I found 1252 threads containing Live in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
mobileControl Racks by 73 53
delete Racks by 13 62
Ideas Generator/Sample Mangler Racks by 1 43
˳̊̊̊̊̊ ˳̥̥̥̥̥̊̊̊̊̊̊̊˳̥̥ ¯̊̊̊̊̊̊̊̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̊ ͓̋̐̋̋̋̐̋́̋̐̋̋̋̐̋́̋̐̋̋̋̐̋̋̋̐̋̋̋̐̋́̋̐̋̋̋̐̋̋... Racks by 4 593
Free 22 hp in make noise shared system Racks by 4 28
Live performance for techno and hardcore setup Racks by 1 11
Molten Son - Live System (additional gear in comments) Racks by 1 9
Greetings and Opinions! Racks by 15 219
Populating my 6U 88HP Eurorack Racks by 25 771
Live rack Techno Racks by 22 904
What´s missing? Racks by 3 90
Molten Son - Live System (additional gear in comments) Racks 0 227
Doepfer A-100 PB Racks by 5 246
My 4MS Pods 60hp case $175 list Racks by 4 148
Ideas to fill the (desperate) spaces? Racks by 5 116
Feedback on planned upgrade - Oxi One/0-Coast/Digitakt/Digitone Racks by 3 166
Help to continue my dark ambient rack Racks by 23 675
Building a two voices synth - what to add? Racks by 1 98
The Explorer Racks by 3 50
1u 104 HP Utility must have Modules Racks by 19 539
Please evaluate this A-100 (Doepfer) system Racks by 21 272
A final rack review request Racks by 17 414
Archive // Eternal // https://youtu.be/rsOXquEddSw Racks by 1 35
Beep Boop 2 - Revenge Of Lugia Racks by 3 162
Beep Boop 1 of 2 Racks by 3 86
Archive // Do It! // https://youtu.be/d8D_EdcnI2A Racks by 1 28
Ideas Machine, Alternative Package 1.5.0 Racks by 9 189
Archive // The Park // https://youtu.be/qV1XSF1bTRk Racks by 1 41
Intellijel /// Moog Studio addition Racks by 6 234
My”beginner rack” - just looking for thoughts on fine tuning the build Racks by 13 272
Looking for feedback on my first rack Racks by 11 227
Patch help Racks by 6 87
First Rack Advice Racks by 12 469
EURORACK STREAM 001 Racks by 1 55
Planning my first eurorack Racks this user has left ModularGrid 12 259
Rack suggestions plz Racks by 10 236
Rethinking Rackbrute 3U build... Racks by 15 261
98HP Jumpskiff DIY (befaco, 2hp, zlob, MI, ZZZ) Racks by 58 1056
Beep Boop (copied from Nabroc) (copied from troux) Racks by 12 225
Fill up the gap Racks by 7 89
4 full instruments. *concept post* Racks by 24 346
Noob drummer looking to make a rack to layer modular synths over live drums - feedback ... Racks by 1 4
Ideas Machine V4 - MCFx2 Filter 1.2 Racks by 3 140
Complement to DFAM and Subharmonicon with focus on random elements and live performing Racks by 7 304
Rackbrute 6U - Electro Drums & Synths Racks by 6 96
Advice on filling 420 HP Racks by 13 225
Bracket Eared System for a larger 19" rack Racks by 4 311
dreadbox case 94 drums - asking for help Racks by 1 24
This Rack needs your help Racks by 1 250
My crawling modular - cinematic, melodic, shaping noises Racks by 22 561
How would you get huge kick drums from this rack? Racks by 12 275
Finishing up rack for live performance Racks by 4 140
new to eurorack...trying to make a wavetable polysynth build for live performance..few ... Racks by 6 97
Intellijel Drums Starter Pack (62HP Palette) Racks by 3 167
Processing & Modulation For Circuit Bent And Experimental Instruments Racks by 1 56
Jumped from a 12u 126hp MDLR case to a 15 u 197hp ADDAC case and a bit overwhelmed. Racks by 5 219
LIVE DNGLS GEODE Racks by 1 116
Minibrute 2S w/ Rackbrute 3U - Synth Live Racks by 1 64
Live modulation rack Racks by 1 60
House / Techno eurorack build Racks by 12 254
My maybe Racks by 5 109
Ambient with Chords? Starter Rack - Opinions please! Racks by 8 185
Looking for ideas on what i should add to my rack Racks by 9 203
Need advices ❤️ Racks by 15 358
Charlene Racks by 5 17
Rack update - feedback/thoughts Racks by 1 49
˳̊̊̊̊̊ ˳̥̥̥̥̥̊̊̊̊̊̊̊˳̥̥ ¯̊̊̊̊̊̊̊̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̈̊ suitcase \\ 150Hp v1 Racks by 4 168
201101 - Traveler - v1.1 Racks by 3 49
Need a lil help Racks by 8 134
Beginner Drum Rack Racks 15 374
Hexarack Current Racks by 6 16
Diving into eurorack and need some advice Racks by 15 249
There's no going back now, the postman has been...but do I need more VCA's? Racks by 5 236
Need you help... Racks by 5 105
tiny 4ms pod | miditracker | 40 hp Racks by 4 99
The Real Dulper - 6U & 3U Extensions for Minibrute 2S Racks by 14 366
Small system to be sequenced by Ableton Live Racks by 21 802
My unstopped Eurorack Racks by 2 147
Advice On Rack Racks by 13 347
Halfway There, Feedback Requested Racks by 5 12
Morphagene or Clouds Racks by 5 780
A first Built Racks by 12 188
Hypothetical Rack Racks by 18 523
Complete Live System in 62hp Racks by 2 138
Power issue with Rackbrute 6U Racks by 14 1467
this will be my first modular. does this make sense? help pls Racks by 15 515
What is overkill and what is missing? Racks by 6 305
Need help with psytrance rack Racks by 2 90
Live Mixing & FX Skiff Racks by 1 1
Tips for my first dub processing rack Racks by 10 220
First build Racks by 31 510
bloody beginner in need of good advice Racks by 7 260
Low-Gain Electronics Short Bus V.3 Modules by 3 1206
Choosing a delay Modules by 10 355
Mudras Eurorack Gesture Sequencer Modules by 1 60
XOR Electronics Dualchord Modules by 4 282
Interesting modules for CV control? Modules by 3 111
Multi effects recommendations? Modules by 18 1226
Gezeiten UltimaRatio Modules by 1 ..
Stereo pannable performance mixer Modules by 3 17