussions by 13 537
Modular systems and electricity risks for patients with ICD Modular Discussions by 15 389
Module Idea - Zero HP Passive Stereo Panner Modular Discussions by 16 271
Few questions for a newbie Modular Discussions by 8 272
Trigger 5v vs 10v vs 12v Modular Discussions by 3 117
Accent control via Beatstep pro? Modular Discussions by 6 98
Video Synthesis & Doepfer A100 PSU3 (high frequency noise and voltage ripple) Is it a g... Modular Discussions by 5 75
Sending quantised CV as offset question (Mimetic Digitalis + Lapsus Os + Voltage Block) Modular Discussions by 15 210
New user intro/suggestions Modular Discussions by 3 114
Utilities Topic Modular Discussions by 9 283
Rack DI Box for Gökhan Türkmen Stage Modular Discussions by 1 41
Creating texture over existent sound Modular Discussions by 8 205
Synth Addiction is: Coming to MG everyday to check what new modules got released! Modular Discussions by 8 289
The new fetish product from VAEMI, the 'Keychain Holder,' is now available in our store! Modular Discussions by 1 72
OUT NOW! "Voltage Controlled Music" - EP by Tunç Çakır You by 1 5
quantized lfo network You this user has left ModularGrid 3 1
generative music You by 8 43
icy IDM ❄️ You by 6 12
A darker space You by 9 101
MatrixBrute power info You by 5 31
Total beginner to Module Synthesis - semi or full module to start? You by 9 276
Shapeshifter Ambient/Drone You by 3 92
Erica Synths Tekno System You by 2 54
Qu-Bit Bloom X Make Noise DPO You by 7 138
Why does it sound muddy? You by 13 433
Adding in the TB03 and SH01 You by 5 102
ambient like loop You by 55 606
Trying my hand at Acid You by 9 74
More switched on madness with Doepfer sequential switch You this user has left ModularGrid 3 75
Mimeophon with Cursus and Pamela You this user has left ModularGrid 16 141
Using Pamela's New Workout as sequencer You this user has left ModularGrid 5 1337
Saturday Nite Funk Tech jam You this user has left ModularGrid 10 54
Evening Modular Jam: Random Moog Jam #002 You by 3 27
Hertz Donut WMD Techno Madness You this user has left ModularGrid by 13 162
WMD Metron Test Case You this user has left ModularGrid 5 133
Tuesday Eloquencer jam You this user has left ModularGrid 5 84
Patch019 - no DAW jam packed in 98HP You by 3 76
my first modular video You by 10 83
Acid house jam You this user has left ModularGrid by 7 84
Abundance // Eurorack Ambient / Morphagene You by 5 66
Slowdown minimal IDM jam You by 4 53
Self Generative Patch - also first post for me, hello! You by 5 89
Liquid drum and bass on modular jam You by 8 147
Airplane // Euro rack ambient // Morphagene You by 8 91
Raw sound from Epoch Modular's Benjolin v1 and Quadtec-101 You by 7 120
"Aquadrum" album-live performance video is now available on all digital platforms You by 8 80
Have you listened to my song, Blue Room, which is included in the soundtrack of the wor... You by 1 19
AEtherwaves Vol. 3 | AE Modular You by 6 49
Mikrokosm // Eurorack microfunk (plonk, rings x2, nanorand2, plaits) You by 7 70
First test Endorphin.es Queen of Pentacles You this user has left ModularGrid by 12 155
Glitch 'n' Bass You by 7 131
4MS Quad Pinagble LFO build & demo video, with interesting scope traces You by 1 27
Cellular Automata - Studio Recording You by 3 54
DIY touch-plate and trigger source for eurorack on an awesome paper mache octopus // Co... You by 5 128
New Meg unit from Neutral Labs build and demo video up. You by 1 51
Looping envelope generator for AI Synthesis build & demo video up. You by 1 51
Semi-generative piece showcasing Pamela's New Workout, Mutable Instruments Plaits, and ... You by 3 134
Volts Platz from Frequency Central build and demo video up You by 5 61
EDU VCF from Erica Synths build and demo video. You by 1 9
CV thing from Befaco eurorack kit build and test video You by 4 66
Need your opinions… please 😊 You by 9 260
1222 Performance Oscillator kit from Look Mum no Computer build and demo You by 1 23
I made a patch tutorial for how to make envelope followers from Maths and guitar. You by 12 339
Penrose Quantizer from Sonic Potions build and demo You by 1 35
Generative Patch inspired by Allen Strange's "Dream Machine" You by 3 80
Serenità // Ambient // Eurorack You by 3 61
Test 3 rack DVM kit from Joranalogue build and demo You by 1 13