I found 3527 threads containing ... in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Artificial Singularity You by 10 128
Some dark ambient with Verbos Bark Filter You by 6 111
Disasterous peace and Warps You by 4 5
Live Set #2 You by 5 30
Using triggers and Resonance as the main sound sources You by 5 95
Evening Modular Jam: Cells Interlinked You by 4 29
minimal techno-ish track with Benjolin+Plonk You by 5 90
Live Minimal Techno Improv You by 7 74
Need your opinions… please 😊 You by 9 260
kermit mk3 You 2 37
Beautifully Broken You by 5 70
my new album is out now ! (THELEMA - entrance totrance) You by 4 54
Thanksgiving Modular Experiment with WMD percussion and 4ms matrix mixer You this user has left ModularGrid 5 33
It's Always Sunny in Panharmonium You by 5 76
Same old same old You by 1 26
Second Acidrain Chainsaw Patch You by 5 58
New Kosmische Project You by 15 191
Best of Modular Grid returns! It's that time of year again You by 59 1115
Free Jazz! You by 34 320
What I did with Beads You by 9 150
Ghost Palace You by 7 61
Quick techno noodle You by 5 68
Experimental music made with modular and semi-modular gear from Malaysia! You by 6 161
Eurorack ...pen Plotter...? You by 11 145
I pulled all the plugs You by 15 176
bought an new module You by 5 134
Latest Work You by 8 80
Slightly longer-form You by 7 68
[Dark Ambient] Ostalgie You by 7 85
Rainy Day in TX patch You by 3 26
Modular Synth jam from aug 10th You by 1 22
New Modular Synth Album Out Now You by 7 80
balance beam for girls (Just Friends, Mangrove, Ts-L, Benjolin, Disting Ex) You by 7 84
New video: Jam no. 10 Modular Techno! DFAM Mother-32 Plaits Beads You by 3 43
Why does it sound muddy? You by 13 433
Some techno : Pam drives BIA You by 5 117
Round Robbining You by 3 38
Help with Basimilus Iteritas Alter You by 8 145
new forms of dance (album) You by 5 53
Switches + faders = power sequencer You by 1 40
Total beginner to Module Synthesis - semi or full module to start? You by 9 276
RYK VW + Disting Ex Resonator You by 4 102
friday nite improv dance groove You this user has left ModularGrid 5 43
Trance Gates You by 11 147
Nelson Baboon tracks You by 32 21
Doepfer - A-110-1 Pulse Width Modulation Fun You by 3 61
Just Friends, Ts-L, 0-Coast You by 4 59
3 Module Patch You by 2 46
More feedback patching, smoke signals take 2 You by 4 93
Just a little soothing chaos from this weekends adventures You by 3 71
Hertz Donut MK3 first test jam You this user has left ModularGrid 9 126
Friday Quadrax Modular Jam You this user has left ModularGrid 3 18
Orchestral modular sounds with Moskwa II, Ostankino II and the Mother-32 You by 2 70
pretty heavy drums You by 3 72
Finally jumped right in You by 5 80
Couple of new tracks You by 8 86
And another one. Also delete. Eventually I'll sort out how outside images post... You 0 9
Mutable Instruments Beads and my low skill with an acoustic guitar You by 4 49
Koyasan - New Module Experiment - Bloom and WMD PM You by 9 111
Jam in a Box #14 - Thunderstorm You by 5 91
Off Axis // Usta Odessa Panharmonium Rings You by 4 29
Generative Ambient patch.... You by 5 108
Evening Modular Jam: Moog Stack Ambient #001 You by 3 32
Evening Modular Jam: The Calm Before You by 4 28
Bursting! You by 6 115
5 years ago... You by 1 28
Three and a Half Krells - a Polyphonic-Multi-Krell Patch You by 5 106
Evening Modular Jam: Toward Distant Lights You by 6 32
Sunday Coco and Monday Saxomophone You by 10 71
Todd Barton's 1-minute composition challenge You by 2 55
Evening Modular Jam: Transient Response You by 2 15
Power Supply (daisy chain or splitter) for 18u 104hp You by 6 57
My eurorack modular ambient etudes You by 92 2173
Rossum Panharmonium - Everything is Ambient You by 6 253
Future Sound Systems Love You by 4 49
Jam in a Box #5 - Misty Mountains - Playing around with a launchpad + cvocd to control ... You by 2 17
Poly Therapy // Polygogo Panharmonium You by 5 85
Current Patch You by 8 94
Evening Modular Jam: Moog Stack Ambient #002 You by 4 28
Ambient Tuesday You this user has left ModularGrid by 4 63
intense drone ambient ( ༎ຶŎ༎ຶ ) You by 4 10
This is a bit different to the stuff I've done before. You by 6 59
Should I go ALL ANALOG? You by 13 167
an ode to Reznor (Just Friends) You by 6 110
Vocal Track You by 6 62
Boom (just like that) feat. Akemie's Taiko You by 5 50
Using an old metronome to clock my modular system You by 5 33
Happy New Year! You by 4 40
Live rack for improv live performances You by 6 268
Thanks Modular Grid Community and Happy New Year!! You by 11 69
Disting playing in some Audio You by 7 76
Weekly Jam with Hertz Donut and friends You this user has left ModularGrid 7 46
Ok I understand why ( nearly ) everybody loves Morphagene You by 4 152
a requiem for what will remain You by 8 121
GERMZ You by 3 38
Hideous Ableton implosion You by 1 4
RRR You by 14 106
Album #3 done! In Life You by 4 52
Zippy Kid's releases You by 2 62
This one is a bit more ambient You by 50 501