I found 1361 threads containing eh in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Roast my rack Racks by 17 236
DAMN YOU, ARTURIA!!!... Racks by 1 43
New to Eurorack Racks by 11 404
40ms 60hp Pod Rack Question Racks by 15 174
Eurorack Blues Racks by 2 105
Help with workflow module positioning? Racks by 7 284
7u planned Racks by 5 147
A tip for last 8 hp Racks by 34 546
First Draft of System to Complement Violin w/ effects + ChucK Coding Racks by 12 186
Thoughts and feedback appreciated - New to eurorack please help Racks by 17 466
My very first rack Racks by 7 253
Current Live 12u Drum Machine in ZeroH Racks by 24 283
Roland/AcidLab/Doepfer/TTop Racks by 11 160
Ideas Machine + Hapax Racks by 1 812
Suggestions for drum / glitch case Racks by 8 181
no 1 attempt Racks by 4 140
rackv1 Racks by 5 178
Starter kit Racks by 36 906
Looking for mixer recommendations to squeeze into one of my last 8hp slots Racks by 11 187
Rack setup Racks by 8 89
First Eurorack Design - Please Critique Racks by 13 296
Improve my rack Racks by 12 238
First Modular build - feedback please! Racks by 4 21
Rackbrute ac leakage Racks by 9 543
Looking for feedback on expanding my desktop synths with a small collection of eurorack... Racks by 9 139
This should NOT exist! Racks by 27 790
filling the gap Racks by 8 127
Percussion Rack Racks by 3 23
Connecting one pair of monitors simultaneous to two mixers, is that all right? Racks by 11 111
Tape Loop Ambience with microphones - First rig - Be gentle... Racks by 6 233
Another Beginner Asking 4 Advice Racks by 6 122
Industrial/Ambient groovebox Racks by 9 36
Feedback needed: Mini Modular Noise System Racks by 26 379
"Mutable's End" - Rack Feedback? Racks by 13 558
To get me started. Nothing too fancy. Racks by 7 258
Rack workflow and module choice opinions please! Racks by 5 145
Pro feedback needed Racks by 39 50
A Hybrid Eurorack - a newbie try Racks by 8 30
Intellijel Palette Groovebox Racks by 7 452
My first Modular Racks by 6 198
Additional rack towards Octatrack live set Racks by 10 279
First eurorack for live performance Racks by 5 210
84 hp diy case Racks by 7 223
Behringer system 55 extension 140hp Racks by 2 76
fill the gap! Racks by 17 173
Dark Ambient/Sonic Universe Racks by 4 35
Newbie 1st Rack... Opinions/Suggestions GREATLY appreciated Racks by 3 114
A new rack approaches! Racks by 5 137
Minimal Generative Rack Racks by 2 160
Spring Festival Vacation 2015 Racks by 8 183
New Modular User Racks by 7 14
First rack, need suggestions for ambient music Racks by 19 550
Eurorack Modular Power Cable 0V to ground ect Cables .. Racks by 7 73
Any idea about potential next modules? Racks by 9 409
New Techno Build for DJ Exigen, Tung Bunker Studio, Norway. Racks by 19 133
My evoked Eurorack Racks by 13 350
Building my first rack...what am I forgetting? Racks by 4 159
Ok, I'll play... looking for feedback Racks by 5 24
Advice please: generative Eurorack Racks by 18 2585
Question about building a rack similar to a NYX or Atlantis Racks by 6 29
Need some advice on modules to complete my 6U rack Racks by 3 18
Suggestions on how to complete my 7u 104hp Racks by 5 266
Live/jamming techno 7U 104HP advices Racks by 4 129
First Eurorack - Any Suggestions? Racks by 4 126
Tips and ideas for First Eurorack system and expansion for DFAM Racks by 4 236
24HP Replacement in Nifty-Case Racks by 4 81
Any thoughts about my complete Noob Rack?? Racks by 2 109
First Modular Rack Expanding Mother 32 Racks by 9 409
Live Drum as Trigger --> Eurorack as Layer for acoustic drums Racks by 5 297
Ambient Modular Box Racks by 4 137
Organon 2.0 (Single case) Racks by 1 225
I need advice, recommendations. I'm new to modular. Racks by 3 112
Would love to get some people's feedback on my eurorack ideas Racks by 7 242
Feedback Please on Craig's Rack Racks by 7 10
West Coast Drum Machine Concept Racks by 5 147
First modular system ever, need advice on utility modules (ambient experimental) Racks by 9 440
Melivora Racks by 12 537
Gradual build for live ambient + techno beats (ambient techno, I guess... but also glit... Racks by 8 156
My Tiptop Audio Mantis Racks by 4 139
idea for ambient rack Racks by 45 1179
Acid Bassline Racks by 10 490
Rack Advice for Hypnotic Techno Racks by 12 490
Small modular synth / first proper eurorack Racks 5 280
Replacing Arturia DRUMBRUTE with MIDI Note-controlled eurorack system Racks by 14 130
My sleeveless Eurorack Racks by 8 522
Updated to my techno life rack. Racks by 10 201
Please fill the gap Racks by 14 268
used parts Racks by 5 179
Fill this last 10hp Racks by 7 143
First Erorack system for Dark Drones Racks by 8 190
New rack advice, 7U 104 HP Racks by 2 75
Next steps advice, needed... Racks by 9 199
After following several guides, I have my first rack. But will it work? Racks by 5 112
Behringer System 15 on 84HP 9U Racks by 2 130
Expanding the Grandmother with a 62HP Intellijel Palette Racks by 8 165
Current rack, need ideas. Racks by 7 43
New rig Racks this user has left ModularGrid 15 148
Researching Eurorack made only from kits Racks by 10 160
Great DIY Case building HOWTOs? Racks by 4 33
ambient_rack.60hp Racks by 14 421