News from the Labs all of them

Mazzatron QS-1 Quad Slew Limiter
6 Nov 2019 Mazzatron
NEW RELEASE! Only $29, this month only at! Use promo code: SLEWDOWN  
Mazzatron QPC-2 Quadraphonic Controller
2 Nov 2019 Mazzatron
The Full Quadraphonic Experience is now CV controllable! X and Y CV inputs allow you to use any variety of control devices to send your sound flying around the room! The JS-1 Joystick Module has also been released and is perfect for controlling your quadraphonic system! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Generate 3
Today's listening material: a soothing piece of modular music by Nordlys, created using his Generate 3 prototype. 
Robaux SWT16+
21 Oct 2019 Robaux
Wow, Synth DIY Guy has made a new video about the Robaux SWT16+ Eurorack Sequencer. 
Radikal Technologies  Delta CEP A
Version 1.5 Firmware Update available for instant download! 
Steady State Fate Zero Point Oscillator
14 Oct 2019 Steady State Fate
The Zero point Oscillator is almost here! Pre-Orders open very soon! The ZPO will challenge your conception of what an analog VCO is capable of. Thru-Zero FM, Ring Modulation, Complex Wave Shaping and more!  
Qu-Bit Electronix Bloom
27 Sep 2019 Qu-Bit Electronix
Fractal Sequencing is here! Bloom is shipping today. 
Joranalogue Audio Design Contour 1
The Synth DiY Guy presents an expedition into the world of Contour 1: audio oscillations, portamento, envelope generation, waveshaping and more... 
Steady State Fate Stereo Dipole (Black and Gold)
26 Sep 2019 Steady State Fate
Yes! New Black and Gold Stereo Dipole now shipping! 
Reverse Landfill Monotropa
25 Sep 2019 Reverse Landfill
Feedback distortion! Use this to destroy those drums! 
2hp Grain
20 Sep 2019 2hp
Grain is finally here! Shipping Today. 
Dovemans Serving Bugs
16 Sep 2019 Dovemans
Check the test flight of serving bugs! (prototype) Dovemans - Exporing Modular Setup / Barcelona / broken filter / quad burst switch (prototype)  
Joranalogue Audio Design Generate 3
Using a VCO to create white noise? No problem with Generate 3 and some feedback patching! Watch the video here: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Contour 1
Here it is: the Little Modular review of Contour 1! 
Error Instruments cloud busting Albino
8 Sep 2019 Error Instruments
new in the shop ALBINO !! Cloudbusting is a full Modular experimental synthesiser .It has 11 points that can be patched . 6 modes .Modulation points but also Audio with experimental sounds .  
AI Synthesis AI008 Eurorack Matrix Mixer
6 Sep 2019 AI Synthesis
The AI008 Matrix Mixer is out now! At only 10 HP and a skiff friendly depth of 35mm, this 4 in, 3 out matrix mixer with a summed output is a profoundly affordable matrix mixer with unlimited potential to expand your system. 
5 Sep 2019 WMD
WMD DESIGN UPDATE: A quick update on our newest module prototypes, Crater an analog/digital hybrid kick drum and Voltera, a 4 track voltage expander for the METRON sequencer. 
Hexinverter Électronique Mutant Brain
The Mutant Brain MIDI to CV + Gate is back, in black! Restocked around the world next week, 09-13 September. 
28 Aug 2019 Paratek
Hey guys, new modules added! :) And by the way - "РЗРВ" finally on sale! 
Dovemans Serving Bugs
28 Aug 2019 Dovemans
Read all about are current project and sign up for the Serving Bugs waitinglist!  
Noise Engineering Seca Ruina
23 Aug 2019 Noise Engineering
Distortion is fun, but it’s even better when you split it up across the frequency spectrum. Seca Ruina takes an input, splits it up into three frequency bands, and lets you drive them into annihilation. SR includes a bypassable VCA on the output and CV over individual band and universal drive amount. With individual outputs for each band, you can process each band further externally. So much potential in only 6hp, and it's available now! 
22 Aug 2019 WMD
AXYS dual stereo crossfader is shipping to dealers now! Add dry/wet to any effect, stereo to mono and mono to stereo conversions, dual VCA, DJ between systems or patches. Check it out! 
Transient Modules u3A
15 Aug 2019 Transient Modules


NEW!! u3A and u2X, two utilities for 1U row Intellijel cases! Both of them will be available as DIY kits! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Contour 1
Is it a slew limiter? Envelope generator? Envelope follower? Oscillator? Whatever it is, Contour 1 is here! Now in stock (or very soon) at your friendly neighbourhood Eurorack dealer. Once again, DivKid is here to teach you some of Contour 1's tricks in an extensive YouTube overview video: