I found 1896 threads containing LED in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Marching Bandaid You by 6 52
Filter House with Salmple You by 5 75
New Video | Along the Windowsill You by 8 112
Video killed the......... You by 1 4
Technoish noisy space thing? Or: getting the DFAM into the rack without putting the DFA... You by 4 55
Song for Apate and Dolos You by 3 28
Serotinal (Buchla Music Easel) You by 8 120
experiment2 You by 4 22
A bit of acid and lots of hand modulation You by 5 70
experiment3 You by 6 49
guiding LEDs You by 3 48
Basically a Turing Machine Improv You by 7 69
Evening Modular Experiment: Odessa and Panharmonium You by 10 104
Best of ModularGrid 2020? You by 47 548
(Sorceress). from DAW, now into Modular... You by 1 32
More you know what (acid) You by 12 138
noodling with swedish folk music notes You by 1 27
Studio Electronics 4075 You by 1 3
Gravity | New Video | New Album You by 3 60
Throbbing House Groove You by 8 74
Merry Modular Techno Christmas Jam You this user has left ModularGrid 5 37
Ambient for a friend - From the ground up You by 2 59
State Funeral For Shinzo Abe You by 5 114
Tension You by 7 61
Arvo Part's tintinnabuli on a modular synth You by 3 93
GOMA module kit from Black Noise build and demo You by 1 34
A darker space You by 9 101
mehr Licht (APC Theremin, Disting Ex / OP-1) You by 3 39
[video] Compression Music You by 5 67
4 voice cluster kit from ADDAC Systems build and demo You by 1 35
did i go way too overboard? You by 66 497
Basic generative setup? You by 7 228
Looking Glass mixer (etc) kit from Frequency Central build and demo You by 1 31
complexnonsense You by 5 131
glitch and noise with Just Friends You by 10 128
Jam in a Box #7 - Waves on the table You by 2 16
Double Knot, Plumbutter, Board Chirper - more dorking around You by 9 83
Radioactive VCO/VCA from Tesseract Modular build and demo video up You by 3 82
Distant | New Track You by 1 38
Just Friends + Disting Ex Matrix Mixer You by 3 230
Ransac. Music You by 11 324
Moog werkstatt with 2hp Euclid You by 2 33
Minus 38 Degrees You by 4 51
Evening experiment: Pinging filters You by 9 140
Doppio amp, limiter, etc from ThreeTom Modular build and demo You by 1 32
Hertz Donut WMD Techno Madness You this user has left ModularGrid by 13 162
Nijel distortion unit from Neutral Labs build and demo You by 1 44
Want to build a Eurorack, want feedback You by 2 87
Obnubilus (featuring M32, Microcosm, Starlab and Iridium) You by 9 141
ambient try (again ;)) You by 10 103
Evening Experiment: René Quant You by 7 104
Bl33p Bl00p Collective - Live Session - Ambient bl33p bl00ps You by 6 52
Star Trek Meets Dark Ambient? You by 6 124
Sloths modulating Indian Resonator through Mimeophon & Cloud's Reverb You by 1 23
Woodlands - A Psychedelic Video Made for Double Bass Altered by Arbhar, Lúbadh, Mimeoph... You by 1 42
minimalism for modular #6: melodic expansion/contraction with pamela You by 1 26
Airplane // Euro rack ambient // Morphagene You by 8 91
White Noise Power Electronics Glitchy Frankenstein Rig You by 6 72
Cycles LFO kit from NOH Modular build and demo video You by 1 21
They Militarized My Capitol You by 3 50
So I bought an RES-4 You by 25 270
Pip, a new CV generator/recorder unit from Neutral Labs build and demo You by 1 28
Live Stream - a patch controlled with noise. You by 6 48
More fartin around (acid) You by 12 112
The Cells (Vector Wave, Just Friends, Mangrove, VCFQ) You by 5 59
Westlicht performer and Launchpad x You by 2 62
OTA VC Filter kit from AI Synthesis build and demo video You by 1 17
Perimeter Encampment - sci-fi psychedelia You by 3 26
Ambient Stuff 5 You by 5 68
BIA meets little generative ambient patch with old tape emulate You by 4 39
A Hundred Lamentations You by 6 131
Patch019 - no DAW jam packed in 98HP You by 3 76
Beside the Counterpoint You by 1 38
Trying Something New You by 7 86
Little Melody sequencer from Frequency Central build and demo You by 1 46
Pickout Pickup (Disting Ex, Plonk, W/, Ts-L) You by 7 78
Jam in a Box #8 - Echoes through the cave | progressive techno vibe You by 2 11
Glitch 'n' Bass You by 7 131
Tabor avalanche oscillator kit from Jolin Labs build and demo You by 1 42
What do Klingons Dream About? You by 4 70
twelve-tone technique You by 11 54
AE Modular? Modular Discussions by 27 582
having problems connecting my eurorack to my studiolive 1602 mixer? Modular Discussions by 18 239
Planning new build Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 5 45
Dumb question, but can I affect CV signals with a VCA? Modular Discussions by 5 174
Vote now! Eurorack Essential Features Survey 2020 Modular Discussions by 4 68
Modular mixer, or not... Modular Discussions by 1 35
How to randomize accents on ostinatos? Modular Discussions by 8 158
Modular Ate My Brain Modular Discussions by 6 172
Something to consider... Modular Discussions by 5 158
Sequencer for recording longer gates via midi to cv? Modular Discussions 14 182
Big modules or small modules? Modular Discussions by 11 116
The Great Rearrangement Modular Discussions by 14 323
Good modules for Controlling/live interaction with modular? Modular Discussions 36 723
"Normalized" Modular Discussions by 20 311
Jamming with a live band Modular Discussions by 8 189
Intellijel or Pulp Logic 1U format - which one to prefer? Modular Discussions by 4 254
DAMN!!! :( :( :( Modular Discussions by 10 67
Integration with DAW for a newbie Modular Discussions by 4 1024
multiple sequencers? Modular Discussions by 25 1151