I found 2622 threads containing eco in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Entry build Modular Discussions by 4 18
Any advise? Racks by 4 25
Rackbrute all encompassing Racks by 5 92
Generative Melody Robot friend for Microbrute to Follow me on Drums Racks by 2 11
Drone Modular Modular Discussions by 8 235
Future Retro Transient: opinions Modules by 4 66
Affordable bare bones portable modular setup Modular Discussions by 22 1377
The Synthesizer, in four parts (long instructional essay) Modular Discussions by 3 96
Future Rack Feedback Racks by 5 19
A darker space You by 9 101
Home Stretch First Rack Racks by 4 9
AD1 Racks by 5 8
Ambient / Atmospheric Rack Feedback Racks by 12 339
after much thought and an octatrack Racks by 2 96
KICK ASS!!! for March 2018 Modules by 1 35
Trying to make it cohesive (3u 104hp) Racks by 5 55
My ictic Eurorack Racks by 5 15
Catalyst Audio's Time's Arrow Modules by 6 1328
Look at my rack Racks by 13 56
Beginner Q: Full synth voice VS separate modules? Modular Discussions by 14 139
My first build. Advice or patch ideas? Racks by 5 18
Starter System - for Sound and Recording Magazine Racks by 2 1179
Current setup: rack feels disjointed... Racks by 9 28
Starting off a new bad habit Racks by 10 44
Just getting started, need input! Racks by 11 49
Feedback Wanted Racks by 2 3
HappyFamily Racks by 3 78
My First Eurorack Racks by 6 14
first rack, opinions please Racks by 16 65
Erica Synths Fusion VCO Modules by 6 2305
Constructive criticism on my first rack build? (ambient, generative) Racks by 12 1571
First system Racks by 18 265
Slow and steady collection Racks by 3 2
Mini-systems from various vendors? Racks by 3 8
More useful musical references: early synthesizers and their recorded use Modular Discussions by 1 20
Small synth/first time Racks by 7 12
Feedback on my rack Racks by 4 12
Tips for my beginner rack! Racks by 1 16
Please judge my rack Racks by 4 23
Charmless Racks by 2 6
Suggestions and help with my sound design rack Racks by 3 583
Useful musical references: some early electronic (pre-synth, more or less) works Modular Discussions by 1 29
Need help, what do you think about this rack ? Racks by 4 17
HELP NEEDED! Beginner setup help. Racks by 2 11
Free State FX Macro Digital Oscillator: Display Conundrum ModularGrid this user has left ModularGrid by 5 5
New to Modular, Need some suggestions ! :-P Racks by 6 22
First rack - major help needed! Racks by 8 22
Toying with 5U again Racks by 5 8
DFAM + Mother 32 + Stuff in Arturia RackBrute 6U Racks by 4 168
KICK ASS!!! for January 2018 Modules by 3 60
Which Quad VCA? Erica Synths Black Quad VCA, Intellijel Quad VCA, MI Veils? Modules by 7 2107
Need some advice on modules to complete my 6U rack Racks by 3 18
Feedback Please on Craig's Rack Racks by 7 10
Help! Idk what I'm doing Racks by 7 18
ambient system Racks by 4 12
Dark Ambient/Sonic Universe Racks by 4 35
First Modular build - feedback please! Racks by 4 21
An idea to de-clutter the forum ModularGrid by 12 34
ADDAC200PI vs. ALM SBG Modules by 10 3917
DAMN YOU, ARTURIA!!!... Racks by 1 43
First Go Racks by 4 3
Lukree's Eurorack Racks by 8 43
technostart alt2/diy Racks by 3 4
My attractive Eurorack Racks by 9 14
Planned rack 1 Racks by 3 4
Planning feature requests ModularGrid by 7 9
1 Fader patch aspects, rules, and Racks by 1 4
Starter drums Modular Discussions by 7 56
The 'shopping list' feature ModularGrid by 4 21
Idea: flip module pictures 180° ModularGrid by 5 199
Midiot - Devil's Done v2 Racks by 1 19
first rack, need help with power supply questions Racks by 11 281
My First Modular Rig Racks by 1 10
Shapeshifter and Plonks standalone minimal gigs Racks by 1 13
EuroCrack External Audio Filter - DAW processing Racks by 2 2
Question about building a rack similar to a NYX or Atlantis Racks by 6 29
Duplicate module entries ModularGrid by 6 27
Mother 32 Expansion Racks by 4 59
Live Perfomance 6U Racks by 1 6
Dixie ii+ and Clouds Modules by 4 13
Best place to hunt rare modules - Looking for Macro Machines Storage Strip Modules by 2 2
Request ModularGrid by 3 10
Request ModularGrid by 1 5
fantasising about quantizing You by 10 2
How to deal with dubious traders? ModularGrid by 13 312
Fried a Rebel Technology Στοιχεῖα Modules by 4 13
Verbos Complex Oscillator Modules by 4 58
Eurorack Wishlist Racks by 2 7
Suggestion: Following other users ModularGrid by 7 10
My first steps in this (wallet) swamp.... Racks by 4 15
Help me with Modular Starter Pack Racks by 4 60
help me build my first doepfer duophonic Racks by 4 23
my starter system (2x104hp) - any tipps and ideas? Racks by 2 6
Help with this build Racks by 9 2
Lunchbox Eurorack (For use with Moog Werkststt and Arturia Keystep) Racks by 2 51
52hp Atom Racks by 1 4
Small Rack Built Around Pittsburgh Modular SV-1 Racks by 1 20
My first 2 Row Case Racks by 2 25
Recovery Effects Sound Destruction Device mk2 Modules by 1 6
Mother32 Sidecar Racks by 1 17