I found 1798 threads containing Audio in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
BIA, Quad Operator, PEAK You by 6 62
Industrial trance jam You this user has left ModularGrid 7 108
Acid house jam You this user has left ModularGrid by 7 84
Sequencer's Violence You by 12 163
Trance Gates You by 11 147
CyberneticOhm Live Set You by 2 30
Recent Project You by 8 163
Sunday Sine Waves Streamed You by 4 20
I've been MIA but getting back into the (acid!) groove You by 16 160
Live Minimal Techno Improv You by 7 74
Second Acidrain Chainsaw Patch You by 5 58
Koyasan - New Module Experiment - Bloom and WMD PM You by 9 111
Doepfer Meets Dixie You by 12 146
3D Printed case - Buddha Machine inspired You by 5 73
Mutable Instuments Beads (Clouds v2) First Test You this user has left ModularGrid 5 64
this thing (Disting Ex Poly Exciter) You by 4 108
New Ambient with Eurorack + Moog DFAM&Subharmonicon + Field Kit FX You by 4 59
This is a modular performance I submitted for an internet show. It features my Joranalo... You by 12 125
Thunderstorm & Others (Effing Around With Plaits) You by 14 117
New Kosmische Project You by 15 191
67P | Latest Track You by 3 28
A first impression on the Blue Marvin You by 15 242
Obnubilus (featuring M32, Microcosm, Starlab and Iridium) You by 9 141
Space Jam with ALM Super Coupe You this user has left ModularGrid 3 33
Ambient Stuff 5 You by 5 68
Might be a minute here.... You by 23 290
"The Robots Will *&%# Us To Death In The End" You by 10 195
Relaxing ambient mix You this user has left ModularGrid 1 53
Best of Modular Grid returns! It's that time of year again You by 59 1115
Holiday dance jam You this user has left ModularGrid 7 58
Christmas eve eve modular melodic grooves You by 1 26
My Eurorack build playlist You by 3 50
Distant | New Track You by 1 38
Hyper Fist from Beast-tek build & demo video posted You by 1 8
Evening Modular Jam: Live Moog jam You by 1 5
Behringer Crave (Drums), Mutable Instruments Plaits, Filtamp 1006, Minibrute 2s, Improv... You by 8 111
Briefly | Recent Track You by 1 16
March madness cross patching jam You this user has left ModularGrid 3 61
New Meg unit from Neutral Labs build and demo video up. You by 1 51
Mutable Tides V2 VCDO Video You by 3 91
Volts Platz from Frequency Central build and demo video up You by 5 61
Melody with Rings You by 9 116
Northern Lines: The Art of Belinda Sales You by 3 33
complexnonsense You by 5 131
My Tragic Hope You this user has left ModularGrid 4 55
the overflow of things (plonk, vcfq, ts-l, mangrove, nord drum2) You by 7 124
High Line Scene // Plaits // Maths // Mimeophon // BeatStep Pro // Eurorack Performance... You by 9 145
a requiem for what will remain You by 8 121
Asymmetric Distortion module kit from Little Fish Audio build and demo video You by 1 10
Make Noise XPO, X-Pan, QPAS & Mimeophon - Modular Jam! You by 3 123
What do Klingons Dream About? You by 4 70
Decoherence // With Patch Notes: øchd, Plaits, Mother 32, Circuit Bent VCO, BeatStep Pr... You by 1 39
What the Hell Was That? (part 2) You by 1 92
Nijel distortion unit from Neutral Labs build and demo You by 1 44
1 hp You by 1 48
I made a patch tutorial for how to make envelope followers from Maths and guitar. You by 12 339
DFAM and Tesla Coil Jam with BeatStep Pro Roller Pad and a Delay Pedal [with Patch Notes] You by 2 57
It's been awhile! You by 3 101
Maximal Drip // MIDI Sync the Hologram Microcosm to Infinity Looper, Vocoder, and Modul... You by 4 85
Creativity audiobook giveaway You by 1 28
Orbit Shift [Incomplete] I played my modular at a record store. It went awesome. Part 1. You by 6 159
Satellite Fall - I played my modular at a record store. It went awesome. Part 2 You by 3 45
Ginkosynthese Compressor kit build and demo You by 1 20
Rottnest VCO/LFO kit from Setonixsynth build and demo You by 1 14
Eurorack ...pen Plotter...? You by 11 145
Diode Chaos from Zlob modular build and demo You by 1 32
Todays short jam You by 1 23
Two New Modular LPs and an EP You by 1 12
EP release to help feed some hungry people - can you help? You by 1 11
when is useful a matrix mixer You by 5 122
Modules and other hardware + Sale on my BandCamp LPs You by 1 38
Spectral Harmonic Eurorack You by 4 85
PO33 Community Sample Pack Playlist!! You by 1 14
Pony VCF kit from Befaco build and demo You by 1 18
Stonk module kit from Tesseract Modular build and demo You by 1 17
Plinky Plonky Snow Day You by 3 59
WMD Multimode Envelope Modules by 2 3064
Numerical EURO Brute Modules by 9 177
Metasonix R-56 Modules by 3 1681
Other/unknown 8 Stage Vactrol Sequencer Modules by 1 62
Make Noise CV Bus Modules by 14 5965
Intellijel Spock Modules by 1 1801
Tiptop Audio Trigger Riot Modules by 1 6945
Tiptop Audio sd808 Modules by 4 1
trying to add FMR Audio 500 Series modules to the the page Modules by 3 1
Flame C-3 Knob Recorder Modules by 10 1935
Modcan Quad LFO Modules by 4 4568
The Wasp goes hsssssss? Modules by 4 16
Audio Damage ADM04 FreqShift Modules by 1 1114
Xaoc Devices Karl Marx Stadt Modules by 4 2286
Gezeiten Ultima Ratio Modules by 1 290
Tiptop Audio Numberz - NOT A MODULE Modules by 1 2
WMD Micro Hadron Collider (uHC) Modules by 5 4221
Tiptop Audio uZeus Modules by 2 3360
Tiptop Audio z8000 Modules by 8 3169
Antimatter Audio Brain Seed Modules by 1 6934
Tiptop Audio BD909 Modules by 1 3973
Hikari Instruments SINE Modules by 1 1466
Sequencer? HELP! Modules by 9 147
PAiA 4720 Modules by 3 42