
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
2hp Brst 2hp Brst  Voltage Controlled Burst Generator and Trigger Delay  Feb 15th 2017, 23:39 
2hp Clk 2hp Clk  Voltage Controlled Clock Generator  Feb 15th 2017, 23:42 
2hp EG 2hp EG  Full Featured Two-stage Envelope Generator  Feb 15th 2017, 23:46 
2hp Rout 2hp Rout  Voltage Controlled Gate Switch  Feb 15th 2017, 23:49 
2hp S+H 2hp S+H  Dual Analog Sample and Hold  Feb 15th 2017, 23:51 
2hp TM 2hp TM  Probabilistic Random Sequence Generator Based on the Research of Alan Turing  Feb 15th 2017, 23:54 
2hp VCA 2hp VCA  Dual Linear VCA  Feb 15th 2017, 23:56 
2hp Verb 2hp Verb  Stereo Reverb  Apr 14th 2017, 17:39 
2hp Delay 2hp Delay  Delay Audio Processor  Apr 14th 2017, 17:43 
2hp MIDI 2hp MIDI  MIDI Interface  Apr 14th 2017, 17:44 
2hp LPF 2hp LPF  Low-Pass Filter  Apr 14th 2017, 17:47 
2hp Freez 2hp Freez  Freez is a voltage controlled locked looper  May 26th 2017, 17:15 
2hp Comb 2hp Comb  IIR peaking comb filter  Jul 20th 2017, 16:55 
2hp Switch 2hp Switch  Four Channel Analog Switch  Sep 1st 2017, 15:41 
2hp Unity 2hp Unity  Unity Mixer  Sep 1st 2017, 15:44 
2hp AVert 2hp AVert  Dual Attenuverter  Sep 1st 2017, 15:47 
2hp Delay (Black Panel) 2hp Delay (Black Panel)  Delay Audio Processor with optional black panel  Sep 15th 2017, 07:20 
2hp Tune (Black Panel) 2hp Tune (Black Panel)  Multi-Scale Pitch Quantizer  Oct 11th 2017, 13:37 
2hp Div (Black Panel) 2hp Div (Black Panel)  Clock Divider/Multiplier  Oct 11th 2017, 13:42 
2hp Verb (Black Panel) 2hp Verb (Black Panel)  Stereo Reverb  Oct 11th 2017, 13:48 
2hp Seq (Black Panel) 2hp Seq (Black Panel)  16 Step Sequencer  Oct 13th 2017, 08:29 
2hp Mult (Black Panel) 2hp Mult (Black Panel)  Signal Splitter  Oct 15th 2017, 01:55 
2hp Clk (Black Panel) 2hp Clk (Black Panel)  Voltage Controlled Clock Generator  Oct 17th 2017, 15:06 
2hp Arp 2hp Arp  Gate-driven arpeggiator  Oct 28th 2017, 10:21 
2hp Euclid 2hp Euclid  Pattern Generator  Oct 30th 2017, 20:33 
2hp Comb (Black Panel) 2hp Comb (Black Panel)  IIR peaking comb filter  Dec 2nd 2017, 04:52 
2hp Mix (Black Panel) 2hp Mix (Black Panel)  4 Channel Mixer (black edition)  Dec 9th 2017, 13:48 
2hp Euclid (Black Panel) 2hp Euclid (Black Panel)  Sequencer  Dec 10th 2017, 12:46 
2hp Arp (Black Panel) 2hp Arp (Black Panel)  Gate-driven arpeggiator  Dec 11th 2017, 23:33 
2hp TM (Black Panel) 2hp TM (Black Panel)  TM is a probabilistic random sequence generator based on the research of Alan Turing.  Dec 15th 2017, 02:08 
2hp Black Blank 2hp Black Blank    Dec 15th 2017, 03:17 
2hp VCA (Black Panel) 2hp VCA (Black Panel)    Dec 31st 2017, 17:00 
2hp Freez (Black Panel) 2hp Freez (Black Panel)  Freez is a voltage controlled locked looper  Jan 23rd 2018, 19:54 
2hp Hat 2hp Hat  Hi-Hat Cymbal  Jan 25th 2018, 21:49 
2hp Kick 2hp Kick  Kick Drum  Jan 25th 2018, 21:54 
2hp Snare 2hp Snare  Snare Drum  Jan 25th 2018, 21:57 
2hp VCO 2hp VCO  Analog Voltage Controlled Oscillator  Feb 27th 2018, 17:51 
2hp Rnd v2 2hp Rnd v2  Random Voltage Generator  Feb 27th 2018, 17:54 
2hp LFO v2 2hp LFO v2  Voltage Controlled Low Frequency Oscillator  Feb 27th 2018, 17:57 
2hp Switch (Black Panel) 2hp Switch (Black Panel)  Four Channel Analog Switch  Mar 12th 2018, 01:45 
2hp Avert (Black Panel) 2hp Avert (Black Panel)  Dual Attenuverter  Mar 12th 2018, 01:58 
2hp Pluck 2hp Pluck  Physical modeling synth voice  Mar 23rd 2018, 17:05 
2hp 3:1 (Black Panel) 2hp 3:1 (Black Panel)  Voltage Controlled Switch  Mar 24th 2018, 03:30 
2hp Pluck (Black Panel) 2hp Pluck (Black Panel)  Physical modeling synth voice  Apr 17th 2018, 03:34 
2hp Osc (black) 2hp Osc (black)  Analog VCO  Apr 21st 2018, 13:51 
2hp Filt (Black) 2hp Filt (Black)  Multimode Filter  May 13th 2018, 04:49 
2hp Brst (Black Panel) 2hp Brst (Black Panel)  Voltage Controlled Burst Generator and Trigger Delay  May 13th 2018, 05:07 
2hp LPF (Black Panel) 2hp LPF (Black Panel)  Low-Pass Filter  May 13th 2018, 05:10 
2hp Kick (Black Panel) 2hp Kick (Black Panel)  Kick Drum  May 13th 2018, 05:25 
2hp Hat (Black Panel) 2hp Hat (Black Panel)  Hi-Hat Cymbal  May 13th 2018, 05:27 

Page 318 of 320, total 15979