
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
Seismic Industries DUAL ATTENUVERTER Seismic Industries DUAL ATTENUVERTER  Two attenuverters in 4HP space  Jan 31st 2016, 20:51 
Seismic Industries DIVIDE BY N Seismic Industries DIVIDE BY N  A versatile module that divides by a divisor of 1 to about 20  Jan 31st 2016, 20:39 
Seismic Industries RINGMODULATOR Seismic Industries RINGMODULATOR  A high quality four quadrant multiplier around the AD633  Jan 31st 2016, 20:34 
Seismic Industries VC ADSR Seismic Industries VC ADSR  Fully voltage controllable envelope generator  Jan 31st 2016, 20:29 
Seismic Industries LFO Seismic Industries LFO  A Classic LFO   Jan 31st 2016, 20:24 
Seismic Industries 24dB VCF Lowpass Seismic Industries 24dB VCF Lowpass  A Classic Ladder Lowpass Filter with voltage controlled resonance  Jan 31st 2016, 20:15 
Blue Lantern Modules CMOS Ring Mod Blue Lantern Modules CMOS Ring Mod  Ring modulator based on the ARP Odyssey  Jan 31st 2016, 15:30 
Other/unknown Switchable Multiple Other/unknown Switchable Multiple  Switchable Multiple (1 in 8 out or 1 in 4 out + 1 in 3 out)  Jan 31st 2016, 14:28 
Doepfer A-106-5 SE Doepfer A-106-5 SE  12dB SEM Type VCF (Special Edition)  Jan 31st 2016, 12:58 
GMSN! Pure Power GMSN! Pure Power  Power Module.  Jan 31st 2016, 09:01 
Elby Designs ES08EXT Elby Designs ES08EXT  Mixer Extension  Jan 31st 2016, 01:32 
Elby Designs ASM308EXT Elby Designs ASM308EXT  Mixer Extension  Jan 31st 2016, 01:30 
WMD Aperture WMD Aperture  Variable Width Bandpass Filter  Jan 30th 2016, 05:13 
Other/unknown Behringer UCA202 Other/unknown Behringer UCA202  USB Audio Interface  Jan 30th 2016, 00:56 
ALM Busy Circuits Haswell's Taiko ALM Busy Circuits Haswell's Taiko  ALM013 - Limited edition version of Dinky's Taiko with expanded features  Jan 29th 2016, 20:44 
Nonlinearcircuits 1050 Mixer Sequencer Nonlinearcircuits 1050 Mixer Sequencer  Sequencer, mixer, sequential switch, rectifier  Jan 29th 2016, 09:30 
Other/unknown afrika kalimba Other/unknown afrika kalimba   kalimba in eurorack   Jan 29th 2016, 08:10 
Gieskes NONONONO Gieskes NONONONO  capacitive - cv module   Jan 29th 2016, 03:04 
Studio Electronics CHARCOT CIRCLES Studio Electronics CHARCOT CIRCLES  16 x 8 Touch Step Sequencer  Jan 28th 2016, 23:21 
Blue Lantern Modules Simple ADSR v2 Blue Lantern Modules Simple ADSR v2  SIMPLE ADSR LOOPING ENVELOPE GENERATOR V2  Jan 28th 2016, 18:26 
Error Instruments HARD CANDY ! Error Instruments HARD CANDY !  Experimental VCO - 10x Channel crazy strange CV outputs  Jan 28th 2016, 14:53 
Atomosynth Totem Atomosynth Totem  Drum Synth  Jan 28th 2016, 06:16 
Barton Musical Circuits BMC016 Dual Nice Quantizer (Clarke68 panel) Barton Musical Circuits BMC016 Dual Nice Quantizer (Clarke68 panel)  Barton Dnq with Clarke68 panel  Jan 27th 2016, 17:53 
Toppobrillo Stereomix Toppobrillo Stereomix  4 channel voltage-controlled stereo mixer  Jan 27th 2016, 02:01 
Nonlinearcircuits 329 Phase/Flange Nonlinearcircuits 329 Phase/Flange  10 stage Phaser/Flanger based on the Aries 329  Jan 26th 2016, 20:21 
Sequentix Cirklon Euro BOB CVIO - Black Sequentix Cirklon Euro BOB CVIO - Black  Cirklon sequencer eurorack break-out CV In Out  Jan 26th 2016, 17:02 
