8 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
50 mA +12V
40 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$150 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

utility VCO

The utility VCO has volts per octave tracking across a huge range, this can be an LFO down to a tenth of a hertz. The hard-sync input allows for LFO reset, a rare feature on a proper analog VCO.

Triangle, Saw, Square and Sine output. PWM CV, FM attenuator and a coarse/fine control are standard. Analog temperature compensation is achievable with EITHER an NTC or a PTC, because sometimes those are hard to find, this PCB supports FOUR different tempco schemes. This somewhat complicates the DIY build guide. All 0805 or SOIC sized, it is hand-solderable if you're so inclined.

Designed to use cheap parts and no trimming, the accuracy is utility functional it runs as a standard osc, or FM squelches, or basslines as you need for your eurorack play.


submitted Apr 7th 2022, 22:11 by elahrairah | last Change May 18th 2022, 18:51 by elahrairah

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