I found 410 threads containing standard in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
A Friend for Microbrute and a Generative Melodic Robot Band Mate for me to play drums n... Racks by 2 3
What is important when adding drums to your modular? Racks by 5 348
Current setup: rack feels disjointed... Racks by 9 28
first rack, opinions please Racks by 16 65
My goalless Eurorack Racks by 7 6
CHM F**KSTATION Racks by 3 92
My Tiptop Audio Mantis Racks by 4 139
Dark Ambient/Sonic Universe Racks by 4 35
Help! Idk what I'm doing Racks by 7 18
My first modular, advice wanted! Racks by 2 4
What now? Racks by 2 3
dragon sound Racks by 3 31
is this a good first rig? Racks by 3 7
Noise Oddity Racks by 1 11
First Rack Racks by 4 8
Inexpensive and Flexible, any tips? Racks by 2 5
How ill-advised is this rack? Racks by 6 38
Move208 Racks by 1 2
Modest rig v1.2 Racks by 16 13
AIRA Eurorack Racks by 3 3
totally noobular Racks by 2 4
Noob Waldorf NW1 Rack - suggestions please! Racks by 6 27
Need Ideas for Drummachine, additional to a 6U Synth Rack Racks by 1 1
Ramblings of a Noob Racks by 6 6
New Europeans Racks by 4 20
Noob help Racks by 16 8
Looking to build m first modular Racks by 3 20
My gross MU Racks by 1 2
Canvas Racks by 3 2
Pittsburgh Poliphony + Utility Racks by 3 6
Current Racks by 9 8619
Current Live Setup Racks by 20 31078
Detroit Underground DU-SEQ Modules by 1 49
(NEW) VoltRatio - for Analog Through Zero (TZ) FM (Frequency Modulation) Modules by 1 16
How durable are modular synthesizers? Modules by 9 552
Can you hear past the Walrus Audio Meraki's face for radio? Modules by 3 176
XAOC Batumi issue with clock sync Modules by 12 157
Befaco Voltio Modules by 5 2019
DivKid ochd Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 19 12566
Tiptop Audio TG ONE Modules by 7 1054
Envelope like javelin Modules by 6 116
Tubbutec 6m0d6 via Midi Modules by 2 39
ALM Busy Circuits MEGA-TANG Modules by 3 4905
Shakmat Modular Aeolus Mixer Modules by 1 1449
Schlappi Engineering Black/Silver duplicates - 100 Grit / Angle Grinder / Interstellar ... Modules by 5 5345
Skull & Circuits? Modules by 4 113
Why people don't like Behringer modules? Modules by 16 1127
Intellijel µMIDI Pocket Operator sync? Modules by 3 3674
Feedback MIX BX Modules by 21 2884
What's an "envelope follower" and why do I need one? Modules by 6 652
TipTop/Buchla 200t series modules ... Modules by 62 1458
venting blank panels? Modules by 25 371
Best site to buy modules? Modules by 17 346
Metropolix for acid sequence - accents out ? Modules by 8 326
The ... 2500 modules, are they 100% Eurorack compatible? Modules by 9 108
2hp play tips for using your own samples Modules by 13 304
Introducing, ZIQAL Dimension Wavetable oscillator Modules by 35 3305
Best Midi to CV Converter Modules by 7 195
Mirror signal Modules by 4 43
your favorite chaos modules? Modules by 31 1262
Mescaline modules in rack - any pros? Modules by 8 161
Westlicht and sync to LOgic Modules by 2 93
Dear Europe: Please take pity on the rest of the World Modules by 7 161
Delay not working. Is it just me? Modules by 5 128
Oscillator Modules with Inharmonic Spectra? (Harmonic Shift Oscillator a good bet?) Modules by 21 511
WMD Performance Mixer (black) Modules 11 10374
are there bad modules / brands / clones? Modules by 13 422
Review reports of Eurorack modules Modules by 57 871
Tapographic Delay Modules 2 59
Other/unknown Pyxis Audio Wavetable LFO Modules by 3 51
How to Stay in Tune with Eurorack Modules by 16 1470
Is there an extreme wide range LFO module that permits a full sweep with one knob? (Is ... Modules by 18 345
tempi losing time Modules by 6 91
does 2X amped buffered mult exist? Modules by 5 64
BNC lamp module Modules by 7 117
ALM Busy Circuits ALM022 - Squid Salmple Modules by 2 21494
KICK ASS!!! for March 2019 Modules by 1 117
Dumb-ass noob installation question Modules by 5 54
midi to cv eurorack to mu Modules by 7 81
KICK ASS!!! for January 2019 (special post-NAMM brainmelt edition) Modules by 8 270
A-111-2 VCO Tuning Problem Modules by 4 32
[annonce] Nozori : one hardware, multiple eurorack modules Modules by 1 17
Using a TipTop Zeus Access with a Befaco regulated power bus? Modules by 6 74
kNoB technology - Muscarin synthesizer Modules by 2 260
KICK ASS!!! for August 2018. Modules by 1 154
Make Noise Rosie? How do you connect modular to DAW or mixer? Modules by 4 209
KICK ASS!!! for June 2018 Modules by 3 60
Nabla MP7/MiniP7: how not to reissue things Modules by 1 6
Expert Sleepers ES-8 Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 12 28207
Korg Volca Mix Modules by 1 41
Synthrotek DLY Modules by 3 2882
Modules with 3.5mm TRS MIDI Jacks Modules by 6 44
"best" Korg MS-20 filter clone? Modules by 3 1275
what's so special about triangle core oscillators? Modules by 3 618
Studio Electronics Tonestar 2600 Folktek'd Modules by 2 684
Sending CV from Doepfer MAQ16/3 to custom made analog synths Modules by 1 5
Catalyst Audio's Time's Arrow Modules by 6 1316
x0x-heart Euro module - TB303 acid voice - crowdfunding Modules by 1 8
PAiA 4720 Modules by 3 41
+5 volt for certain modules? Modules by 3 33