nw2s nw2s::o2 nw2s nw2s::o2  Dual-channel Balanced Line Out  Jan 26th 2016, 13:11 
nw2s nw2s::3 / nw2s::15 nw2s nw2s::3 / nw2s::15  Microphone Preamp  Jan 26th 2016, 13:09 
Shakmat Knight's Gallop Shakmat Knight's Gallop  AlgoRhythmic Generator  Jan 26th 2016, 09:29 
Random*Source Serge Variable Slope VCF (VCFS) Random*Source Serge Variable Slope VCF (VCFS)  A unique filter of the Serge system, covering a wide range of sonic character  Jan 26th 2016, 09:06 
Qu-Bit Electronix Ana Qu-Bit Electronix Ana  Analog Oscillator in 2 HP  Jan 26th 2016, 00:29 
Qu-Bit Electronix Mixology Qu-Bit Electronix Mixology  Mixer  Jan 26th 2016, 00:26 
Qu-Bit Electronix Chord Qu-Bit Electronix Chord  Polyphonic Oscillator  Jan 26th 2016, 00:23 
Plan B Model 21c Plan B Model 21c  Mini Milton Sequencer  Jan 24th 2016, 20:34 
WMD Performance mixer WMD Performance mixer    Jan 24th 2016, 12:25 
Verbos Electronics Sequence Selector Verbos Electronics Sequence Selector  5 stage analog sequencer  Jan 23rd 2016, 22:50 
Verbos Electronics Random Sampling Verbos Electronics Random Sampling  A selection of random voltage sources  Jan 23rd 2016, 22:48 
Erogenous Tones Gatestorm Erogenous Tones Gatestorm  Advanced Eurorack Gate Generator   Jan 23rd 2016, 04:58 
Soulsby Oscitron Soulsby Oscitron  8-bit wavetable oscillator with wavetable sampling  Jan 23rd 2016, 02:53 
Modal Electronics 002 Voltage Controlled Filter Modal Electronics 002 Voltage Controlled Filter  Modal Electronics designed 24dB per octave four pole transistor ladder filter, with some very unusual morphing characteristics or ‘polesweeping’, enabling transition from four pole through bandpass to one pole 6db per octave, or anywhere in between.  Jan 22nd 2016, 05:22 
Modal Electronics 008 Voltage Controlled Filter Modal Electronics 008 Voltage Controlled Filter  Innovative and extremely flexible 15 multi-mode filter  Jan 22nd 2016, 05:19 
Modal Electronics 002 Numerically Controlled Oscillator Modal Electronics 002 Numerically Controlled Oscillator  Modal Electronics designed NCO for a very high resolution, and very stable oscillator plus sub oscillator  Jan 22nd 2016, 05:16 
Modal Electronics 008 Voltage Controlled Oscillator Modal Electronics 008 Voltage Controlled Oscillator  100% analogue VCO with sub oscillator, providing sawtooth, triangle, square with PWM and noise  Jan 22nd 2016, 05:14 
Modal Electronics GCync MIDI to Clock Bi-directional Bridge Modal Electronics GCync MIDI to Clock Bi-directional Bridge  Utility module that bridges MIDI and Analogue clock including a multiplier/divider for the clock output  Jan 22nd 2016, 05:10 
Synthrotek MST Unity Gain Mixer Synthrotek MST Unity Gain Mixer  Unity Gain Mixer  Jan 22nd 2016, 01:44 
Strymon Generalissimo Strymon Generalissimo  STRYMON four head dTape echo  Jan 21st 2016, 22:17 
Intellijel Jellysquasher Intellijel Jellysquasher   Compressor  Jan 21st 2016, 22:03 
Intellijel Boombox Intellijel Boombox  Speaker  Jan 21st 2016, 22:02 
Intellijel Rainmaker Intellijel Rainmaker  16 tap stereo spectral rhythm delay and comb resonator  Jan 21st 2016, 21:58 
Manhattan Analog Steiner Synthasystem VCF Manhattan Analog Steiner Synthasystem VCF  Multimode filter  Jan 21st 2016, 16:27 

Page 269 of 337, total 16809