I found 1427 threads containing MAR in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Used case power question Racks by 6 95
My Hydrasynth/Minibrute Eurorack Racks by 17 552
First eurorack build - help and comments much appreciated!! Racks by 3 211
My Ambient rack what would you get next,what do i need Racks by 16 527
Audiovisual trio Racks by 1 8
First build needs guidance (me and every other newbie) Racks by 7 211
First build; need feedback, opinions Racks by 1 48
First small rack for guitar and other audio processing Racks by 5 297
16 pin IDC connector on Konstant Lab HammerPWR? Racks by 2 52
Motherload 2 Racks by 9 11
Complete my dreaming pony rack Racks by 5 114
Beep Boop 1of2 Racks by 5 115
New rack advice Racks by 4 226
Looking for that atmospheric and brass sound (please help) Racks by 2 1
Mr. Rogers Racks by 8 29
Boards of Canada style rack. Racks by 14 575
2nd iteration of my starter rack Racks by 4 120
My Ambient Eurorack Racks by 6 314
My First Row Racks by 10 309
6U 84 HP Eurorack Racks by 15 582
My First Rack - About 70% complete Racks by 19 392
MY FIRST RACK - 14U 126HP Racks by 9 464
My A-100 Racks by 8 13
home made polysynth Racks by 4 28
Main Ambient Machine - 84 hp + 84 hp Racks by 10 289
4ms Pod 64X HP - Drone/ambient Racks by 8 369
Rate the rack and give me some advise on placement? ~Monster system!! Racks by 20 316
MOBDIVIDUAL LIVE (classic Pre-Pandemic setup) Racks by 1 69
Total Beginner Looking for Advice Racks by 3 185
Will my Rack work? (Noob, apologies) Racks by 3 6
Mother 32-based rack for beginner Racks by 4 122
Before I go any further down the electro-rabbit hole... Racks by 10 186
First Rack Plan Racks by 13 165
Looking for input on how to expand my rack (techno + ambient) Racks by 7 126
Newbie looking for 60 hp advice Racks by 10 232
Help! Idk what I'm doing Racks by 7 18
First Post* Asking for advice Racks by 10 282
6U 104 HP Racks by 2 100
Minibrute 2s w/6U Rackbrute Racks by 9 339
JQ Rack So Far Racks by 3 124
New Modules... Racks by 10 187
PinzascaBox (MI up) Racks by 5 187
Rack for processing live drums Racks by 9 253
OndesMartenot-ish sampling microsound tape system Racks by 2 90
Nifty Expansion - Try 2 - Need Opinions - still a Newbie Racks by 7 184
I seek constructive criticism on my first rack build Racks by 5 205
4x 88hp system Racks by 2 106
Starter rack Racks by 10 194
help needed: moog sound studio 3x126hp expansion Racks by 5 136
Need advice to extend my semi-modulars set Racks by 12 503
Ambient Generative Rack with Ableton - Need Help! Racks by 11 181
Comments please on first Eurorack Racks by 7 94
208HP rack for performance... Racks by 5 174
Feedback on this n+1 rack sketch please; Racks by 4 130
What i'm missing here? What u would add (using my money). Racks by 1 8
New to Eurorack Racks by 11 404
40ms 60hp Pod Rack Question Racks by 15 174
Help with workflow module positioning? Racks by 7 285
MyStarterKit - What have I missed? Racks by 6 94
WTFLOL Racks by 5 134
A tip for last 8 hp Racks by 34 552
Beginner needs suggestions Racks by 4 81
COQ 6U 84 HP (March 2022) (copy) Racks 0 21
First Draft of System to Complement Violin w/ effects + ChucK Coding Racks by 12 186
My Not-So-Noob-Anymore Update Racks by 25 337
Ambient - Almost done... where do I go from here? Racks by 10 298
Drone rack, thinking of adding another row Racks by 3 273
Roland/AcidLab/Doepfer/TTop Racks by 11 162
build Racks by 4 1
Suggestions for drum / glitch case Racks by 8 181
no 1 attempt Racks by 4 140
feedback / redundancy Racks by 2 52
rackv1 Racks by 5 181
Starter kit Racks by 36 906
12U 126 HP case sequenced with Ableton Live, KeyStep Pro and/or 0-Ctrl Racks by 11 265
Overwhelmed & in need of help! Racks by 4 219
First Eurorack industrial, techno. Your advice please Racks by 7 1005
First Eurorack Design - Please Critique Racks by 13 296
Improve my rack Racks by 12 238
Playing Techno live: sound and visuals out of the rack Racks by 3 229
First Modular build - feedback please! Racks by 4 21
Rackbrute ac leakage Racks by 9 543
Looking for feedback on expanding my desktop synths with a small collection of eurorack... Racks by 9 139
My first rack goal Racks by 5 140
This should NOT exist! Racks by 27 795
Yet another generative/ambient rack Racks by 4 252
Tell me your thoughts, please :) Racks by 12 123
Techno machine Racks by 4 1172
12 Hp left and what to get for Christmas? Racks by 10 190
I have 2 submodular cases to sell Racks by 4 150
"Mutable's End" - Rack Feedback? Racks by 13 560
I'm new to modular: would this work? Something I'm missing? Racks by 8 7
Thinking about a Serge rack Racks by 8 110
Phase 3 - 104HP to Play With Racks by 1 49
First Rack For Feedback Racks by 5 136
My Initial Eurorack Racks by 3 3
Need your advice with the crispy and raw techno style rack Racks by 9 787
First generative rack Racks by 12 264
fill the gap! Racks by 17 173